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Being an English Major

Something Stephanie Meyers never studied.

By Sydney MoorePublished 7 years ago 2 min read

I go to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. It's big and notable alumni include a bunch of scientists and Clay Aiken....that's about it. I knew I wanted to do something with writing when I was a senior in high school, I just wasn't sure what. I saw a career counselor and they had the bright idea of combining something I love, like art, movies, and music, with writing, which is something I enjoy anyway (I'm here, ain't I?) "You could be a reviewer!" And just like that, I was sold into a world of Shakespeare, AP style guides, and abstract poetry that I have a new appreciation for. I honestly can't think of another major I would rather be studying as of now. Music majors have no time, art majors spend a fortune on supplies, theater majors have to study tech theater, which is a whole thing, and with english all you need is paper and a pen or a laptop and a book and it's just simpler.

This isn't the super in-depth story of how I chose my major and this sure as hell isn't a how-to on how to find yours, though I should look into writing one. This is going to be more about being in a field that hasn't been popular since forever. The only field that rivals that unpopularity has to be anthropology, which ironically enough, I just had an anthropology major tell me how awful English is today, so it may be more about perspective, but I'll continue.

At orientation, an adviser called students by major, at which point they got up and headed to their respective departments. To be one of two people getting up in front of everyone was the most awkward thing on the planet! But it was worth it to be one of the first ones done with advising. The school year would kind of mimic that experience but I half-anticipated it because when there's an option to be an engineering major and make money, who wouldn't do, that's who. I have a large sense of pride. I know I want to make money but I also know that I don't want to compromise what I love. Does that mean I should choose the outcast major of majors? If it sparkles and pleases.

It has actually come to the point where I am excited to meet another English major outside of my classes and as sad as that sounds, I feel somewhat like a unicorn. A Shakespeare analyzing unicorn. I'm able to wear what I study with pride because here, it's such an apparent rarity. This doesn't mean that there aren't cons. I quickly get turned away for a majority of professional jobs, there aren't many prospects to begin with, and who can forget that half disgusted face people give you when you say what you study as if they already know that you're probably not going to get hired? Like your grandma? Or the rest of your family?

Whatever. So I may have to dig a bit deeper. I can do that. No one liked Edgar Allan Poe until he died alone on a park bench. Although I hope people like me and my writing way before it comes to that. I chose this because I was scared of feeling miserable at a job that I hated and as I go more in depth of this major, I see myself going further away from that possible future, which is good! But with that choice (I can’t believe I’m gonna say this) comes great responsibility.


About the Creator

Sydney Moore

I'm an English major, so why not?

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