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3 books that will change your life

By sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago • 14 min read

I have a very good one for you I'm gonna

be sharing the three books that help me

become a millionaire at the age of 18.

now between the age of 14 to 18 I read a

book a week every single week without

fail did it matter that it was my

birthday didn't matter if it was some

special week didn't matter what was

going on I stuck to my commitment of

reading a book a week now I do want to

make something very very clear and that

is the reading is an incredible habit

but it will never ever be a real life

experience listen the best way to get

the incredible results that you want in

your life whether that be financially

relationship with your health whatever

it is is by going through life

experience situations that ingrain a

lesson or a wisdom so deeply in your

psyche that you simply can never forget

it now the reason I say that is because

I see so many people just read book

after book after book and nothing

happens in their life they stay exactly

where they are because they think oh if

I just read one more book my life will

change no get out of your room get into

the real world and really solidify these

lessons so just remember the life

experience trumps everything but until

you get those situations because a lot

of these life lessons they come to you

naturally you know when they come to you

you know this wisdom gets imparted on

You by going through difficult things in

your life but until that happens reading

is your second best option and I can

definitely tell you that reading a book

a week from the age of 14 to 18 and even

from an early age I used to read a lot

of books but being strict and reading

self-development Finance even books on

spirituality and relationships reading

those books from 14 to 18 I can credit a

lot of that to me making my first

million at the age of 18. so before we

get into this video if you want to learn

how to actually apply some of these

books that I'm about to recommend to you

and use them to start your first

successful online business I'm Gonna

Leave a link to a YouTube video right

below it's one of my more tactical

videos because I know that some of you

guys may be watching this video and

you're like that's cool but like how do

I kind of change my life with this stuff

and that has been my most popular video

so far this year so after what watching

this video if you want to check that out

great if you don't thought I'd offer no

as I mentioned to you learning from

difficult life experience is by far the

best way to gain wisdom and gain

knowledge and that's why the first book

I'm going to recommend to you is the

50th law by Robert Greene in

collaboration with 50 Cent ladies and

gentlemen so many people these days have

book smarts but have absolutely zero

Street smarts I'm pretty sure we all

know that kid that was so smart in

school the top performer in school and

listen they always go on to do

financially I mean a lot of times they

sacrifice their soul anytime with their

family any freedom but yeah cool you're

43 years old and you make 380 000 great

very cute to me that's still not

inspiring you're just a call I'd much

rather make eighty thousand dollars a

year but do it in a way that I want to

and I'm proud of and most importantly

I'm Street Smart outside of just

knowledge and textbooks and all the

that school feeds you that you

never need to actually know there's

certain people I'm sure you've met them

that any problem any real world problem

they'll fix it no matter what it doesn't

matter what their grades are it doesn't

matter any of this if there is

a problem they can fix it another thing

is most people crumble under stress have

zero ability to evaluate the battlefield

that's in front of them and pick their

next logical chess move and you either

learn this by having a troubled

upbringing where basically you you're

forced to learn human psychology because

if you make one mistake it could have

horrible consequences and here's where

sometimes the people that come from the

most broken homes I can speak from

experience if they use it in the right

way it becomes their superpower because

they have this beautiful ability to

understand what's going on around them

at all times now if you didn't grow up

in that environment that's beautiful by

the way like to grow up in a safe

environment that's a beautiful thing and

you can probably excel in many different

areas but I think it's just so important

even to get a secondhand account of what

it's like to grow up in these troubled

households so if you didn't experience

that firsthand it's amazing to learn

from the people that did 50 Cent's story

is amazing inspiring and it's also going

to teach you how to always turn the odds

in your favor some of the stuff that

happened to him is insane and yet he

still managed to come out on top so the

next book is psycho cybernetics and this

book was written by Maxwell moltz now to

my recollection he was actually a

surgeon basically back in that time

almost plastic surgery and he was doing

this back in the 1960s and he has this

very unique perspective on identities

the way that we view ourselves our

self-esteem and this book was actually

the inspiration for a protocol I

developed back in 2016 called SBA see

believe achieve so the SBA workbook that

I sort of created for myself as well as

helped other people create for

themselves and actually helped me make

my first million dollars at the age of

18. a lot of the concepts I took from

that were from this book because listen

sometimes for me I really struggle with

Law of Attraction stuff I find that a

lot of the law attraction Community is

just very it's just a little too woo-woo

for me whereas this is you know for

someone who's very sort of logical brain

it was a very good concrete text that

proved that the way that you see

yourself your self-identity it dictates

everything in your life because quite

frankly in life it's not about what you

deserve it's about what you think you

deserve because what you think you

deserve in this life will dictate the

actions that you take and the actions

that you take along with a little bit of

luck will dictate what you get so most

people think in life oh you get what you

deserve that's actually not true because

what you think you deserve will dictate

the actions that you take and you may be

taking the right actions but if you

don't believe that you deserve something

if your self-identity is so broken has

been so messed up throughout the years

well then you are going to self-sabotage

you're going to hold yourself back and

this is where a lot of the law

attraction stuff comes in they're like

oh I'll just positive think but then

they forget the action part they forget

that you have to change your identity

but then actually action on that new

identity that you have and here's the

other thing a lot of you guys are trying

to take actions to affirm certain traits

basically you're like oh I am going to

do this and then I'll be confident you

need to be confident first to do the

things to affirm that you are confident

you understand what I'm saying so I'm

gonna to you beyond all of these sort of

self-identity self-help books there's a

lot of really good stuff out there on

habits for example those are very

powerful books because once again

they're very concrete but when it comes

into some of the more wishy-washy

territory which I'm totally fine reading

and I've read lots of it throughout the

years by the way this is kind of where

it all derived from because for example

Maxwell malts he would have patients

that come in and go oh I don't like the

way my nose looks and they think okay

I'm gonna get a nose job and then I'll

like myself I love myself you know I'll

think that I'm pretty and they get the

nose job and nothing changes and that's

because their identity is exactly the

same so that's really concrete proof

that's not about your external situation

you know other day why is it that

there's so many bodybuilders or Fitness

Gym guys out there that have body

dysmorphia that think they're small you

know most of these dudes let's be

entirely honest or on stuff they're

massive far more than you could ever get

naturally and yet they still think

they're small at a certain point you

have to realize that's just identity so

I can tell you honestly to not only get

the things you want in life but to have

the impact and the feeling that you

think it's gonna have when you get there

you know all of you guys are dreaming

that once I get a Lambo I'm gonna feel a

certain way or once I fix this thing I'm

gonna feel a certain way you need to

understand that get the lambo or for

example to get the dream girl you need

to change yourself first because number

one if you don't change your identity

very likely you won't get the thing but

even if you do get the thing out of

sheer luck or whatever it may be you

still won't even be able to appreciate

it because your identity would not have

caught up to your reality you'll get

your dream girl or your Lambo or

whatever and you will still feel broke

and you'll still feel like your dream

girl is way better than you and it's

just going to be this one massive big

mess so ladies and gentlemen not only to

achieve what you want to achieve in life

but to make sure that you are not

depressed once you get there please do

me a favor and read this book now the

next book I'm going to suggest to you I

can all get a physical copy of it was

sold out and I'm also going to be very

honest with you it's kind of a lie that

I put this book in you know three books

that made me a millionaire at 18.

because to be honest I don't think I

even read it until last year but you

learn new things and I would definitely

throw this into my book recommended

Asian now because this is a very good

heavy hitting business specific book but

that most people can read and understand

it's quite simple and that is a 100

million dollar offers by Alex hermosi

Alex hermosi came onto my radar a year

ago and I read his book shortly after

that and I definitely think he is an

absolute Superstar when it comes to

World of business philosophy just many

things so tipping my hat off to you Alex

keep doing all the great work that you

do but getting back to the book and by

the way I think of the book is like a

one dollar on Kindle so I definitely

recommend you get one of these I've been

using these for years it's waterproof

I've taken this around the world

everywhere and yeah it held up pretty

well so this is a Kindle Oasis but you

can get some of their cheaper ones if

you want when it comes to 100 million

dollar offers this book is really the

core of any business the offer the thing

that you are doing whether that be a

service or a product that is really the

core of the business everything else is

built around that yes marketing is

important yes team is important and by

the way the other thing I will say as

you get further down the line offer

actually becomes less and less important

because a lot more people buy from

people they like from people that have

great teams that make them feel a

certain way so maybe even a lot of times

your product doesn't have to be the best

but the feeling around the company the

service the brand whatever it may be

customers may have a stronger Affinity

to that and end up buying that product

more but what this book really teaches

you to do especially from the early

stages is build an irresistible offer

and it shows you how to build an

irresistible offer through many

different means and there's four or five

different levers that you can pull and

four or five different things that you

can do to make an irresistible offer and

the cool thing is you can stack these

things on top of each other so your

offer can include some sort of guarantee

but then your offer can also include a

set number of deliverables and he really

shows how to take any offer and sort of

spice it up and by the way a lot of

times you're taking the same offer

literally the same offer but all you are

doing is renaming it in a way or

repackaging in a way that the market

wants far more so I really want you guys

to read this book it gets you in a very

good headspace to understand how does

the market perceive things how do you

make a offer that is so strong to the

market that he calls it irresistible

offer and for right now just focus on

that the one thing I will say is the

book makes it seem like the irresistible

offer is the be-all and end-all and by

the way that's not this book

specifically every book you read makes

it seem like the topic of the book will

save your life or it's like you know it

kind of exaggerates the importance of it

but listen that's just books in general

so the one thing I will say is a lot of

my most successful businesses a lot of

times they are just very practical

businesses that don't have the craziest

offers we just do it better than anyone

else and that's another thing a lot of

times once you're in a business or

industry for long enough it actually is

a detriment if you have an irresistible

offer your offer should actually be no

offer because you've been doing it so

long they'll be weird if you still use

the law these are like at times gimmicky

different ways to sort of jack up the

perceived value of what you're offering

and what I mean by this is if you go to

the biggest PR firms they're not going

to do an irresistible offer they're just

going to say hey yeah our retainer is

thirty thousand dollars a month take it

or leave it because we're this is this

person and we've been doing this for 35

years so just understand with any of

these books that I suggest to you take

certain portions and implement it in a

healthy way in your life don't take

every single word as gospel but

nonetheless 100 million dollar offers

definitely recommend you buy it and very

classy move from Alex to make it one

dollar so as many people can get it as

humanly possible once again big respect

to him and I think he's got another book

coming out soon as well anyways ladies

and gentlemen that wraps up the three

books that made me a millionaire by the

age of 18. as I mentioned to you earlier

life will give you lessons and wisdom

whether you like it or not now you never

know when you're gonna get that wisdom

in those lessons so in the meantime

learn from secondhand experience through

these amazing books and many of the

other incredible books that have been

written through thousands and thousands

how to

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