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4 small businesses that you can start without any type of investment

this is the 4 side hustles that you can have to make some extra money monthly

By Vanessa Cátia Paunde MelâneoPublished 10 months ago 6 min read

In order to attain financial stability, it is advisable to establish multiple streams of income. If you are interested in discovering the most lucrative side hustles that can be initiated without any initial investment, please take a moment to join me. The side hustles that I will be highlighting in this presentation are accessible to individuals of all ages, educational backgrounds, and social statuses. Whether you are a student, an employed individual seeking additional income, or a stay-at-home parent, these opportunities are available to you. Even if you lack the necessary skills, it is possible to acquire them through free online resources in a matter of days or weeks.

The initial side hustle involves becoming a virtual assistant. This is arguably the quickest and simplest side hustle to commence. The number of entrepreneurs and solopreneurs is increasing daily, resulting in a growing demand for virtual assistants. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a virtual assistant is a self-employed individual who provides services such as email management, bookkeeping, customer support, and data entry to individuals, companies, brands, and so on. Virtual assistants operate remotely, which means they perform all their duties from the comfort of their homes or any other location they choose to work from. There are numerous services that a virtual assistant can provide, depending on their abilities and the clients' requirements. My assistant used to schedule meetings, organize files, follow up on emails, perform data entry, update spreadsheets, and handle other similar tasks. The objective is to assist with the day-to-day management of the business.

Virtual assistance services in the United States are typically priced at an average rate of $20 per hour. However, the duration of such services may vary depending on the client's requirements. Despite this, virtual assistance can be a lucrative side hustle, with the potential to earn six-figure monthly incomes if the right strategy is employed. Platforms such as PeoplePerHour, indeed, LinkedIn, and Virtual Assistant Jobs offer virtual assistant jobs for beginners. Successful virtual assistants also proactively reach out to various brands and individuals who may require their services. It is important to note that virtual assistance may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore other profitable side hustles that cater to both beginners and experts.

The second potential source of supplementary income involves offering online English language instruction. It is worth noting that despite English being the most widely spoken language globally and the dominant language of business, over 72% of the world's population does not speak it. Consequently, there is a significant demand for English language instruction for personal, educational, and professional purposes. In fact, it has been reported that over one billion individuals are currently learning English. This presents a substantial opportunity for those who possess fluency in the language to offer online instruction and earn a profit.

Typically, online English language instructors earn between ten and forty dollars per hour, depending on their qualifications and the company or individual they are working with. This equates to approximately 1198.70 to 4784.80 Kenyan shillings per hour. Research indicates that some online English tutors earn over five hundred and fifty dollars per week. Several platforms are available for individuals interested in offering English language instruction, including Cambly, which pays tutors twice ten point two zero dollars per hour, Tutor, where the most popular tutors earn up to eight thousand dollars per month, and Verbling. It is worth noting that some of these platforms offer instruction in multiple languages, making them suitable for individuals fluent in languages other than English.

It is important to note that there are numerous other platforms available for individuals interested in offering English language instruction, and research is necessary to identify them.

As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of starting an online business, I understand that it can be a daunting task. You may be tempted to exit this video as you may not believe that it is possible for you to establish a successful online business. However, I implore you to stay tuned as I am about to introduce you to a game-changing resource that can help you achieve your goals.

Skillshare is an excellent platform for freelancers and entrepreneurs seeking to acquire new skills to support their growing side hustle or launch a new career. Tracy Wallace's class, "E-commerce Essentials: How to Start a Successful Online Business," and James Hutchinson's class, "Start Your Online Business from Scratch," are highly recommended for beginners. These classes offer valuable insights on how to start, market, and manage your online business, as well as make it profitable.

The third side hustle to consider is becoming a skills trainer. The skills you teach will depend on your area of expertise. For instance, if you are a good cook or chef, you can teach people how to cook specific meals. If you are a dancer, you can teach people how to dance. If you are a fitness enthusiast, you can offer personal training services. The list of skills you can teach is endless, and the amount of money you can earn will depend on your location, target market, and the specific skill you are offering.

Marketing yourself is crucial in this line of work. You can design professional promotional materials for free using Canva, such as posters, and share them consistently on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. You can also record short videos like reels and TikToks to give people a visual clue of what to expect. Additionally, you can list your business on Google with a free business profile and create a LinkedIn service page to showcase your business or service.

The fourth side hustle is writing CVs and resumes. Many people struggle with writing resumes and cover letters that meet the job requirements, and this is where you can come in. You can offer your services to help people write compelling resumes and cover letters that will increase their chances of landing their dream job.

Numerous individuals struggle with composing resumes, and as a result, some miss out on employment opportunities simply because they are unable or unwilling to create resumes and cover letters that meet the job requirements. This is where you can step in, save the day, and earn some money in the process. It is worth noting that this is a highly sought-after service, as I receive numerous requests daily from individuals seeking assistance in crafting their resumes. If you possess a talent for writing and can effectively highlight an individual's best qualities, you are in luck. The truth is that writing a good resume is not as challenging as many people assume. It simply requires two things: an understanding of the job requirements and employer specifications, and the ability to create a resume that demonstrates how you can solve the employer's problem or fill the gap they are seeking to address. Writing a good resume also necessitates some research, which is typically where most job seekers draw the line.

As for the earning potential of this side hustle, it is important to note that job seekers are not typically the wealthiest individuals. However, this does not imply that it is not a lucrative side hustle. As with any business, how you package yourself and target customers can make a significant difference. Having experience in HR management and recruiting can also provide a competitive advantage. According to my research, most resume writers charge between forty and four hundred dollars, depending on the level of complexity required by the client. Some even charge as much as seven hundred dollars. Therefore, the amount you can earn is dependent on the work and the client.

You can promote this service on social media, as mentioned inside hustle number three, or register on platforms such as Upwork, People Per Hour, or Fiverr to sell your services. However, I would recommend aggressively marketing your services on social media platforms, as landing a gig on Upwork can take a considerable amount of time. If you are starting out, investing in ads can help create momentum and get your name or business out there. It is important to note that you do not require any money to begin any of the side hustles mentioned in this article.

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