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11 Strategies for Managing Dependencies Between Agile Squads

Managing dependencies between Agile squads is crucial for the success of an Agile organization.

By Ravi KumarPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
11 Strategies for Managing Dependencies Between Agile Squads

Managing dependencies between Agile squads is crucial for the success of an Agile organization. Here are 11 strategies that can help in managing dependencies effectively:

1. Identify dependencies upfront: Identify and document dependencies between squads at the beginning of each project or sprint. This will help you understand the scope and impact of dependencies on each squad.

2. Establish clear communication channels: Set up regular communication channels between squads to foster collaboration and enable timely information sharing. This can include daily stand-ups, sprint planning meetings, or dedicated communication tools.

3. Use a dependency management tool: Utilize a dependency management tool or system to track and manage dependencies between squads. This can help visualize and prioritize dependencies, enabling better coordination and resolution.

4. Prioritize dependencies: Assess the criticality of each dependency and prioritize them based on their impact on overall project success. Focus on resolving high-priority dependencies first to minimize delays and risks.

5. Foster cross-squad collaboration: Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing across squads. Facilitate regular meetings, workshops, or knowledge transfer sessions to exchange information, align on dependencies, and build relationships.

6. Establish dependency owners: Assign ownership of dependencies to specific individuals or squads. These dependency owners will be responsible for managing and coordinating the resolution of dependencies within their respective squads.

7. Encourage proactive communication: Encourage squads to communicate and share information proactively. If a squad anticipates a potential dependency, they should communicate it to the relevant squads early on, allowing for adequate time to address it.

8. Maintain transparency: Foster a culture of transparency by sharing information about dependencies across squads. This can be done through visible dashboards, shared documentation, or regular updates to ensure everyone is aware of the current status and potential risks.

9. Conduct dependency mapping exercises: Periodically conduct dependency mapping exercises to visualize the relationships and interactions between squads. This exercise can help identify hidden dependencies and enable proactive management.

10. Empower squads to resolve dependencies: Whenever possible, empower squads to resolve dependencies themselves. Encourage autonomy and provide support when needed, allowing squads to take ownership and drive the resolution process.

11. Continuously refine and adapt: Dependencies can change over time, so it's important to continuously refine and adapt your dependency management strategies. Regularly review and update your processes to ensure they remain effective and align with the evolving needs of your Agile organization.

Remember, effective dependency management requires a collaborative and flexible mindset. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance coordination, minimize delays, and improve the overall efficiency of your Agile squads.

What is Agile Coaching?

Agile Coaching is a nominalization word that is a combination of different skills and knowledge, which often has a misunderstanding. When Organizations hire Agile Coaches to help them achieve their vision, they hire a change agent to help them change and not just a framework expert who comes and implements one of the Agile frameworks. The majority of the Agile transformations fail because the Coaches fail to understand the actual problem of the organization, which is "What is the need for the change?"

Understanding and accepting the problem is half of the solution. The focus should be more on unearthing the problem which the organization is facing. The Agile Coach is someone who spends time understanding the organization as a system that involves various components, including people, processes, policies, structures, etc. Individuals will have multiple mental models, teams will have mental models, and collectively an Organization will have mental models that hinder solving the organizational problem and achieving the goals. Agile Coaching enables individuals and teams in the organization to achieve their goals and solve their problems.

Agile Coaching Certification workshop by Leanpitch provide not just learning but also opportunities to practice real coaching during the workshop. We also offer opportunities for aspirants to practice coaching by providing free meetups, webinars, articles, videos, crash courses, etc. For aspiring coaches, the Agile Coach Certification workshop provides.


About the Creator

Ravi Kumar

We call ourselves curators of software development pitches. Our goal to empower our customers to achieve greater values in whatever they do through tactical lean strategies.


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