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Can I replace all my meals with protein powder?

All you need to know about protein shakes

By Ali HamdyPublished 8 months ago 6 min read
Can I replace all my meals with protein powder?
Photo by HowToGym on Unsplash

Protein shakes?

The global market for protein powder is 18.9 billion dollars per year with half of those sales being from the us alone America's got gains y'all not long ago protein powder was mostly used by athletes but now it seems like everyone and their mom is absolutely hocking back this stuff and that's how you do it so today we are going to explain exactly what happens to your brain and body if you were to replace every single one of your meals with whey protein powder and how long would it take to kill ya the first thing you'd notice is the farts because of how protein powder affects your gut when we eat protein the molecules begin to be digested in the stomach where the acid unfolds the protein for the enzyme pepsin to cut the protein up into smaller pieces these pieces of protein then enter the small intestine where enzymes break them down even further into amino acids which are absorbed into your body and taken to the eye liver but unlike carbohydrates and fats these proteins in the small intestines have slower gastric emptying time which means it takes longer for them to go through the digestive system has more time to interact with the bacteria feeding off of them which increases the amount of hydrogen sulfide produced in your gut it's the sulfide and the hydrogen sulfides that make your fart smell rotten hot one study found that high protein diets can cause up to seven times more hydrogen sulfide release from your dang butthole but protein doesn't just make you smell like a human restroom it's actually also very important to your body there are 20 amino acids that make up proteins in your body nine of which are essential and you need to consume them that is eat them in order to survive so the protein powder will be covering you for those and helping with wound healing and some immune functions and of course building the muscle but uh within a few weeks you will start to see some major issues with other parts of your body as you will become deficient in the nutrients that affect your bones your liver your kidneys and your heart ever heard of that kind of important if you only consumed protein powder you would not get enough calcium in your diet so your body would begin to take the calcium from your bones to compensate for the lack of calcium you are consuming from normal meals eventually this would lead to the diagnosis of osteoporosis which is significantly lower bone density with an increased risk of fractures that's not good if you're trying to lift weights in the gym low calcium would also affect your skin with it becoming scaly your nails would become more brittle and your hair would become more coarse essentially you'll end up looking like carrot top with busted nails and eventually the lack of calcium will begin to affect your brain and cause confusion memory loss and hallucinations so at this point you look messed up and maybe you're starting to talk to your free weights as if they're your friends but thankfully an 18-month study showed individuals who consume 45 grams of whey protein on top of their moderate protein intake from a normal diet had no changes to their bone density again this study was for people who were taking whey protein on top of their normal diet they're forgetting the correct amount of calcium from that if you were replacing all of your meals with whey protein you would look like a sick demon with maybe a couple of nice packs replacing your meals with jesuit protein powder would start to affect one of my favorite organs which is the adorable little kidneys these little babies help filter your blood when there is increased protein in your blood it means your blood is more concentrated and puts more strain on your kidneys since fluid likes moving to areas of high concentration through osmosis jones high protein in your diet can add fluid volume in your blood vessels this causes the vessels to dilate and increases your blood pressure the vessels that filter blood in the kidneys may eventually become damaged due to the constant high pressure leading to protein leaking into your urine studies have found that high protein diets cause an increased filtration rate on the kidneys but we don't exactly know the impact over long periods of time these protein powders and high protein diets are actually very new and so there needs to be more research on that in a study of 9226 south koreans the individuals with the highest daily protein intake had a 3.5 fold higher filtration in their kidneys so over time kidney failure could be imminent protein shakes have also been shown to be harmful to the detoxifier of your body the liver in a report reviewing the top 134 selling protein powders 70 had traces of lead 1.5 times the accepted amount 74 had cadmium 4.7 times the average amount and 55 had bpa any of these protein powders could be affecting the liver and especially if all you're eating is that egg protein powder in one case a patient had multiple whey protein and creatine supplements for 60 to 90 days and they presented to the hospital with yellowing of their eyes and skin because the protein powder induced liver toxicity the only protein powder you could become yellow a study from last year found that yes due to the lack of regulation of protein powders many of them have arsenic lead mercury but these studies did find that based on two protein powder shakes per day you would not be exceeding any limit to see physiological damage but we are going to be needing more than two protein powders a day to replace all of our meals and at this point you might see neurotoxicity from lead poisoning lead poisoning happens because lead physiologically competes with calcium in the body calcium is essential to proper neurological functions in order for your neurons to literally fire so your central nervous system would be under attack from the lead as well lead causes negative effects on your ability to reproduce and on your kidneys remember those poor little babies now they're getting double hit not to mention that you are no longer chewing and new studies have found that chewing the physiological activity is very important for your body to be signaled to be satiated slow eating and chewing can control appetite so since you're not doing that you're going to be more hungry you're going to need even more protein shakes and then you're going to smell even more like a disgusting bag of garbage in 1976 a book called the last chance diet talked about the liquid protein diet as a weight loss solution and caused over 100 000 people to go on this liquid protein diet for at least a month this resulted in 60 deaths with 17 of those deaths being in completely healthy people most of the healthy people died due to a decreased blood flow throughout their body known as a ventricular arrhythmia which was due to abnormal heartbeats they think this was actually because of the dramatic weight loss that came from switching to this liquid protein diet as well as a magnesium deficiency that they realized was happening in these people who were only having these protein shakes so this is an example of how after one month of liquid protein diet you could die so it's fair to say that having protein shakes as your only meals is not a good idea but i get it i guess we're in the age of the jacked bro.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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About the Creator

Ali Hamdy

I am an architect who loves to research random topics and share my thoughts with fellow writers <3

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  • Ali Hamdy (Author)8 months ago

    I hope I make it someday

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