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100 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficient Computing

Mastering Productivity and Navigating Your Digital World

By RIDWAN ADEBAYO ABDULMUMINPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

General Shortcuts:

1. Ctrl + C: Copy

2. Ctrl + X: Cut

3. Ctrl + V: Paste

4. Ctrl + Z: Undo

5. Ctrl + Y: Redo

6. Ctrl + A: Select All

7. Ctrl + S: Save

8. Ctrl + P: Print

9. Ctrl + F: Find

10. Ctrl + N: New (document, window, etc.)

11. Ctrl + O: Open

12. Ctrl + W: Close current window/tab

13. Ctrl + Q: Quit application (macOS)

14. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create new folder

15. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager (Windows)

16. Command + Option + Escape: Force Quit (macOS)

17. Alt + F4: Close active window (Windows)

18. Alt + Tab: Switch between open applications (Windows)

19. Command + Tab: Switch between open applications (macOS)

20. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open Task Manager (Windows)

21. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen closed tab (web browsers)

22. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save As

Text Formatting:

23. Ctrl + B: Bold

24. Ctrl + I: Italic

25. Ctrl + U: Underline

26. Ctrl + ]: Increase font size

27. Ctrl + [: Decrease font size

28. Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase font size (Microsoft Word)

29. Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease font size (Microsoft Word)

Navigational Shortcuts:

30. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open tabs/windows

31. Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, etc.: Switch to tab 1, tab 2, etc.

32. Ctrl + F4: Close active document or tab

33. Alt + Left Arrow: Go back (web browsers)

34. Alt + Right Arrow: Go forward (web browsers)

35. Ctrl + Home: Go to beginning of document

36. Ctrl + End: Go to end of document

37. Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Move cursor word by word

38. Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select text word by word

File Operations:

39. Ctrl + F5: Refresh (Windows)

40. Command + R: Refresh (macOS)

41. Ctrl + W: Close current tab/window

42. Ctrl + Shift + W: Close all windows (web browsers)

43. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen closed tab (web browsers)

44. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open Task Manager (Windows)

45. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly (Windows)

46. Alt + F4: Close active window (Windows)

47. Command + Option + Esc: Force Quit (macOS)

Web Browsing:

48. Ctrl + T: Open a new tab

49. Ctrl + N: Open a new window

50. Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open tabs

51. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to previous tab

52. Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, etc.: Switch to specific tab

53. Ctrl + W: Close current tab

54. Ctrl + Shift + W: Close all tabs

55. Ctrl + R: Refresh page

56. Ctrl + F5: Hard refresh (clear cache) (Windows)

57. Shift + F5: Hard refresh (clear cache) (web browsers)

58. Ctrl + L: Select the URL bar

59. Ctrl + Enter: Adds "www." and ".com" to URL

60. Ctrl + D: Bookmark current page

61. Ctrl + +: Zoom in (web browsers)

62. Ctrl + -: Zoom out (web browsers)

63. Ctrl + 0: Reset zoom (web browsers)

Text Editing:

64. Ctrl + Backspace: Delete previous word

65. Ctrl + Delete: Delete next word

66. Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Move cursor word by word

67. Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select text word by word

68. Ctrl + Home: Go to beginning of document

69. Ctrl + End: Go to end of document

70. Ctrl + Shift + Home: Select from cursor to beginning of document

71. Ctrl + Shift + End: Select from cursor to end of document

72. Ctrl + Shift + L: Change case of selected text (Microsoft Word)

73. Ctrl + Shift + K: Format text as small caps (Microsoft Word)

74. Ctrl + C: Copy selected text

75. Ctrl + X: Cut selected text

76. Ctrl + V: Paste copied/cut text

77. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste text without formatting


78. Print Screen (prt sc): Capture entire screen (Windows)

79. Alt + Print Screen: Capture active window (Windows)

80. Shift + Command + 3: Capture entire screen (macOS)

81. Shift + Command + 4: Capture selected area (macOS)

82. Shift + Command + 4 + Space: Capture selected window (macOS)


83. Ctrl + Esc: Open Start Menu (Windows)

84. Command + Space: Open Spotlight Search (macOS)

85. Ctrl + Shift + N: Create new folder

86. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager directly (Windows)

87. Alt + Enter: Open properties of selected file/folder

88. F2: Rename selected file/folder

89. Ctrl + P: Print

90. Ctrl + F: Find

91. Ctrl + S: Save

92. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open Task Manager (Windows)

93. Command + Option + Escape: Force Quit (macOS)

94. Ctrl + Shift + T: Reopen closed tab (web browsers)

95. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save As

System Shortcuts:

96. Windows Key: Open Start Menu (Windows)

97. Command Key: Open Launchpad (macOS)

98. Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager (Windows)

99. Command + Option + Esc: Force Quit (macOS)

100. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Open Task Manager (Windows)

Please note that some of these shortcuts may vary slightly based on your operating system and the software you are using.


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