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Who's find the Time

The time history

By Sham gowthamPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The time

Who's find the time?

One day, Harold meets a wise old man who asks him why he is always so busy. Harold replies that he has too many responsibilities and doesn't have the luxury of free time. The old man then hands him a jar and tells him to fill it with rocks.

Harold begins to fill the jar with rocks until he can't fit any more. The old man then asks Harold if the jar is full. Harold replies that it is. The old man then hands Harold a bag of pebbles and tells him to pour them into the jar. The pebbles fill in the gaps between the rocks. The old man then asks Harold again if the jar is full. Harold replies that it is.

The old man then hands Harold a bag of sand and tells him to pour it into the jar. The sand fills in the gaps between the pebbles. The old man then asks Harold one final time if the jar is full. Harold, now understanding the lesson, replies that there is always room for more.

The old man then explains that the rocks represent the most important things in life, such as family, health, and friendships. The pebbles represent the things that are important but not as essential, such as work and hobbies. The sand represents the small, everyday tasks that fill up our time.

The lesson of the story is that if we don't prioritize the important things in life, we will never have time for them. We must make time for the important things first, and then fit in the rest around them.

Why the time is changed country to country?

The time is changed from country to country because each country has its own standard time zone based on its geographical location in relation to the Earth's rotation. The Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours, creating day and night. The world is divided into 24 time zones, each representing one hour of the day.

The standard time zone for a country is usually based on its longitude, with each time zone being approximately 15 degrees of longitude wide. Countries located further to the east of the prime meridian (which is the line of longitude that passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London) will have earlier times than those located further to the west.

Some countries may also choose to adjust their standard time by an hour or more during certain seasons, to account for changes in daylight hours caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis. This is known as Daylight Saving Time (DST) or Summer Time, and is usually implemented in the summer months to allow for more daylight in the evenings.

Overall, the main reason for time differences between countries is due to the Earth's rotation and the way it interacts with the different geographical locations of each country.

Is there time decided everything?

Time is an important factor in many aspects of our lives, and it can influence or determine certain things. For example:

Business operations: Companies and organizations use time to schedule meetings, appointments, deadlines, and work shifts. Time is an essential component of project management and productivity.

Transportation: Time is critical for transportation systems, such as airlines, railways, and bus services, which rely on schedules and timetables to operate efficiently.

Communication: Time is necessary for coordinating communication across different time zones and scheduling video conferences or calls with people in different parts of the world.

Science and research: Time is fundamental to scientific research and experimentation, where precise measurements and observations require accurate timekeeping.

Sports: Time is a crucial factor in many sports, such as track and field, swimming, and cycling, where athletes aim to set records and achieve personal bests based on their performance time.

HumanitySustainabilityshort storyScienceClimate

About the Creator

Sham gowtham

This is Gowtham. I am a content creator. I want to look out at the world in my own way. So I invite all of you to join my world

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Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    I have always loved that life lesson you retold at the beginning. Whenever I feel stressed I always ask myself “is this a rock, pebble or sand?”. Thanks for the reminder on that life lesson. The bit about how/ why time zones are a thing, was really informative. As well as the reminder as to why time change is import too!

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