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10 Mind Tricks to Learn Anything Fast!

10 Powerful Mind Tricks to Accelerate Learning and Retention

By Daham NavodyaPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
10 Mind Tricks to Learn Anything Fast!
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

We embark on an exciting journey to explore ten mind tricks that can help you learn anything faster. In our fast-paced world, acquiring knowledge efficiently is crucial, and these tricks are designed to optimize your learning process. From leveraging the power of sleep to incorporating multiple mediums, we will delve into evidence-backed techniques that can significantly boost your learning speed and retention.

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

1. The Sleep Sandwich Technique

Imagine having an essential presentation to prepare for with limited time. Many resort to cramming, and studying intensely for hours, but this approach often results in forgetting a substantial portion of the material. Enter the Sleep Sandwich technique: a more effective way to learn. Instead of pulling an all-nighter, break your study sessions with a good night's sleep. Sleep plays a vital role in consolidating memories and enhancing learning. By allowing your brain to rest and encode information during sleep, you significantly improve long-term retention and overall cognitive performance.

2. Mastery Through Modification

The illusion of mastery can be deceiving, especially when learning something new. After a few hours of practice, some may think they have mastered a skill when, in reality, there is still much to learn. To avoid this trap, embrace the concept of "mastery through modification." Continuously challenge yourself by making slight modifications to your practice routine. Whether it's changing angles, increasing speed, or using different tools, these alterations keep you engaged, address weaknesses, and maintain humility throughout your learning journey.

3. Weaving Subjects Together

An intriguing study in 2008 discovered that interweaving different subjects and styles while learning can enhance information retention. In contrast to studying isolated blocks of the same material, mixing subjects seems counterintuitive but proves effective. By exposing your brain to diverse topics, you create connections between different concepts, leading to a more comprehensive understanding. This weaving technique solidifies new information in your memory and encourages deeper learning.

4. The Cognitive Benefits of Chewing Gum

Beyond freshening breath, chewing gum can significantly benefit your brain's cognitive functions. Numerous studies have shown that chewing gum improves alertness, reduces stress, and enhances concentration. Chewing gum also increases vigilance and attention span, making it a useful tool for staying focused while studying or working. Moreover, different flavors of gum can positively influence your brain's receptiveness and flexibility. By incorporating this simple habit into your routine, you can learn faster, perform better, and maintain focus for extended periods.

5. Intellectual Hydration: The Brain's Best Friend

Water, the elixir of life, can boost your brainpower significantly. Staying hydrated positively impacts test performance, memory retention, and problem-solving abilities. A study in 2012 revealed that college students who drank water during exams achieved up to 10% better grades. Even during leisure activities like reading or listening to a podcast, staying hydrated can quicken short-term memory and promote enthusiasm for learning. Always keep a glass of water nearby while studying to unleash the full potential of your brain.

6. Utilizing Multiple Mediums

Do you find yourself using the same study methods repeatedly? Embrace diversity in your learning approach by utilizing multiple mediums. Instead of relying solely on flashcards or study guides, combine visual, auditory, and tactile methods. Draw diagrams, create mind maps, and say information out loud. By engaging different parts of your brain, you reinforce learning and gain new perspectives on the material. Experimenting with various mediums keeps your study sessions dynamic, enhancing your ability to absorb and retain information faster.

7. Speed Reading: Absorb Information like Never Before

The amount of information available today is staggering, making it essential to read faster to keep up. While the average person reads about 200 words per minute, speed reading can push your reading speed to 700-1000 words per minute in just a few weeks. Learning to speed read enables you to process vast amounts of information efficiently. With this skill, you can navigate through a considerable chunk of the world's knowledge, gaining an edge in absorbing information faster than ever before.

8. Musical Stress Relief for Enhanced Learning

Many find studying with music in the background beneficial, and research supports this claim. Music can enhance your brain's receptivity to new information, improve memory, and elevate mood. Moreover, it acts as a stress reliever, reducing test anxiety and promoting relaxation. By listening to music while studying, you create a conducive learning environment, allowing you to perform at your best. So, the next time you hit the books, don't forget to bring along your favorite tunes for a more focused, confident, and productive study session.

9. Practice in Pieces for Optimal Learning

Contrary to cramming everything at once, breaking down your study sessions into smaller pieces can significantly boost your learning efficiency. Our brains are not designed to absorb massive volumes of information simultaneously. By practicing in smaller, manageable portions, you allow your brain to process and retain information more effectively. This technique ensures that you remember and comprehend the material better, promoting long-term retention and preventing the overwhelm that often comes with marathon study sessions.

10. Embrace the Hard Road: The Power of Persistence

While shortcuts may seem tempting, taking the hard road is often the most effective way to learn. Handwriting notes instead of typing them, for instance, may take more time, but it reinforces memory and understanding. Embracing challenges builds resilience and ensures deeper comprehension of the subject matter. By committing to a more rigorous learning approach, you set the stage for lasting knowledge acquisition, allowing you to tackle new subjects with confidence and efficiency.

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Learning anything fast requires a well-rounded approach, and these ten mind tricks offer valuable insights to supercharge your learning journey. From optimizing sleep to incorporating diverse learning styles, leveraging chewing gum's cognitive benefits, and developing speed reading skills, you can unlock your full learning potential. By embracing the power of persistence and challenging yourself to explore different perspectives, you will not only learn faster but also foster a lifelong love for knowledge acquisition. So, embrace these mind tricks, and embark on a fulfilling learning adventure.

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About the Creator

Daham Navodya

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