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15 Genuine Signs Of Intelligence You Can't Fake (Part 2)

Intelligence matters

By Abraham AdesanyaPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
15 Genuine Signs Of Intelligence You Can't Fake (Part 2)
Photo by Kate Karpenkova on Unsplash

Continuing from part 1.........

8. Uncanny Abilities Truly intellectual people

have an uncanny ability to learn new concepts. While others slowly put the pieces together, intelligent people understand novel ideas like they’ve been studying them for years. They quickly unravel the world’s most complicated topics, leaving others stunned and impressed. If you’re a hyper-intelligent person, you may feel like you are good at everything you do. Even if you’re an amateur at the start, you’re a fast learner, and that puts you one step ahead of the competition.

9. An Expansive Vocabulary

On average, intellectual people have a strong knowledge of their native languages. They have an expansive vocabulary, and they demonstrate clarity and concision every time they open their mouths. Anyone can talk around an idea or ramble until the cows come home. But it takes an intelligent person to explain an idea clearly in just a few words.

10. Precise Recollection

Has anyone ever told you that you have an excellent memory? Memory recall is one of the most common indicators of intelligence because it’s nearly impossible to fake. People with sharp memories can recall large quantities of information at the drop of a hat. They excel at memory tests like concentration, and they rarely forget a name or a number once they’ve heard it. While most people can recall sparse details and general ideas, it takes a sharp and highly intelligent person to recall complex memories and concepts with precision.

11. Moments of Inspiration

Anyone can systematically work on a project. It doesn’t take a genius to follow a plan and stick to a routine. However, the most intelligent people are almost always derailed by moments of inspiration. Out of nowhere, you make a connection that shines a new light on your problems and leads you in a new direction. You struggle to follow a regimented routine because these moments of inspiration are too powerful to ignore.

12. Diverse Expertise

Obviously, the quantity of information stored in your brain impacts your intellectual abilities. Brilliant people gradually develop a large bank of mental knowledge, and they can recall that knowledge at almost any time. What surprises many people about avid intellectuals is the incredible diversity of their expertise. It doesn’t matter whom they’re talking to or what they’re talking about. They always have something interesting to say. That doesn’t mean they are experts in every subject. But the most competent people can talk about almost anything with confidence.

13. A Source of Wisdom

Do other people come to you for advice or wisdom? If people seek out your opinion, it’s because they value something about your perspective.

They trust your judgment, and they genuinely listen to your suggestions. If you’re a hyper-intelligent person, you may give better advice than you realize. Perhaps you’re an emotionally intelligent individual whose natural empathy helps resolve even the toughest conflicts. Maybe your ability to shift perspectives and challenge diverse ideas helps other people identify weaknesses or streamline their ideas. In either case, you have earned the trust of the people around you because you have intellectual abilities that are impossible to fake.

14. Enhanced Perception

Most people navigate the world with their eyes and ears closed. We don’t look at or listen to the world around us, so we often fail to notice strange or remarkable changes in our environments. However, the most brilliant people always have their eyes and ears open. They look and listen everywhere they go because the most interesting things may be happening right there in front of them.

15. The Bigger Picture

Do you consider yourself a decisive person? Most highly intellectual people make quick, intelligent decisions because they excel at predicting what comes next. Your ability to identify patterns and synthesize knowledge gives you a unique perspective on the big picture. More importantly, intelligent people know that no decision is permanent or flawless. At the end of the day, failing is just another word for learning something new.

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15 Genuine Signs of Intelligence You Can’t Fake (Part 2) l Abraham Adesanya


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Abraham Adesanya

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