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Winds of Change

Unraveling the Future of Our Planet in the Face of Climate Crisis

By SonuPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
Winds of Change
Photo by Li-An Lim on Unsplash

**Winds of Change**

The world is changing, can you feel? The winds of change are real.

Our Earth is calling out to us, its wounds it must reveal.

From melting ice to rising seas, the signs are everywhere,

It's time to act, to change our ways, to show how much we care.

The polar bears with shrinking ice, they wander far and wide,

Their homes are melting day by day, there's nowhere left to hide.

The coral reefs, so vibrant once, are bleaching ghostly white,

Their colors fade, their life force drained, they're losing all their fight.

The forests, lungs of Earth we know, are burning to the ground,

The trees that stood for centuries, now ashes all around.

The creatures of these ancient woods, are fleeing in despair,

Their habitats, their lives, their homes, are vanishing to air.

The oceans warm, their levels rise, the storms grow fierce and wild,

The hurricanes and floods we face, leave no one undefiled.

The droughts that parch the fertile lands, the famines that ensue,

Are warnings that we can't ignore, we must find something new.

The winds of change are whispering, they’re howling through the night,

They're calling us to stand as one, to join this crucial fight.

To cut our carbon footprints down, to seek a greener way,

To harness wind and sun and waves, to light a brighter day.

We cannot wait for someone else to fix what we've begun,

It's up to each and every soul, to see this battle won.

To plant a tree, to save a stream, to care for all the Earth,

To cherish every living thing, to recognize its worth.

The children of tomorrow's world are counting on us now,

To leave a planet lush and green, to honor our vow.

For every step we take today, each choice we make with care,

Will shape the world that they inherit, the future that they share.

So let us rise and heed the call, the winds of change we feel,

Let's pledge to live sustainably, to heal and to reveal.

That we are stewards of this Earth, its guardians, its friends,

And through our love and conscious acts, the wounds of Earth will mend.

We'll drive less and we'll walk more, we'll bike or take the train,

We'll use our voices, loud and clear, to make our actions plain.

We'll advocate for policies that green our energy,

We'll vote for leaders who will act, to set our planet free.

The winds of change are powerful, they guide us to the truth,

They teach us that our planet's health is rooted in our youth.

The seeds we plant in minds today, will grow to mighty trees,

With branches spreading far and wide, embracing gentle breeze.

We'll educate, we'll innovate, we'll strive to understand,

That every single one of us can lend a helping hand.

We'll reduce, reuse, and recycle, we'll minimize our waste,

We'll turn to nature's wisdom, and learn to live with taste.

The winds of change are blowing strong, they urge us to unite,

To see beyond the here and now, to set our future right.

For in our hands we hold the key, to Earth’s enduring grace,

And through our love and mindful acts, we'll save this sacred place.

The winds of change are whispering, they're shouting out our name,

They're calling us to rise and shine, to stoke the hopeful flame.

To be the change we wish to see, to walk a greener path,

To love the Earth with all our hearts, and heal its scars at last.

So let us stand together now, with courage and with care,

And heed the winds of change that blow, a future bright and fair.

For every step we take today, in harmony and grace,

Will pave the way for generations, and leave a loving trace.


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    SWritten by Sonu

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