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Mysteries of white hole

By Akhil RajuPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Get ready for a mind-bending journey through the universe! We all know that black holes are the ultimate celestial whirlpools of gravitational death - things can go in, but they can't get out. But what if we told you that there might be a mysterious twin to this powerful force? Enter the white hole - the opposite of a black hole. While black holes are incredibly dense objects that squeeze all the matter they ingest into an infinitely small point at their center, white holes constantly eject matter into the universe. Scientists theorize that white holes might be the other side of a black hole, and could even be a gateway to another universe.

While we've never seen a trace of a white hole, scientists may have finally found the evidence they've been looking for. Mysterious gamma rays have been showing up where they shouldn't be, and scientists think this might be the proof we needed of a white hole. But before you jump into one of the most puzzling objects in the universe, let's talk about the dangers.

If you traveled across the universe to catch a glimpse of this theoretical white hole, what you'd find would look like a black hole - a dark emptiness surrounded by a ring of dust and gas separated by an event horizon. But you wouldn't slide into the center of the singularity. Instead, your spaceship would be blasted by intense gamma rays, destroying it and everything inside. Even if you could survive that with super advanced gamma protective technology that doesn't exist yet, you'd still never be able to enter the event horizon of this white hole. The ejected radiation would constantly slow you down, and the challenge of moving through space-time that's being warped around you would almost be like you were traveling uphill with an extreme wind blowing you away. You'd need more energy to overcome this resistance and push forward, and the closer to the white hole you get, the more energy you'd require. There would come a point where you'd need more energy than there is in the entire universe.

But there might be another way in. If a white hole truly is the backside of a black hole, then traveling into its singularity would be like going through a black hole in reverse. Scientists think that there might be a wormhole connecting the white hole to its black hole companion. This could be your only way in, except this passage would be extremely unstable. The entire thing could collapse unpredictably at any moment.

If you were brave enough to jump into a black hole, you'd have to pass its event horizon. Once you were inside, you'd see another energetic burst of bright light. After this, the black hole would seem to expand all around you, surrounded by a ring of light. You'd be feeling pretty disoriented by now, and it might almost appear as if you were free-falling back through the black hole. This wouldn't be the case - this is just an optical illusion known as relativistic beaming. And of course, this wouldn't be the only extreme effect you'd experience. You'd still need to do the impossible and somehow break the cosmic speed record, traveling faster than the speed of light. You'd be overcoming the most extreme forces of gravity pulling at you from behind, and because of that, your entire body would be stretched out very thin. This would be reverse spaghettification. Finally, the disorienting effects of the relativistic beaming would make it appear to shrink ahead of you like you're getting further and further away. But eventually, you'd overcome all that gravity and blast your way out of the event horizon.

And now you'd be spewed out the other side of the black hole into a completely different part of our universe - or maybe not even in our universe at all. You just traveled through a black hole and then a white hole - anything's possible! 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter and radiation that makes up our universe emerged out of a singularity. Maybe you just traveled through the black hole that created our universe. It sounds like you've got another epic journey of discovery ahead of you, but it might not be as easy as you think. It's possible you've entered a universe with entirely different laws of physics than the ones we know of. You might be better off checking out something else that scientists have discovered, like this terrifying planet that looks like Earth.


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