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Chinese Medicine barbecue shop

Chinese Medicine barbecue shop

By Canaday DeleonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Deng did not rest during the National Day holiday, as he was busy learning the techniques of traditional Chinese medicine barbecue in preparation for opening his first traditional Chinese medicine barbecue restaurant in Chengdu. 'There is a big market for Chinese medicine barbecue,' he said.

The fruit of the exercise

"I opened the Chinese medicine barbecue shop, not only saw the opportunity to make money but also by the founder of Chinese medicine Barbecue Gao Jianxiao's will and spirit to establish the brand."

In 1993, Gao Jianxiao came to a construction site as a porter with 80 yuan in his poor family. After finishing work one evening, Gao collapsed, and when he woke up, the smell of barbecue was overwhelming his nostrils. He opened his eyes and saw an old man holding water in one hand and a few skewers of roast meat for him to eat.

When the old man knew that Gao Jianxiao's poor family dropped out of school and worked on the construction site, his physical strength was not enough to faint on the street, he said: "Construction workers are physical work, how can you be so thin body? You come and help me cook barbecue, I care about your food and housing, you can also learn some crafts, "Gao Jianxiao nodded and agreed.

But working in a smoky environment for a long time can do great damage to your eyes. When Gao woke up one morning, he felt he couldn't see anything. To spend less money, Gao Jianxiao had to choose to go back to his hometown to find old Chinese medicine: treatment. "Compared with Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine not only treats the symptoms but also the root causes but also can be taken when you are not sick. It can strengthen your body and prevent diseases."

Gao Jianxiao thought: "If you can research a kind of Chinese medicine barbecue ingredients, that can not eliminate the customer worry about eating barbecue fire?" So, Gao Jianxiao every day with the old Chinese medicine to help with the test. After half a year of effort, they developed the ingredients of Chinese medicine barbecue, that is, adding Chinese medicine ingredients in the original formula of spicy hemp, such as please heat detoxification and fire reducing licorice, to remove the smell of Angelica, to remove the greasy and stomach-strengthening angel, cinnamon to increase the fragrance, clear the heat and fire reducing rock sugar grass and so on. Each marinade adds a different variety and amount of traditional Chinese medicine, allowing it to quickly marinate various types of meat and infuse the barbecue flavor into the meat. In less than 3 months, his barbecue has become a little famous among the locals, attracted by the reputation of diners in a stream, the traditional Chinese medicine barbecue was officially born.

The market outlook is compelling

Mr. Deng said young people are "good eaters" and as long as the taste is good, there is no shortage of business. However, Mr. Deng told reporters frankly, the current market barbecue not only tastes single, and eat too much easy to get hot. And the traditional Chinese medicine barbecue adopts the traditional Chinese medicine formula, its taste can be compared with international brand fried chicken.

So, investment in a Chinese medicine barbecue shop needs how much input.

Mr. Deng's investment budget is like this: rent 10 square meters of adjacent street shop, monthly rent of 2000 yuan, annual rent of 24,000 yuan; Store decoration (including custom shop recruitment)3000 yuan, 3 years amortization, annual allocation of 1000 yuan: purchase operation facilities 3000 yuan, 3 years amortization, annual allocation of 1000 yuan: hire 2 people, monthly salary of 1000 yuan, annual payment of 24,000 yuan staff salary: water, electricity, gas monthly expenditure of 500 yuan, annual payment of 6000 yuan: Other expenses and unforeseeable expenses 2000 yuan. The total fixed operating cost is 58,000 yuan/year.

The expected output is as follows: according to the average daily turnover of 1000 yuan, monthly turnover of 30,000 yuan, annual turnover of 360,000 yuan, according to 50% gross profit calculation, gross profit of 180,000 yuan. After deducting the fixed operating cost of 58,000 yuan, the net profit can be 132,000 yuan/year.

Brand care is the priority

Mr. Deng told reporters, that the barbecue brand by Chinese medicine, therefore, to guarantee the barbecue brand achieves sustainable development of Chinese medicine, the headquarters will fully import brand strategy, standardized, unified management, implement Q5C, sets up the new image: uniform standard, unified image, unified packaging, unified formula, cast the first brand of leisure snacks.

Headquarters requires each franchisee must be in strict accordance with the headquarters provisions of the operation process to produce products.

To let the Chinese medicine barbecue brand can go to all parts of the country so that no amount of capital friends can also invest. The company does not advocate charging a high franchise fee. At the same time, the scale of the store is not required, and the form of the store within the store or the independent store with more than 10 square meters can be adopted. The headquarters will also provide free upgrade services for new technology and production secrets throughout the year, making it a heavy weapon for franchisee entrepreneurship and later expansion.

"Investment in traditional Chinese medicine barbecue can not be urgent, because such food as traditional Chinese medicine barbecue, are of little value, can not become rich overnight, but it is real, reliable, feasible, real, low risk, more suitable for small entrepreneurs to invest." Mr. Deng has already seen the path and strategy of investing in traditional Chinese medicine barbecue.

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About the Creator

Canaday Deleon

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