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Undina's Plastic Horror's

I'm disgusted by your destructive ways.

By Jo RamirezPublished 2 days ago 3 min read
Image made by Samuel Blake Rosen

Once upon a time, in the mystical realm of the Enchanted Woods, there lived a fierce mermaid witch named Undina Waters. Undina was no ordinary mermaid-witch; she was the guardian of the Crystal Sea, a magical body of water that held the balance of life for all creatures in the enchanted forest. Undina had a connection with the sea and its inhabitants, ensuring harmony prevailed.

As centuries passed, the once-pristine Crystal Sea began to suffer. Humans from the neighboring lands were heedlessly polluting the waters with their plastic waste. Undina, who had always cherished the sea, felt the impact deeply. The once-clear waters turned murky, and the vibrant marine life began to dwindle.

Undina's enchanting home, nestled near the shore, became surrounded by plastic debris. Her once-gleaming underwater palace was now overshadowed by floating bags, bottles, and tangled nets. The magic that once thrived in the Crystal Sea started to wane, affecting the entire enchanted forest.

Sick and tired of witnessing the destruction, Undina summoned her magical powers and addressed the humans responsible for the environmental havoc. In a booming voice, she professed, "Humans, your plastics have poisoned my home and shattered the delicate balance of Enchanted Woods. I’m disgusted by your destructive ways!"

Undina, fueled by her determination, embarked on a quest to spread awareness and encourage sustainable practices among humans. She emphasized the importance of embracing alternatives like BioPlastics and emphasized the necessity of proper disposal, directing people to composting sites. Undina explained how these alternatives could naturally break down, sparing the Crystal Sea from further harm and highlighting the critical role of waste management in environmental conservation.

Humans did not understand how important it was for them to manage their waste. Plastic was everywhere and provided great uses for them throughout their lives. Some of them did recycle, but the current system was failing them. Some humans believe that individuals, businesses that produce/sell plastic, and government all share responsibility for reducing plastic waste. Similarly, some believe that businesses that produce or use plastics in their products should pay for collecting, sorting, and recycling plastics. No one knew what to do with the overproduction of trash. It was getting so bad, plastic was starting to contaminate their bodies and unborn fetuses. No one could think straight. Environmental anxiety was at an all time high. People were losing hope and felt like they had no future.

Through her magical influence, Undina enchanted the forests to produce abundant bamboo, amplifying her message of sustainability. As people began to adopt BioPlastics and adhere to proper waste disposal methods, the tides slowly turned, and the once-declining health of the Crystal Sea began to show signs of rejuvenation. This gradual shift underscored the importance of preserving the magical world around them and the interconnectedness between human actions and the health of the environment.

Undina's efforts bore fruit, and the Crystal Sea started to rejuvenate. The once-declining marine life returned, and the enchanted forest flourished with newfound vitality. Undina, relieved to see the positive change, continued to advocate for a harmonious coexistence between magic and mankind. Humans saw the value of slowing down and started to deeply think about their environmental impact. Behavior change was gradual but sustainable. Everybody felt the necessary need for evolution in their hearts, and gracefully changed.

And so, the tale of Undina, the big sea witch with a deep love for her home, became a legendary story passed down through generations, a reminder that even the most powerful magic couldn't withstand the impact of human neglect—but with conscious choices, the magic could be restored.


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