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10 Benefits of Consuming Honey in Day-to-Day Life!

About Honey

By M. Mubarak Published about a year ago 6 min read

10 Benefits of Consuming Honey in Day-to-Day Life!

Honey is a food substance produced by honey bees from the sugary secretion of plants or secretions of other insects which are considered as a top wellbeing food across the globe. There are tremendous benefits of Honey if you consume it in your day-to-day life. Honey is among the most recognized and in general utilized sugar with immense advantages and health benefits. You can opt for best dietician online consultation and ask for guidance related to how you can include honey in your diet plans as honey is used in Ayurveda as a base for many traditional medicines. For years, Honey, believed to be the pure form of natural sweetener, is a superb creation with immense health benefits.

About Honey

Types of Honey: While choosing from different types of Honey, you will likely come across labels such as “Raw Honey “and “Organic Honey”.

Raw Honey – As the name suggests, Raw Honey is composed of natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, so you can get full benefits by consuming Raw Honey.

Organic Honey – It is naturally produced from the pollen of organically grown plants without the use of any chemical miticides to treat the bees.

Sources of Honey: There are different sources of Honey i.e. biological source & geographical source. The biological source of Honey is a sugary substance prepared from deposits in the honeycomb by hive-bee Apis mellifera and other species of Apis belonging to the family Apidae. Geographically, honey is produced in various parts of Africa, Australia, California, the West Indies, and also India.

Properties of Honey: The properties of Honey, it comprised the physical and chemical composition of Honey. Physical properties depend on water content, temperature, type of flora, and properties of specific sugars. While the chemical composition of Honey comprises fructose, Glucose, maltose, sucrose, and various other enzymes.

Uses of Honey: There are several uses of Honey in day-to-day life. Honey can be used as a cure for burns and ulcers, improves memory, treat both oral and genital herpes, helps maintain the level of sugar, treat cancer, help boost fertility, treat a common skin condition called – psoriasis.

Nutritional Value of Honey: One tablespoon of Honey contains (approximately):

Calories: 64

Protein: 0 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbohydrates: 17 grams

Fiber: 0 grams

Sugar: 17 grams

Vitamins present in Honey include Iron, Zinc, and Potassium. Honey also contains antioxidants that can keep the body away from inflammation that causes various health issues like heart disorders, cancer, etc.

Below is the list of the top 10 benefits of consuming Honey every day: 

1. Weight loss using Honey: According to researchers, Honey burns fat while you are sleeping; it is perhaps the best nourishment for getting more fit. Honey can be used for weight loss as it acts as a fuel to make the liver produce glucose. If you choose best dietician online consultation, they are sure to prescribe you a spoonful of honey once a day with warm water on an empty stomach, which helps the digestion process, which thus reduces weight faster. Adopting Weight loss using honey is one of the best ways to get fit.

2. Boost Immune system with Honey: Honey and Immunity go hand in hand. Especially during these times of COVID-19 where immunity has been the biggest challenge, Honey helps boost the immune system. The antioxidants contained in Honey are medicinal compounds that normally help in treating an irritated throat and boost your immunity during COVID-19. If you wish to consult a COVID-19 specialist online, they are sure to prescribe you consuming honey every day to boost immunity in long run.

3. Skin benefits of Honey: The major skin benefit of using Honey is that it helps in moisturizing and nourishing and hence gives skin gives a very good result. Honey is best used for the face, particularly when used for dry skin issues, and also very simple in terms of application against the skin. Raw honey helps the pores to unclog and hydrates dry skin. If you consult dermatologists online, they will also recommend the use of honey for the treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, and different diseases as a part of a home remedy.

4. Improve cholesterol by consuming Honey: Is Honey good in improving cholesterol? A definite yes! Being obese, consuming a diet high in fatty foods, smoking, and not exercising enough can cause High cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol levels can cause a strong risk of heart disease. Interestingly, many studies proved that Honey is good for maintaining cholesterol levels. If you opt to consult a general physician online, they will also suggest consuming Honey as a remedy to raise a good HDL cholesterol level.

5. Home remedy for Cough: Honey is a long-lived home remedy for treating cough. Honey is known to stand out amongst other home solutions for dry and wet coughs. Study shows that consuming honey can reduce soreness in the throat by lubricating it. Drinking tea or warm lemon water mixed with honey can help in treating cough. Honey is the favored general remedy for cough even suggested by doctors and online dieticians. There are various benefits of Honey particularly for youngsters, as it helps to get rid of night coughing issues, and helps in getting proper sleep.

6. Good for Oral Health: There are great benefits of Honey in treating oral health problems. Certain types of honey possess antibacterial properties which help fight oral infections, cleanse teeth, break down plaque, and remove the symptoms of Gum disease. For maintaining good oral health, make Manuka honey a part of your daily routine. If you are facing any issue with inflammation or infection in the mouth then it can be cured by placing honey on the inner side of the mouth. Honey works as a natural secret weapon for Oral Health.

7. The Rich source of Anti-oxidants: According to the research, honey contains a varied proportion of polyphenols which works as a rich source of antioxidants. When Honey is used as anti-oxidants it reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. There are great benefits of Honey, i.e. if you consume honey as a daily dose then it not just satisfies your sweet tooth, but also raises the level of disease-fighting antioxidants in the blood.

8. Help for digestive issues: Honey is a popular home remedy for sorting out all kinds of digestive issues. Honey is good for treating digestive issues such as constipation, ulcers, Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you consult a gastroenterologist online, then they will suggest consuming honey and lemon in lukewarm water as a solution to all digestive issues. If you consume honey with lemon it will flush out undigested food, cleanse the colon and remove all the toxins from the body. Having a spoonful of honey on a daily basis, then it will help increase your metabolism rate and boost up your digestion process.

9. Heal wounds with Honey: There are great benefits of Honey, as years ago Honey was used for healing wounds. Honey has healing properties such as maintains a unique pH balance and possesses antibacterial properties that promote oxygen and heal the wound. Honey is a natural sweetener that produces bioactive components that can help heal wounds. The sugar substance in honey has an osmotic effect that helps in treating boils, burns, pilonidal sinus, and diabetic foot ulcers.

10. Preventing Acid Reflux: Honey can diminish the upward progression of stomach acid and undigested food by coating the esophagus and stomach as per a few studies. Due to which it reduces the danger of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which can cause inflammation, indigestion, and acid reflux. One can prevent such acid reflux by using Honey. Honey has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years to cure diseases as it has several anti-bacterial properties. Preventing acid reflux using Honey is a natural way to cure. Various other benefits of Honey are: Contains natural hydrogen peroxide, helps in treating wounds, possesses antiviral properties, rich in antioxidants, and provides nutrients and enzymes.

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M. Mubarak

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    M. Mubarak Written by M. Mubarak

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