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8 Keto Diet Myths and Facts: What You Need to Know

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By KashifPublished about a year ago 3 min read
8 Keto Diet Myths and Facts: What You Need to Know
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash
  1. Although the conversation about the Ketogenic diet is widespread, many people still find it challenging to tell what is fact or fiction. In this article, you will gain insights into the myths and facts surrounding the Ketogenic diet.

    Click here_What Is Exactly Is a Keto Diet?

    The Keto diet works on the principle that by depleting carbohydrates, you will burn fat for fuel, hence maximizing weight loss. It entails a gradual reduction of carbs intake and replacing it with fats.

    Keto Diet Myths/Facts

    Here are the common Keto diet myths and facts.

    Myth 1: You Can Consume Any Fat

    Fact: When practicing Ketogenic, people consume healthy fats. If you want to keep fit, avoid saturated fats, and focus on organic foods rich in fiber. To prevent any stomach discomfort, space out the quantity of your daily fat intake.

    Myth 2: Weight Loss is the Only Benefit of Keto Diet

    Fact: Contrary to what many believe, the Keto diet has immense benefits other than weight loss. For instance, it enhances cognitive function, boosts gut health, regulates body hormones, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

    Myth 3: You Don't Need to Exercise

    Fact: Exercising is highly recommended when you are on a Keto diet. However, to achieve more out of workouts, ensure you eat adequately, and allow enough time for recovery. To exercise, you may need more carbs, and it is essential to up your carb consumption on workout days.

    Myth 4: Your Muscle Mass Will Reduce

    Fact: As opposed to the myth, people who follow the diet while doing strength exercises gain muscles.

    Myth 4: It Is Characterized By Fatigue

    Fact: During the adjustment period of the diet, you may feel tired, but that condition will diminish with time. More importantly, not everyone experiences fatigue during dieting. However, if you encounter it, bear in mind that it won't last beyond a week.

    Myth 5: The Diet is for a Short Period

    Fact: The duration of the diet intake depends on your health and fitness goals. In most cases, the standard period is between three to five months. After this phase, you may revert to your regular eating patterns for some weeks.

    Myth 6: There is no Science behind the Diet

    Facts: Several scientific studies support the Ketogenic diet. For instance, particular research shows that the diet was initially created to help epileptic patients regulate seizures. Additionally, the diet helps reduce or maintain body weight.

    Myth 7: Rich in a Lot of Fats and Proteins

    Fact: The diet doesn't contain high fats and proteins. Depending on one's training goals, the macronutrient is apportioned based on individual requirements. For example, the typical macronutrient split for this diet includes low carbs, high fat, and moderate protein.

    Myth 8: Causes Heart Attack

    Fact: Keto diet encompasses the intake of saturated fats, which doesn't cause a heart attack.

    Final Thoughts

    This diet can help you improve your fitness and health goals. If you want to succeed from the diet, it is vital to scrutinize the myths surrounding the diet and adopt the evidence-based facts.
    you are thinking that this kind of weight loss plan is harmful for your health, you would be right. However, you should not totally rule it out just yet. Although the ketogenic diet may sound like it's bad for you, there are some healthy benefits to it. For example, ketogenic diets enable you to burn a lot more fat compared to other low carb diets. This allows you to reach your ideal weight much faster than other low carb diets.

    One of the reasons why you should take a look at the ketogenic diet is because of all of the fat burning and weight loss that it can provide you with. This diet involves eating primarily fats and proteins. This diet requires that you increase your protein intake significantly, which results in you burning off lots of fat. Also, you will be eliminating a large amount of carbohydrates from your diet, which results in you being able to achieve or maintain your ideal weight. If you are looking to lose a few pounds and have been trying low carb diets, then this diet is definitely for you!

    So... do you want to get more tips and learn more on the benefits of keto diet and others related health topics:

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