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A story created on unknown words

Story created for unknown words

By Abubakar AliPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Just as Syria brings hundreds of stories wrapped up in itself, whether some stories exist or not, it has a whirlpool inside it that shakes man's thinking and acquaints him with the worlds of the heavens. An elderly woman was busy in her ankle where she was shedding the experience of her life with her sad eyes. There was power in his words that was strong but! They were speaking very politely ...

Only those who are familiar with the evolution of hi can feel their sigh!

The words were something like this:

"Money is also with -------"

Shakira didn't know his story.

But as soon as these words came out of his old lips, his soul shook!

Then he heard a heartbeat in the basement of his heart that had probably gone to the neurons of his brain and then he passed by the ladder of thought which was probably necessary for this stimulation to pass, this sentence which was inside him. Were sitting on the pulse of the manipulator was unfamiliar with the aspect of his real story, the bulb of his brain could not stay without light in the darkness inside ____

I wondered what the story was behind these unknown words!

He began to think ____ Why is the old lady who is a rich woman in her own right?

His unknown words created a story in his mind!

The beginning of thinking, passing through unknown words, turned into a story!

The story of the old lady was a different story, but that sentence created a thought in her that contained the answer to all her previous questions.

Shakira speaks to herself:

Money is a thing that blinds man and makes society a priest! Nowadays people are openly blaspheming but they are not even aware of this denial.

Your provision has been written in your destiny, you have to give it! The rest of the effort only takes a person to the heights of Sufism.

And what is Sufism !!!

Halal thinking is desperately needed to cover her real cloak!

Nothing can happen if a person leaves everything without trying, just as in the Alchemist Santiago had to walk to get to his destination ___

Exactly the same

The halal way is necessary, haraam money only shows haraam impressions!

A conversation started between him and his father ___ he was talking about the thinking of society nowadays ____ was commenting on "marriage" and it started with money he asked his father why our society is behind money Running ?????

Money priority while character has become unnecessary!

_____ I mean, even if you have to get married, the honorable family, that is, those who have money, have the upper hand, he asked in surprise.

Dear Father John! If the character is dead, then the money has to be added.

Dad was looking at her smiling. Dad was the only person she could talk to and he listened to her every word with understanding and understanding and understood her thinking and her!

Now he had to say so much and the next thought he also said ____ yes it is true that no one likes to ask ____ yes money is necessary but _halal !!

But the last character of man is priority and this is heavy on wealth!

So much so that the father said to Shakira:

Yes, son, you are right! I have also seen the times and every human being sitting next to me and I have seen young boys who are always on the call and talking about girls in public ... leave it at that married. They are in the same circle!

He said, "Father, look at the situation of that time!" The character itself tells the times of man. Where black money is increasing, the character of man is also clinging to filth.

The halal thing has its own self, while the haraam thing spoils it!

An epidemic in this society There is also misconception, indifference and selfishness! That's enough to break up a relationship!

Just as imagination and contemplation lead man to the heights of character, so wrong thinking and misinterpretation and selfishness destroy man!

Her father says:

Man is also related to the creatures of اگر If he is a hypocrite, if he has bad intentions then he gets his fruit burnt and if he is a man of intention then what

Let it be ___ even his hair can't be left!

Here people do not allow any word to come on the characters of their siblings.

Your tears are very precious to them __ but !!!! The hair of others does not even flutter until they are heard ___

Wherever the bus goes, it makes stories and conveys them to others. Yes, there are some good people who also feel about others, but a lot of dirt is spreading which is being covered but no solution is coming out!

In which the important role is played by the women of our society who have been affected by the society and they have used their free time in the swing of mischief and in blaming others.

Society does not seek good and evil and without research it has to tell the end and the beginning of the story by itself.

No one's honor has anything to do with the honor of the society.

(Shakira and her father ___ of the sky

Look away and want silence) ___

The worms of the mind have woven the clothes of filth

Bring spiders, transparent webs, that is, white threads!

Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing

How about Lao glass society has turned black

how to

About the Creator

Abubakar Ali

I Love writing and Exploring

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