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Actionable Tips for Better Conflict Resolution for Leaders

Implement Them Today!

By Angela AshPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Effective conflict resolution in the workplace relies on a multifaceted approach and leaders’ mastery of specific soft skills. In other words, industry expertise doesn’t amount to much.

That’s why soft skill training has been put in the focus of modern workplaces, which, however, isn’t to say that every leader has what it takes to deal with the rapidly changing variables.

For one thing, businesses are increasingly adopting hybrid work models, which necessitate a different approach to people skills. To top it off, many businesses are relying on a multi-ethnic workforce, meaning that cultural subtleties also need to be taken into account.

Regardless, certain soft skills are universally welcome, and we’ll hereby describe the most important of these.

Establish Guidelines for Respectful Communication During Conflicts

No matter the approach, leaders would do well to establish guidelines that will guarantee respectful communication during conflicts.

While the list is not definite, it should include a couple of proven approaches, as follows:

  • Active listening
  • Respectful language
  • No blame assignment
  • Staying on topic
  • Avoiding defensiveness
  • Setting time limits that should be equal for all parties involved
  • Being solution-oriented
  • Respecting the confidentiality of the parties involved

Setting ground rules helps leaders to create a safe environment where conflicts can be addressed constructively.

Listen Actively

Successful conflict resolution for leaders starts with active listening, without exceptions. Leaders who can give their full attention to whatever parties involved in a conflict are saying without interrupting them stand a fair chance of resolving the conundrum.

The skill allows leaders to identify the root causes of the conflict at hand and devise appropriate approaches to handling them.

In addition, active listening signals that the parties’ concerns are being taken seriously. The practice typically leads to increased trust and openness, which is critical for effective conflict resolution.

In addition, active listening helps leaders gain a deeper understanding of the underlying issues, which may remain in the future. Simply put, the soft skill equips them with the means to address the core problems instead of their symptoms.

Keep Emotions in Check

One of the basics of effective conflict resolution is the ability to stay calm even when faced with intense emotions.

As a rule, leaders should serve as role models for their teams, meaning that their conflict-resolution skills set the template for the entire company. Staying composed translates into the possibility of resolving ANY conflict maturely — the prerequisite for engagement and constructivism.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, too. Staying calm in the face of a conflict allows leaders to think clearly, which, in turn, translates into making rational decisions. It’s no rocket science that emotions tend to cloud judgment, which is a huge no-go in the workplace.

Not to mention that staying calm helps leaders maintain authority. Respect plays a crucial role in the workplace and it should be maintained at all costs.

Don’t Assign Blame

Closely linked to the two soft skills mentioned above is leaders’ ability to not assign blame. Blame is counterproductive, simply put. It only serves to foster resentment among team members, which is certain to escalate at some point.

From the leaders’ point of view, assigning blame diverts their attention from the real underlying issue. Root causes are typically left hidden, which allows them to recur.

Instead of this approach, it’s far more creative to identify solutions that will serve as a basis for preventing future conflicts.

Find Common Ground

Effective conflict resolution involves finding common ground for people who are different regardless of the company culture.

Instead of assigning blame, leaders should focus on identifying shared goals, interests and similarities, in an attempt to set a solid resolution foundation.

Typically, shared objectives create a sense of unity, no matter the circumstances. That is to say, it’s a perfect common ground for turning conflicts into creative initiatives, which help solve conflict situations without fail.

Finding common ground can also contribute to improving relationships among team members. When people realize they share common goals, they are more likely to trust others. This is a win-win long-term strategy that can benefit everyone in the long run.


Empathy can never go amiss when it comes to conflict resolution, but that doesn’t translate into taking sides.

Instead, leaders should show the same approach to all parties involved and try to understand being in their shoes. Empathy is, in fact, a critical touch that can determine the trajectory of the conflict resolution process.

For it to work, however, it needs to be genuine. Only by genuinely understanding and appreciating conflicting perspectives can leaders hope to really understand the core issue behind a conflict. In addition, it allows an insight into parties’ motivations, frustrations, fears, and hopes. Realizing this can help leaders craft better approaches in future scenarios, meaning that empathy is essential.

Overall, these soft skills ensure efficient conflict resolution and should, therefore, be the starting point of any potentially tricky situation.


About the Creator

Angela Ash

Angela Ash is a writer and editor, and is also the Content Manager for Flow SEO.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Yes! Better conflict resolution! Great work!

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