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Chapter 7

The Battle Begins

By Creative LinePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Chapter 7
Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

For the next forty years, God’s people wandered around in

the wilderness. They needed this time to learn to trust God for

everything and to become a strong and mighty nation.

The great leader Moses grew very old and brought the

people to the edge of the Promised Land once again. When

Moses died, Joshua became the new leader of the Israelites.

God chose Joshua for this job and gave him great

encouragement. “Remember, I am with you wherever you go,”

said the Lord.

Taking control of the Promised Land was not going to be

easy. There were many cities and armies to conquer. But God’s

people were ready. They had the strongest weapon on their

side-the Almighty God.

Joshua began to think about the battle to come. Jericho,

large and sturdy, would be a challenge for most armies. But

Joshua wasn’t worried. The Lord is on our side, he reminded

himself. Even God’s unusual plan for victory didn’t concern the

leader. He had witnessed God’s power all his life and trusted

that God’s plan would work.

God told Joshua that it would take seven days to conquer

Jericho. On the first six days, the army marched around the city

once each day. Seven priests blowing trumpets made of

sheep’s horns marched along with them.

On the seventh day, the army got ready at dawn and began

their daily maneuvers around Jericho. They marched seven

times around the walls of the city. Then God’s big plan came

into action. The seventh time around, Joshua commanded:

“The Lord has given us this city! Now shout, soldiers, shout!”

The priests blew their trumpets as hard as they could. The

soldiers shouted with all their might. The walls of Jericho

shook and came crashing down.

Joshua and his army walked right into Jericho and claimed

it for the Israelite people, just as God had promised.

The following story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental. The characters depicted in this story are not real and any similarities to actual people, animals, or creatures are unintentional. The story is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously or as factual. The author does not condone or promote any illegal, harmful or unethical behavior. The story may contain mild language, humor, or suspense that may not be suitable for all readers. Parental guidance is advised. The author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken by readers based on the content of this story.

In today's world, it's essential to include disclaimers in children's stories. Disclaimers help to clarify the purpose of the story and protect both the author and publisher from any legal liability. Disclaimers are an integral part of children's literature, and they can serve multiple purposes.

Firstly, disclaimers can help to manage reader expectations. A disclaimer can inform the reader about the type of content they are about to read. For instance, if a story contains mild language or a scene that may be scary for some children, a disclaimer can prepare the reader for what's to come. It can also help parents to decide if the content is appropriate for their child.

Secondly, disclaimers can help to protect the author and publisher from legal liability. In today's litigious society, it's essential to take steps to minimize legal risks. Disclaimers can help to clarify that the story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. It can also help to clarify that the author and publisher are not responsible for any actions taken by readers based on the content of the story.

In conclusion, including a disclaimer in children's stories is an essential practice for authors and publishers. It helps to manage reader expectations and protect against legal liability. As a parent, it's important to read the disclaimer before allowing your child to read the story and ensure that the content is appropriate for their age and maturity level.


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Creative Line

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