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What Happens When we Die According to the BIBLE

One of the greatest deceptions in the Christian world is about what happens when we die. Are the dead really dead, or are they in Heaven with God? Let’s go straight to the Bible to reveal the truth!

By Ibok GerardPublished about a month ago 14 min read
What Happens When we Die According to the BIBLE
Photo by Joy Real on Unsplash

In any case, before we find what ends up peopling when they kick the bucket, we should comprehend how we were created. As we go back to the dawn of history to the Nursery of Eden, we read: And the LORD God breathed life into man, who was made of earthly dust. the life-giving breath, and man became a living thing. Beginning 2:7 Here, we discover that spirit is an individual, and that it is composed of two things: ground dust and 2) The breath of God (which Occupation 27:3 uncovers is known as the Soul of God). When we pass away, what happens to these two things? According to the Bible, the dust will then return to the earth as It was, and the spirit will return to the creator, God. Ecclesiastes 12:7 When somebody passes on, the residue returns to the earth and the soul, or breath, returns to God. Keep in mind that a person's soul, or breath, is made up of dust. Thus, what befalls the spirit when the breath gets back to God and the residue gets back to the earth? It bites the dust! It quits existing. A soul that doesn't have any dust or breath is dead. The same thing takes place with light when the electricity or the light bulb vanishes from existence. The light doesn't drift away or head off to some place, it just doesn't exist. Similarly, when somebody bites the dust, their spirit doesn't drift away some place. No, there is no more soul - it is dead. You might think "Yet I have consistently heard that when somebody bites the dust, they go straightforwardly to Hell or Heaven." This is an extremely normal showing in different Christian temples. Also, numerous earnest adherents have this comprehension. But is it accurate? Is this truly what the Holy book instructs? I am aware that this is a delicate subject. Here we have the burial place of what gives off an impression of being a kid, whose life was lost far to soon. We need to be sensitive when we talk about these things, making sure that the Our guide is the Bible. You might have experienced the accompanying situation: Regularly at a burial service, you will here the "Don't worry – Sam is in Heaven," the pastor said, trying to console the congregation. peering down on us". Afterwards at the gravesite, that equivalent Minister says "Just relax, Sam is resting in the grave, anticipating the restoration at the arrival of Jesus." Which one is it, Pastor? Is the person taken immediately to Heaven, or do they remain in the grave and wait? when Jesus returns? the resurrection? Companions, there need not be any disarray. Allow us to allow the Book of scriptures to respond to this inquiry: In a second, in the sparkling of an eye, at the final trumpet For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised honest, and we will be changed. For this corruptible should put on incorruption, and this human should put on eternality. 1 As you can see, it will occur at the last trumpet in Corinthians 15:52-53. – the resurrection of the dead at Jesus' second coming. Not before that time. This stanza likewise uncovers that it will be around then - the second happening to Jesus - that we will change from mortal creatures to everlasting creatures. At the present time, every one of us are mortal - we are likely to agony and truth of death. The Bible actually teaches that only God is immortal: ...He who is the blessed and sole Potentate, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings has interminability… 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Assuming we went straightforwardly to Paradise, Heck, or Limbo If we died immediately, we would be immortal, but this is not the case. The educating of an undying soul is just not in the Good book. The word soul is involved more than 1600 times in the Book of scriptures, yet not once does the Book of scriptures at any point call the soul never dies. The educating of an undying soul has it's starting point in old agnostic convictions from Egypt and Babylon, and regrettably has entered numerous contemporary Christian churches. In any case, the Holy book is clear, other than the outstanding exemptions of Elijah, Moses, Enoch, and the The dead, a select group who arose with Christ's resurrection, are not currently in heaven. To additionally demonstrate this, the Holy book uncovers: The dead don't applaud the Master, Nor any who enter a state of silence. Psalm 115:17 says that the dead do not praise God. Furthermore, what does the Book of scriptures say regarding Lord David - would he say he is in paradise, or in the grave? Acts 2:29 uncovers: Men and brethren, let me talk unreservedly to you of the patriarch David, that he is both long gone, and his burial place is with us to this day. Acts 2:29 And Acts 2:34 certifies: David did not ascend into the heavens, after all... Acts 2:34 When we bite the dust, we are dead. We essentially stay in the grave until the revival. One might say, we are simply resting in the grave. Notice that this headstone says "in best rest". You could have additionally known about "find happiness in the hereafter". Is it real? Are the dead genuinely resting in the grave? Or on the other hand would they say they are in Paradise or Damnation at this moment? Strangely, the Bible frequently describes death as a state of sleep. Here is one of north of 50 refrains that allude to death as a rest: At the point when your days are satisfied and you rest with your dads, I will set up your seed I will establish his kingdom following you, who will emerge from your body. 2 Samuel 7:12 And in this entry, Jesus makes it understood that sleep is death: He said these things, and then He said more. to them, "Our companion Lazarus dozes, however I go that I might awaken him." The disciples then said, "Lord, he will get well if he sleeps." Nonetheless, Jesus discussed his passing, yet they believed that He was talking about taking sleep and rest. Then Jesus shared with them obviously, "Lazarus is dead." According to John 11:11–14, "Yes, the soul dies, but the cognizant soul goes to Paradise when we kick the bucket." Only a portion of this is true. We have previously learned, from the Book of scriptures, that the soul is just the nurturing breath of God. It lacks consciousness. The following verses in the Bible make this abundantly clear: For the living realize that they will bite the dust; Yet the dead ignoramus, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is neglected. Likewise their affection, their contempt, and their jealousy have now died; Nevermore will they have a stake in everything done in the world. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 God uncovers that the dead ignoramus - their When they die, thoughts, feelings, and actions cease to exist. The book of Job reveals the time period following death: His sons rise to honor without his knowledge; they fall to the ground without his knowledge. comprehend it. The Bible reveals to us in Job 14:21 that the dead Do not participate in any activity on Earth or praise the Lord in Heaven. As a matter of fact, there is extraordinary risk in accepting that the dead are as yet cognizant and can think and convey. Spiritualism is the name given to this idea. To start with, it isn't Scriptural. When we misunderstand one Bible teaching, it can set off a chain reaction that eventually leads us to fall prey to false teachings. Second, this conviction frees us up to being misled by fiendish spirits. You have to understand that, in reality, demons are to blame for visits from alleged loved ones who have passed away. imitating their friends and family. We have discovered that the dead fool, are in the grave, and can't speak with the living. The familiar spirits, or demons of Satan, actually have the ability to take on the dead: And no big surprise! For Satan himself changes himself into a heavenly messenger of light. Do not be deceived, dear friend, in 2 Corinthians 11:14. The dead are in the grave, unable to speak, and waiting for the resurrection. That is the wonderful occasion to which we can look forward! Let us get ready for it every day! This thrilling verse in the Bible explains it! For the Master Himself will dive from paradise with a yell, with the voice of a chief heavenly messenger, and with God's trumpet. Additionally, Christ's dead will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Note the sequence of events: Jesus came first. those who have given their lives for Christ will then ascend from the grave, and now consider what transpires next! Then we who are alive and remain will be up to speed along with them in the mists to meet the Master in the air. Furthermore, in this way we will constantly accompany the Master. Friends, the Scriptures are clear in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. When Jesus returns for the second time, the righteous will rise from the dead. I also want you to be prepared. Assuming you might want to be prepared for that first revival, simply write in the remark area underneath, "Lord, raise me up." Amen! To learn more basic data about how to arranged for the before long return of Jesus, Watch this shocking video to learn about the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. Beast: The Last Days. Assuming this video has been clear and supportive, if it's not too much trouble, similar to it and offer it with others. What's more, try to buy in assuming you're new. What's more, recall companions to keep your eyes on Jesus, the Creator and Finisher of our confidence! Quite possibly of the best misdirection in the Christian world about happens when we kick the bucket. Are the dead truly dead, or would they say they are in Paradise with God? How about we go directly to the Book of scriptures to uncover reality! Hello, and welcome to Hope Through Prophecy, where Dustin and I help you comprehend Bible prophecy. also, get ready for the arrival of Jesus. On the off chance that you're new, kindly consider buying in! Here I am at this lovely graveyard in the Smoky Heaps of North Carolina. surrounded by family and loved ones everywhere. In any case, before we find what ends up peopling when they kick the bucket, we should comprehend how we were created. As we go back to the dawn of history to the Nursery of Eden, we read: And the LORD God breathed life into man, who was made of earthly dust. the life-giving breath, and man became a living thing. Beginning 2:7 Here, we discover that spirit is an individual, and that it is composed of two things: ground dust and 2) The breath of God (which Occupation 27:3 uncovers is known as the Soul of God). When we pass away, what happens to these two things? According to the Bible, the dust will then return to the earth as It was, and the spirit will return to the creator, God. Ecclesiastes 12:7 When somebody passes on, the residue returns to the earth and the soul, or breath, returns to God. Keep in mind that a person's soul, or breath, is made up of dust. Thus, what befalls the spirit when the breath gets back to God and the residue gets back to the earth? It bites the dust! It quits existing. A soul that doesn't have any dust or breath is dead. The same thing takes place with light when the electricity or the light bulb vanishes from existence. The light doesn't drift away or head off to some place, it just doesn't exist. Similarly, when somebody bites the dust, their spirit doesn't drift away some place. No, there is no more soul - it is dead. You might think "Yet I have consistently heard that when somebody bites the dust, they go straightforwardly to Hell or Heaven." This is an extremely normal showing in different Christian temples. Also, numerous earnest adherents have this comprehension. But is it accurate? Is this truly what the Holy book instructs? I am aware that this is a delicate subject. Here we have the burial place of what gives off an impression of being a kid, whose life was lost far to soon. We need to be sensitive when we talk about these things, making sure that the Our guide is the Bible. You might have experienced the accompanying situation: Regularly at a burial service, you will here the "Don't worry – Sam is in Heaven," the pastor said, trying to console the congregation. peering down on us". Afterwards at the gravesite, that equivalent Minister says "Just relax, Sam is resting in the grave, anticipating the restoration at the arrival of Jesus." Which one is it, Pastor? Is the person taken immediately to Heaven, or do they remain in the grave and wait? when Jesus returns? the resurrection? Companions, there need not be any disarray. Allow us to allow the Book of scriptures to respond to this inquiry: In a second, in the sparkling of an eye, at the final trumpet For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised honest, and we will be changed. For this corruptible should put on incorruption, and this human should put on eternality. 1 As you can see, it will occur at the last trumpet in Corinthians 15:52-53. – the resurrection of the dead at Jesus' second coming. Not before that time. This stanza likewise uncovers that it will be around then - the second happening to Jesus - that we will change from mortal creatures to everlasting creatures. At the present time, every one of us are mortal - we are likely to agony and truth of death. The Bible actually teaches that only God is immortal: ...He who is the blessed and sole Potentate, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings has interminability… 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Assuming we went straightforwardly to Paradise, Heck, or Limbo If we died immediately, we would be immortal, but this is not the case. The educating of an undying soul is just not in the Good book. The word soul is involved more than 1600 times in the Book of scriptures, yet not once does the Book of scriptures at any point call the soul never dies. The educating of an undying soul has it's starting point in old agnostic convictions from Egypt and Babylon, and regrettably has entered numerous contemporary Christian churches. In any case, the Holy book is clear, other than the outstanding exemptions of Elijah, Moses, Enoch, and the The dead, a select group who arose with Christ's resurrection, are not currently in heaven. To additionally demonstrate this, the Holy book uncovers: The dead don't applaud the Master, Nor any who enter a state of silence. Psalm 115:17 says that the dead do not praise God. Furthermore, what does the Book of scriptures say regarding Lord David - would he say he is in paradise, or in the grave? Acts 2:29 uncovers: Men and brethren, let me talk unreservedly to you of the patriarch David, that he is both long gone, and his burial place is with us to this day. Acts 2:29 And Acts 2:34 certifies: David did not ascend into the heavens, after all... Acts 2:34 When we bite the dust, we are dead. We essentially stay in the grave until the revival. One might say, we are simply resting in the grave. Notice that this headstone says "in best rest". You could have additionally known about "find happiness in the hereafter". Is it real? Are the dead genuinely resting in the grave? Or on the other hand would they say they are in Paradise or Damnation at this moment? Strangely, the Bible frequently describes death as a state of sleep. Here is one of north of 50 refrains that allude to death as a rest: At the point when your days are satisfied and you rest with your dads, I will set up your seed I will establish his kingdom following you, who will emerge from your body. 2 Samuel 7:12 And in this entry, Jesus makes it understood that sleep is death: He said these things, and then He said more. to them, "Our companion Lazarus dozes, however I go that I might awaken him." The disciples then said, "Lord, he will get well if he sleeps." Nonetheless, Jesus discussed his passing, yet they believed that He was talking about taking sleep and rest. Then Jesus shared with them obviously, "Lazarus is dead." According to John 11:11–14, "Yes, the soul dies, but the cognizant soul goes to Paradise when we kick the bucket." Only a portion of this is true. We have previously learned, from the Book of scriptures, that the soul is just the nurturing breath of God. It lacks consciousness. The following verses in the Bible make this abundantly clear: For the living realize that they will bite the dust; Yet the dead ignoramus, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is neglected. Likewise their affection, their contempt, and their jealousy have now died; Nevermore will they have a stake in everything done in the world. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 God uncovers that the dead ignoramus - their When they die, thoughts, feelings, and actions cease to exist. The book of Job reveals the time period following death: His sons rise to honor without his knowledge; they fall to the ground without his knowledge. comprehend it. The Bible reveals to us in Job 14:21 that the dead Do not participate in any activity on Earth or praise the Lord in Heaven. As a matter of fact, there is extraordinary risk in accepting that the dead are as yet cognizant and can think and convey. Spiritualism is the name given to this idea. To start with, it isn't Scriptural. When we misunderstand one Bible teaching, it can set off a chain reaction that eventually leads us to fall prey to false teachings. Second, this conviction frees us up to being misled by fiendish spirits. You have to understand that, in reality, demons are to blame for visits from alleged loved ones who have passed away. imitating their friends and family. We have discovered that the dead fool, are in the grave, and can't speak with the living. The familiar spirits, or demons of Satan, actually have the ability to take on the dead: And no big surprise! For Satan himself changes himself into a heavenly messenger of light. Do not be deceived, dear friend, in 2 Corinthians 11:14. The dead are in the grave, unable to speak, and waiting for the resurrection. That is the wonderful occasion to which we can look forward! Let us get ready for it every day! This thrilling verse in the Bible explains it! For the Master Himself will dive from paradise with a yell, with the voice of a chief heavenly messenger, and with God's trumpet. Additionally, Christ's dead will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Note the sequence of events: Jesus came first. those who have given their lives for Christ will then ascend from the grave, and now consider what transpires next! Then we who are alive and remain will be up to speed along with them in the mists to meet the Master in the air. Furthermore, in this way we will constantly accompany the Master. Friends, the Scriptures are clear in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. When Jesus returns for the second time, the righteous will rise from the dead. I also want you to be prepared.


About the Creator

Ibok Gerard

Ibok Gerard is a wordsmith, dreamer, and adventurer. His writing explores the intersection of mystery and reality

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  • angela hepworthabout a month ago

    Interesting work!

Ibok GerardWritten by Ibok Gerard

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