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12 Life Hacks for Surviving Emergency Situations: Debunking Common Misconceptions.

12 Life Hacks for Surviving Emergency Situations

By Sylvester SaduwaPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
12 Life Hacks for Surviving Emergency Situations: Debunking Common Misconceptions.
Photo by Denny Ryanto on Unsplash

In times of emergencies, it's essential to have accurate knowledge and reliable life hacks at your disposal. However, not all advice passed on by friends and family holds true. In fact, some popular recommendations can be misleading and even harmful. This article aims to debunk common misconceptions surrounding emergency situations and provide you with 12 life hacks that can genuinely help you survive. By understanding the correct approaches, you'll be better equipped to handle foreign objects in the eye, wounds, fevers, burns, poisoning, joint injuries, sprains, and more. Let's dive into the truth behind these emergency life hacks.

1. Dealing with a Foreign Object in the Eye:

When it comes to having a foreign object in your eye, it's crucial to avoid taking matters into your own hands. For serious cases, such as glass fragments, seek immediate medical attention. If it's just an eyelash, wash your hands, locate the eyelash in a mirror, and let your tears naturally flush it out. If the eyelash ends up in the corner of your eye, use a wet piece of cloth to gently remove it. Remember, the eyes are delicate, and professional assistance is essential for severe eye injuries.

2. Applying Ointment to a Wound:

Contrary to popular belief, applying ointment to wounds, such as cuts or abrasions, can create a moist environment that facilitates bacterial growth. Instead, clean the wound with cool water and soap, then cover it with a dry bandage. This approach promotes faster healing and reduces the risk of infection. By keeping the wound clean and dry, you create an optimal environment for the body's natural healing processes to occur.

3. Rubbing Alcohol or Vinegar on a Feverish Person:

Applying rubbing alcohol or vinegar to a person with a fever is not only ineffective but can also be harmful. These substances are absorbed into the bloodstream, potentially leading to intoxication or increased acidity levels, which is particularly dangerous for children. Instead, ensure the patient stays hydrated by drinking plenty of water, tea, and other non-alcoholic fluids. Additionally, maintain a cool room temperature between 61 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 18 degrees Celsius) to facilitate the body's natural fever-reducing processes. If the fever persists, seeking medical attention is advisable.

4. Lifting an Unconscious Person:

Contrary to common belief, lifting an unconscious person can worsen the situation. When someone faints, it's essential to keep them lying down and elevate their legs slightly. Loosen any tight clothing and ensure they don't try to stand up immediately after regaining consciousness. Avoid providing coffee or energy drinks, as caffeine can lead to dehydration. Instead, offer water and provide a calm and supportive environment while waiting for medical professionals to arrive.

5. Treating Burns with Butter or Sour Cream

While it may seem soothing, applying butter or sour cream to burns can do more harm than good. These dairy products can disrupt thermal exchange, trapping heat within the skin and potentially causing further damage. Instead, hold the affected area under cool running water for approximately 15 minutes to alleviate pain and prevent deeper tissue damage. Avoid popping any blisters that form, as they serve as a protective layer against infection. Seek medical attention for severe burns.

6. Attempting to Set a Dislocated Joint:

Setting a dislocated joint is not a task for amateurs. Only a trained medical professional should perform this procedure to avoid additional injuries. When faced with a dislocation, immobilize the injured limb and seek immediate medical assistance. Splint the injured

area and the joints on either side to prevent further damage. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being of the injured person and not attempt any DIY joint manipulations, no matter how tempting it may seem.

7. Applying Heat to Sprains:

Contrary to popular belief, applying heat to sprained muscles in the initial stages can worsen swelling. Instead, apply cold therapy, such as a cold compress or ice pack, to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Limit the use of the sprained limb and allow it to rest for at least 48 hours. After the initial period, you can gradually introduce warm compresses or heating pads to improve blood circulation and aid in the healing process.

8. Inducing Vomiting for Poisoning:

In the case of poisoning, inducing vomiting is strictly prohibited. Vomiting can lead to aspiration, where the poison enters the lungs, causing further damage. Additionally, if the poisoning involves certain chemicals, vomiting can increase the risk of throat burns. It is crucial to seek immediate medical assistance in cases of poisoning. Contact emergency services or a poison control center to receive professional guidance on what steps to take while awaiting help.

9. Rescuing a Drowning Person.

If you are a competent swimmer, you can attempt to rescue a drowning person. Approach the person from behind to avoid them hindering your efforts or dragging you underwater in a state of panic. Grab the individual under the armpits or by the chin and transport them to safety while keeping their head supported. Remember, it is essential to prioritize your own safety during rescue attempts and seek medical attention for the individual once they are out of immediate danger.

10. Removing Objects from Serious Wounds:

When dealing with serious wounds that have objects lodged in them, it is crucial not to attempt their removal without professional supervision. The presence of the object helps prevent excessive bleeding. Refrain from touching the object or the wound and wait for medical assistance. In the meantime, clean the area around the wound with alcohol to minimize the risk of infection. By exercising patience and seeking professional help, you can ensure the best outcome for the injured individual.

11. Proper Use of Ice for Bruises:

While ice can be useful for treating bruises, it's important to use it correctly. Never apply ice directly to the skin, as it can cause cold burns. Instead, place a cloth or towel between the ice pack and the skin to prevent direct contact. Apply ice for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time, followed by a 90-minute break to allow the skin to recover. Remember that ice treatment is most effective within the first 48 hours after the injury. After this time frame, it's best to focus on other forms of bruise management.

12. Consider Skin Glue for Cuts:

In some cases, using skin glue can be a viable alternative to stitches for closing cuts. Skin glue offers a quick and virtually painless solution for minor wounds. Clean the wound with cold water, apply pressure to stop bleeding, and then close the edges of the wound before using skin glue along the incision. However, it's crucial to note that skin glue is suitable for smaller wounds. If the wound is deep or extensive, it's advisable to seek professional medical help for proper assessment and closure techniques.


When facing emergency situations, it's essential to rely on accurate information and debunk common misconceptions. The 12 life hacks discussed in this article provide valuable insights into handling various emergencies correctly. By avoiding harmful practices and following evidence-based techniques, you can increase your chances of successfully managing critical situations. Remember, seeking professional medical help is always advisable for serious injuries and emergencies. Stay informed, update your knowledge, and be prepared to handle unexpected events with confidence and a clear understanding of the appropriate actions to take.

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