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Ancient Chinese quotes

By Ancient Chinese quotesPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

"The wise wanderer seeks no fame; longevity cannot be attained through ambition."

In the ancient Chinese philosophical text, the Dao De Jing, there is a profound verse that resonates with timeless wisdom: "行人,无复名;长生,无以命." This verse, attributed to the legendary philosopher Laozi (also known as Lao Tzu), offers valuable insights into the nature of fame, humility, and the true essence of longevity. In this article, we will explore the profound meaning of this sentence and its implications for individuals in today's society.

Understanding the Verse:

"行人,无复名;长生,无以命" can be translated as "The wise wanderer seeks no fame; longevity cannot be attained through ambition." Let's delve deeper into its meaning and significance.

Seeking No Fame:

In a world obsessed with recognition and external validation, this verse serves as a poignant reminder to detach oneself from the desire for fame and worldly acclaim. Laozi suggests that true wisdom lies in transcending the ego's need for recognition and embracing humility. The "行人" or the wise wanderer represents an individual who journeys through life with a profound understanding of their true self. They are not swayed by the allure of fame but rather seek inner contentment and tranquility.

Today, many individuals chase after fame and validation, believing it to be the path to happiness and fulfillment. However, Laozi's wisdom invites us to reconsider our priorities and recognize that true fulfillment comes from within, not from external accolades. By freeing ourselves from the shackles of fame-seeking, we can cultivate authenticity, live in alignment with our values, and find true purpose.

Longevity Beyond Ambition:

The second part of the verse, "长生,无以命," emphasizes that longevity cannot be achieved through mere ambition or the pursuit of a prolonged physical existence. In a world obsessed with youthfulness and the pursuit of immortality, Laozi's words carry profound implications.

Rather than focusing solely on extending our lifespan, Laozi directs our attention to the quality of life and the art of living. Longevity, in its true essence, is not merely about the number of years we exist, but rather about how we live those years. It is about cultivating inner harmony, nurturing our physical and mental well-being, and fostering meaningful connections with others and the world around us.

In the modern era, where technological advancements promise the potential to extend human life, Laozi's wisdom serves as a reminder that the pursuit of longevity should not overshadow the pursuit of a purposeful and fulfilling life. It encourages us to focus on the present moment, to embrace mindfulness, and to find balance in all aspects of our existence.

Implications for Individuals:

Laozi's verse holds several profound implications for individuals in today's society:

Cultivating Humility: By recognizing the fleeting nature of fame and the emptiness of external validation, we can cultivate humility. Humility allows us to remain grounded, authentic, and open to continuous growth and learning.

Seeking Inward Fulfillment: Instead of seeking external validation or chasing after fame, we can redirect our focus inward. By connecting with our inner selves, nurturing our passions, and aligning with our values, we can find lasting fulfillment and contentment.

Embracing the Present Moment: Laozi's verse invites us to embrace the present moment fully. By practicing mindfulness and being fully present in each experience, we can appreciate the beauty of life and cultivate a sense of gratitude.

Pursuing Holistic Well-being: True longevity encompasses not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By adopting a holistic approach to our well-being, we can lead a balanced and fulfilling life.

Living a Purposeful Life: The pursuit of longevity should be accompanied by a pursuit of purpose and meaning. By identifying our passions, nurturing our relationships, and contributing to the well-being of others, we can lead a purpose-driven life that brings fulfillment and adds value to the world.


Laozi's verse, "行人,无复名;长生,无以命," holds timeless wisdom that challenges our contemporary obsession with fame and the pursuit of immortality. It urges us to embrace humility, seek inner fulfillment, and cultivate a holistic approach to our well-being. By heeding these teachings, we can navigate the complexities of modern life with grace, live in alignment with our true selves, and find a profound sense of longevity that extends beyond the boundaries of time.

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Ancient Chinese quotes

Share the wisdom and inspiration of ancient Chinese celebrities, and strive to inherit the essence of Chinese culture. I believe that the wisdom of ancient Chinese celebrities will become valuable wealth.

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