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7 tips for healthy Teeth and gums

Oral health

By derek joPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It’s crucial to keep your mouth healthy if you want to be healthy generally.

Here are seven

suggestions for maintaining healthy teeth and gums:

1. Regular tooth brushing and flossing, include flossing every day and brushing your teeth

at least twice a day for two minutes each. Brush your teeth and gums with a soft-bristled

brush and fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque and bacteria.


2,Maintain a balanced diet and limit your intake of sweet and acidic foods and beverages, which

can erode your teeth’s enamel and cause decay. Instead, choose a well-balanced diet rich in

fresh produce, lean meats, and other healthy foods.

3.Use mouthwash to destroy bacteria and freshen your breath. Rinse your mouth out with an

antiseptic mouthwash. To bolster the strength of your teeth, look for fluoride-containing



4.Go to the dentist frequently: To prevent and address any issues with your oral health, make an

appointment for routine dental cleanings and exams. Additionally, your dentist might offer

suggestions on how to strengthen your oral hygiene practice.

5.Avoid using tobacco and drinking too much alcohol: Smoking and using tobacco products can

lead to oral health problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Similar to smoking, drinking too

much alcohol can harm your teeth and gums. Avoid these practices to keep your smile healthy.

By Diana Polekhina on Unsplash


6.When it comes to healthy teeth and gums, fluoride toothpaste is an important tool. Fluoride is a mineral that helps strengthen the enamel on your teeth, which makes them less susceptible to decay. It also helps reduce the amount of acid produced by bacteria in your mouth, making it harder for them to damage your teeth.

To get the most out of your fluoride toothpaste, you should use a pea-sized amount when brushing twice a day. It's also important to make sure you brush for at least two minutes each time, using gentle strokes and reaching all areas of your mouth.

You may want to consider talking to your dentist about using a higher concentration of fluoride toothpaste if you are at risk of cavities or periodontal (gum) disease. Also, ask your dentist about products like mouth rinses and special dental trays that can help deliver more fluoride to your teeth.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is an important part of staying healthy. Using fluoride toothpaste regularly can help protect your teeth from decay and make sure that your smile stays bright and beautiful.

7.Dental sealants are a preventive dental treatment used to protect teeth from decay. This thin plastic coating is painted onto the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars in order to seal out food particles, plaque, and bacteria. The sealant acts as a barrier, keeping germs and debris away from the teeth, and creating a smooth surface that is easier to clean with brushing and flossing.

Studies have shown that regular use of dental sealants can reduce the risk of cavities by nearly 80%. Because the sealant is highly effective at blocking out decay-causing bacteria, it is often recommended for children and adolescents who are more prone to tooth decay. It can also be a good choice for adults with deeper grooves in their back teeth, which makes it difficult for them to keep their teeth clean on their own.

Applying dental sealants is fast and painless. First, the dentist or hygienist will clean the surface of the tooth, then they will dry it and roughen up the area with an acid solution. The sealant is then painted onto the tooth and allowed to harden. Regular checkups with your dentist will help ensure that the sealants are still effective and intact.



About the Creator

derek jo

I try to provide tons of value to people through my work.The stories will mostly be about health,wealth,tech. and self help.

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