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Breaking Into the Lucrative World of iOS App Development Learning

A Guide to Entering the Lucrative Realm of iOS App Development

By Ubuy AcademyPublished about a year ago 5 min read

With people being highly accustomed to mobile phones for all their daily tasks, the need for Android and iOS app development training has grown immensely. Due to this available scope, mobile app development has become one of the major career choices for students seeking to hack it in the IT field. One of the reasons it has become so popular is because of the availability of convenient and less pricey tools for development and testing.

Now, there exist two options for developers to choose from in this domain, namely iOS and Android, giving learners a chance to go for their preferred option. Among the mentioned career paths, iOS app developer learning is more prominent as its business-centric approach offers you the chance to build better user-friendly applications with outstanding functionality and performance.

What is iOS App Development?

Developing ios-based applications for Apple devices such as iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch comes under iOS app development. Here the code for the application is written first in either Objective-C or Swift programming language, and then after testing, the app is published on the app store. The most important aspect of iOS app development training is to master either Objective-C or Swift programming language.

Languages Utilised for iOS App Development

Among the two programming languages, Swift is comparably easy to understand and compile as with it programmers don’t have to meddle in bookkeeping. The major features of this high-level programming language are its performance and security, making it 2.6 times more efficient than Objective-C. Whereas Objective-C being immensely familiar to C language, is a general-purpose language that follows object-oriented paradigms. This means apps developed by using Objective-C are based on data and objects rather than functions and logic. This is why developers tend to use Objective-C when handling the maintenance of old applications instead of moving them to Swift.

Why is iOS App Development More Lucrative Than Android App Development?

Since its inception in 2007, iOS has made its name throughout the world for its amazing functionalities and luxury appeal, making customers drool over its proprietary devices. Even in the application development context, iOS applications have always been top-notch in terms of performance and features, which is why people looking to purchase phones in the luxury segment often go for iPhones rather than Android phones. Now let's go through the reasons for such prevalence.

Outstanding Customer Experience

Customer experience is the best way to rate any device, as making customers happy depicts that they must have done something right. For this purpose, Apple has maintained various guidelines that every developer involved in iOS app development needs to follow so that users never have to face any issues in terms of customer experience.

Amazing App Interface

Another significant aspect of iOS app development is the interface provided by Apple, which makes the developed applications run smoothly and look appealing to the users. This not only makes the users happy but also leads to better business opportunities through the application.

    Grab the Attention of Techies

In this modern world, the first objective of any running business is to grab the attention of customers with its products or services, which has been done magnificently by Apple since the time its devices were first launched. This is why every tech-savvy person thinks of owning an Apple device. So developing apps for such customers lets you take advantage of the already prevalent loyalty for Apple.

Offer Superb Security Features

With any application, be it for Android or iOS, security has always been the major concern for users; however, this isn't the case for iOS applications as they don't have to worry about external threats such as malware or viruses. iOS applications are built in such a way that they protect users by disposing of threats such as hacking, phishing and many more.

What Skills are Acquired in iOS Developer Training?

iOS app development is not a small field, as it consists of various segments such as coding, testing and deploying, all of which require the developers to be proficient in a variety of things. All the technical skills that you will acquire after pursuing an iOS developer training course are as follows:

Swift Programming Learning

Swift is an object-based programming language built by Apple for the purpose of developing iOS applications. It is a fast and easily understandable language that lets developers build applications with high functionality.

Xcode Training

Xcode provides a development environment for developers that consists of various tools and necessities for programming, making both development and deployment effortless. It also helps reduce the time and cost constraints of a developed application by parallelly working on two unrelated tasks.

Core Data

This framework helps simplify the management of objects which lets the developers not worry about routine tasks related to graph management and object life cycle. This also helps in reducing the total code needed for app development.

Memory Management

It is crucial in the case of iOS as it relies on the integrated RAM for storing data temporarily. The allocation of the memory is done dynamically by the OS, making the iOS devices resource constrained.

Source Control

This strategy helps monitor the changes made in the code to prevent any sort of conflict between different developers working on the same project.

Grand Central Dispatch

iOS applications require Grand Central Dispatch to run heavy operations in the background without hampering the user experience. This helps promote parallelism and concurrency in the application.

Why is the Demand for iOS Developer Classes Going Sky-high?

Everyone knows that Android has covered a wider market segment due to its low-priced mobile phones. However, Apple is still not far behind as the total number of iPhone users around the globe is at least 1 billion. All these iPhones work on iOS, which has made the need for iOS app developers grow exponentially.

Let’s take a peek at a few stats to understand this in a better way:

Till 2021 the iPhone app store had around 2.22 million applications available to download for its users, which were predicted to generate at least 935 million USD within 2023. This stat alone depicts why iOS training courses are getting filled up so quickly and why people have become more interested in learning iOS development.

Also, as per the CIO Magazine, mobile app development falls under the ten highly sought-after career choices, whereas the US Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that by 2029 the number of app developer roles is going to increase by 22%.

Which iOS Course Training Institute in Jaipur will Help You Work Seamlessly with Apple Platforms?

There are a vast number of iOS learning programs going on, but choosing the best one that matches your expectations is really hard. Selecting the right iOS development training can make or break your goals; thus, to make things easier for you, we present to you the best iOS training institute in Jaipur, i.e., Ubuy Academy. It offers both beginners and working professionals the chance to make it big in the iOS development field. The major reasons for opting for this iOS developer training have been given underneath:

  • Hands-on experience
  • In-depth knowledge
  • Networking opportunities
  • Placement opportunities
  • Industry expert ment


About the Creator

Ubuy Academy

Ubuy Academy is an IT training institute in Jaipur where students get to choose from a broad selection of IT courses that assist them in building a career in the ever-expanding IT industry.

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