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Strange Things Found in Deep Sea

Strange Things Found in the Deep Sea: Unveiling the Ocean's Oddities

By Ibok GerardPublished 2 months ago 5 min read
Strange Things Found in Deep Sea
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The deep sea is like outer space’s weirder, wetter cousin. It's a mysterious, largely unexplored realm that holds some of the most bizarre and fascinating creatures and phenomena known to humankind. From fish with transparent heads to glowing jellyfish, the deep sea is a veritable treasure trove of the strange and unusual. Let's dive into this watery wonderland and explore some of the most peculiar things ever discovered in the deep sea. Grab your scuba gear, and let's get weird!

1. The Blobfish: Nature's Most Unfortunate Face

Let's start with the blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus), often dubbed the world's ugliest animal. This deep-sea dweller looks like a gelatinous, grumpy old man. The blobfish's peculiar appearance is due to the extreme pressures of its deep-sea habitat. When brought to the surface, it loses its shape, making it look like it’s having the worst day ever. Imagine your face after you’ve pressed it against a window for too long—that’s the blobfish in a nutshell.

Fun Fact: Despite its gloomy demeanor, the blobfish is perfectly adapted to its environment, floating just above the sea floor and gobbling up whatever delicious morsels float by. It’s the ultimate couch potato of the ocean depths.

2. The Anglerfish: Deep Sea Lure Experts

Anglerfish are the horror movie villains of the deep sea. These fearsome predators have a bioluminescent lure dangling from their heads, which they use to attract unsuspecting prey. When a curious fish gets too close, the anglerfish snaps it up with its razor-sharp teeth. It’s like the ocean’s version of a trick-or-treat gone wrong.

Fun Fact: Female anglerfish can be up to ten times larger than males. The males are so tiny they latch onto females and fuse with them, living as permanent parasites. Talk about commitment issues!

3. The Vampire Squid: Masters of Stealth

Despite its terrifying name, the vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) is more quirky than menacing. Found in the dark depths, this squid has webbed arms that it can invert to protect itself, looking like a creepy, red-tinged umbrella. The vampire squid also has bioluminescent organs that produce flashes of light to confuse predators. It's less Dracula and more like a squid trying to win a rave dance-off.

Fun Fact: The vampire squid feeds on "marine snow," a delightful term for the shower of dead organic material that drifts down from the upper layers of the ocean. It’s the ultimate recycler of the sea.

4. The Yeti Crab: Hairy Deep-Sea Dwellers

Discovered in 2005 near Easter Island, the yeti crab (Kiwa hirsuta) looks like a crustacean with a fur coat. This deep-sea inhabitant has long, hairy arms covered in bacteria that it cultivates and eats. It’s like having your own personal garden—on your arms. The yeti crab’s fuzzy appearance gives it an oddly endearing, if somewhat unsettling, look.

Fun Fact: The bacteria on the yeti crab's arms are thought to detoxify the poisonous minerals in its hydrothermal vent habitat. It’s like having a built-in hazmat suit made of fuzz.

5. The Barreleye Fish: The Transparent-Headed Wonder

The barreleye fish (Macropinna microstoma) is a true marvel of the deep sea. This fish has a transparent head through which you can see its tubular eyes, giving it a perpetually surprised expression. These eyes can rotate within the transparent dome, allowing the fish to look upwards through its own skull. It’s like wearing a see-through helmet with built-in binoculars.

Fun Fact: The barreleye fish’s transparent head protects its sensitive eyes from the stinging cells of siphonophores, a type of jellyfish it often steals food from. It’s the ultimate sneak thief of the sea.

6. The Goblin Shark: Ancient and Alien

The goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is often described as a living fossil, with its lineage dating back 125 million years. This pink-skinned predator has an elongated, flat snout and jaws that can protrude to snap up prey. When you see a goblin shark in action, it looks like it’s got a spring-loaded jack-in-the-box mechanism in its face. Surprise!

Fun Fact: The goblin shark’s snout is covered in electroreceptors, which help it detect the electric fields generated by other creatures. It’s like having a built-in fish-finder.

7. The Giant Isopod: Supersized Sea Bugs

If you thought woodlice were creepy, meet their giant underwater relatives. Giant isopods (Bathynomus giganteus) are essentially enormous, armored pill bugs that can grow up to 2.5 feet long. These deep-sea scavengers have been known to feast on the carcasses of whales, but they can also go for long periods without eating, living off their reserves. It’s the marine equivalent of binging and then dieting.

Fun Fact: Giant isopods are often found in the abyssal plains of the ocean, where they scuttle along the sea floor looking for food. They’re like the roombas of the deep sea, cleaning up the mess.

8. The Dumbo Octopus: Adorable Aliens

The dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis) gets its name from its ear-like fins that resemble Disney’s Dumbo. These deep-sea creatures are not only cute but also fascinating in their behavior. They hover just above the ocean floor, using their fins to swim gracefully while searching for food. If there were a deep-sea ballet, the dumbo octopus would undoubtedly be the star performer.

Fun Fact: Dumbo octopuses can survive in extreme depths, up to 13,000 feet below the surface, where the pressure is crushing. They’re the zen masters of the ocean, staying calm under pressure—literally.

9. The Gulper Eel: The Deep Sea's Big Mouth

The gulper eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides), also known as the pelican eel, has a disproportionately large mouth that it can expand to swallow prey much larger than itself. This eel’s mouth looks like a giant pouch, reminiscent of a pelican's beak, and it uses bioluminescence to attract prey. Imagine a sock puppet with a built-in flashlight and you get the idea.

Fun Fact: The gulper eel's stomach can also stretch to accommodate large meals, allowing it to feast or famine as food availability in the deep sea fluctuates. It’s like having an expandable grocery bag attached to your face.

10. The Deep-Sea Dragonfish: Terrifying and Tiny

Despite its small size, the deep-sea dragonfish (Stomiidae) is one of the most fearsome predators of the ocean depths. It has long, needle-like teeth and a bioluminescent barbel dangling from its chin to lure prey. This fish lives in the midnight zone of the ocean, where sunlight never reaches, making its built-in glow stick a handy hunting tool.

Fun Fact: The deep-sea dragonfish can produce red light, which is invisible to most of its prey. It’s like having night vision goggles in the pitch-black depths of the ocean.

Conclusion: The Ocean's Wacky Wonderland

The deep sea is home to some of the most bizarre and wonderful creatures on Earth. From fish with transparent heads to glow-in-the-dark squids, the ocean’s depths are a testament to nature’s creativity. While these strange beings might seem like the stuff of science fiction, they are very real, thriving in one of the planet’s most extreme environments.

Next time you find yourself gazing at the ocean, remember the oddities lurking far beneath the surface. They might not be winning any beauty contests, but these deep-sea denizens are marvels of evolution and adaptation. So, here’s to the blobfish, the anglerfish, and all the other weird and wonderful creatures of the deep—thank you for keeping our world fascinatingly strange.


About the Creator

Ibok Gerard

Ibok Gerard is a wordsmith, dreamer, and adventurer. His writing explores the intersection of mystery and reality

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    Ibok GerardWritten by Ibok Gerard

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