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What if you were the Last Living Person on Earth?

Picture This

By Leslie EnosPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Picture this: It's a serene Sunday morning, and you awaken, stretch, and open your window to behold a beautiful day with clear skies. However, something feels amiss. The typically bustling streets are eerily deserted. Where has everyone gone? As you investigate further, the shocking realization dawns upon you – you are the sole inhabitant of the entire planet. What would you do next?

In this scenario, the answer is simple: you have the freedom to pursue anything and everything your heart desires. The world becomes your playground, and you have the power to create your own adventure. Craving a thrilling drive in a sports car at lightning speed on the freeway? Go for it! With no traffic to impede you, there are no limits. Fancy playing a round of golf from the top of a skyscraper? Why not? Breaking a window or two with a stray golf ball won't matter. Always dreamed of living in a sprawling mansion? Well, now you can. The possibilities before you are boundless, and nothing can hinder you from experiencing them all.

But as the initial excitement subsides, practical considerations come to the forefront. What comes next? Perhaps it's time to unravel the mystery behind the world's sudden emptiness. Could there be others out there? You may embark on a search through the city and even venture beyond its limits. Yet, the vastness of the world and the likelihood of encountering another living soul can be daunting. So, let's shift our focus to more vital matters, such as your survival in this desolate wasteland that has become your kingdom.

First and foremost, securing food and clean water becomes imperative. While you may have an initial supply of both, perishable items like fruits and vegetables won't last indefinitely. Therefore, it's advisable to consume them before they spoil, given that power stations operating refrigeration units will eventually shut down without human intervention. Additionally, ensuring a sustainable water source is crucial. In the beginning, scavenging nearby stores for bottled water is recommended, but as supplies dwindle, you'll need to devise a way to filter water for long-term survival. Portable water filters become invaluable, enabling you to cleanse water from any source and drink it safely.

Having indulged in perishable food items stocked up for days, weeks, or even months, it's time to contemplate your long-term sustenance. Without electricity to preserve perishables, you'll rely on non-perishable food items like rice, beans, and canned goods. These provisions become your steadfast companions in the journey of survival. However, as time progresses, you must also consider sustainable food sources. Developing farming skills becomes paramount to ensure a steady supply of food before your existing stocks deplete entirely.

Medical supplies play a vital role in a world devoid of accessible medical assistance. Raiding pharmacies for future supplies becomes your best bet to prepare for potential emergencies. Given the absence of doctors, exercising caution and minimizing the risk of severe injuries become crucial.

Being the last human on Earth necessitates acquiring an array of survival skills. Hunting, first aid, cooking, and various other skills become essential for your continued existence. While farming and water filtration are critical, you must broaden your knowledge and adapt to a self-reliant lifestyle. Libraries and bookstores, once overlooked, now offer a treasure trove of knowledge to help you become the ultimate survival expert, albeit without the aid of the internet.

Carrying survival gear becomes advisable, ensuring you have tools to navigate and protect yourself in various situations. A versatile hiking toolbox, for instance, can prove invaluable in both urban and wilderness settings.

Although solitude may initially seem appealing, companionship eventually becomes a longing. Acquiring a pet or seeking connection with other living beings becomes essential


About the Creator

Leslie Enos

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