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Are We Brainwashed? And It's Kind of About College

Brace Yourself, Loans are Coming

By Sean WPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
Watch Out!!! Loans are Coming!!!

If you've ever played the board game, "The Game of Life." You'll know that the first thing that you'll stumble across is a decision to either, "STOP, GO TO COLLEGE" or just start working. The cute little characters and the joy of being able to go through adorable little scenarios makes everything seem so simple in the world when it's on a game board. And when it comes to the happily ever after part of our brains where we think all of our dreams can come true, we welcome into our heads the impossible realm of fantasy that's alive and active in today's society. It's certainly one of my favorite games, but maybe when it came to stopping to go to college in the real game of life, I can say maybe I was a little too naïve to predestine my calling in life.

I want to first and foremost give a giant shoutout to all of the brilliant scholars and educated people who actually decided to pursue education in the genuine sophisticated manner of having an actual reason to go. I also want to say good job to all of you who even accomplished the task of getting through college, because let's face it, you worked hard to get through it and that can say a lot about a person. And although you did it, you've only finished the trial of how to do your life in an education system, and now you actually have to do it: life. Life beyond education is so much more advanced, real, prejudice and if you look hard enough for it with an open mind, more beautiful than our captivity from our true independence that we've all longed for. Now, is happiness a true indicator of succeeding in our independence? I strongly believe so. If you're not happy, seek it out.

"What on earth do I want to be successful at though and how do I get there", I asked myself 6 years ago. "Well, I'm a Christian, and I love people, so maybe I should just go for Christian Education." So that's what I did. What I believe people do is search for things in life to keep them busy until their individual game of life is up. People search, change majors, go back to school, or if they have enough money, go to college for the remainder of their life, trying to figure out what multiple majors will help them be the happiest. And as soon as they stop realizing that the real game of life costs money, it turns into a game of loans, and as soon as loans are a factor, it can factor into the indecisiveness of, "Is this major really what I want to do." Or after a quick google search of, "top paying majors" when you're about to graduate you realize that you'll never be able to payoff student loans, because you'll probably get paid $20,000 dollars a year.

Money is a material thing, passions are real. Love is a passion and breakups between two loved ones for example happen based on many things: Falling out of love, cheating, lack of communication, lack of passion, and yes, money can be a big factor as well. So how does this relate to my article? It's probably the biggest part of it. You probably got asked 2,500 times by people what you're going to do after high school... or even after college. People give us nonexistent expectations to follow long before we may even know what our true calling may be. Maybe this forces us to pick something irrationally out of society telling and pleading us to pick the educational route. Love and happiness can take time and energy, but it's worth it, because if you play your cards right, time and energy is what you have when you're young. When you put in the time to learn life and put yourself in the real world you can figure out what your true passions are. College isn't going anywhere, so why not wait till you're 40 and have true learned experience passions to focus it, instead of trying to figure out a passion trade in school only to be told by your inner conscience saying it wasn't really for you when you get your first student loan bill.

I certainly am happy with where I am at in life despite feeling used by education. Would I have given up my college experience? Not at all. It was amazing and now I have the greatest of friends, an apartment that is awesome, really yummy food, this computer that I'm typing on, oxygen to breath, clean water, so many connections, a little bit of money on the side, and all the time in the world. I am also still young enough to adventure into the realms of the real world to figure out what I love and harness that love into a passion in which I can give back to this beautiful world. I only wish I was passionate about why I went to college. It could've made me a better student. :)


About the Creator

Sean W

If you think you're cool, you couldn't have been more right. Stay golden people.

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