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we are here to learn.

from nature.

By Ola GaberPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

What we may learn.

An ode to nature. To everything that crawls and creeps, devours and eats up the grey concrete with its greenery. It looks for its holes in the old walls and blasts them open from the inside. Everything built by man has a half-life and is not meant to last forever. Nature seeks its own way. Ruthlessly, over every adversity and obstacle. Towards the light, because static and stagnation are contrary to its spirit.

My admiration is for everything that flows and sprouts and the rain that pours life and washes away our absurd thoughts. When we go round in circles and can't find our way out. Drowning our clothes in the wet, which are nothing more than identities that we put on and take off in the same way. For in our essence we are all nothing but children dancing naked in the rain and jumping through puddles and mud.

My appreciation goes to the sun, which not only warms our hearts when they get cold again, and to the trees, which give us shade when we have forgotten that we are only little ants on this planet, who toil and sacrifice themselves in the blazing heat. To the earth that brings us back down to earth when we take off again and move around in fantasy castles.

The air that feeds our lungs and takes nothing in return. All the little plants and weeds that are ready in abundance to care for us, to nourish us, to heal us and wait lovingly for us while we run to the pharmacy again to find cure. The huge trees that remind us what support and deep roots really mean. Giving us safety, security and allowing us to lean on them when we feel small and helpless. And the dirt that muddies and messes up our concepts when we tend to want to control everything again.

The rivers that flow because it is simply their job to keep moving. The cutting light that casts just as many shadows in its brightness and knows about the darkness. We need both to live. The germination and growth of every plant, in which there is so much life and at the same time its transience, and which blossoms anew in the next cycle. Becoming and passing away in one.

The knowledge that perfection is not about an excellent performance but an extraordinary balance, from the interaction of community, interweaving and dealing with the challenges of the environment. Sometimes there are storms that sweep everything away. And suddenly there is sunshine again. Your food and fertiliser arise out of yourself and the old leaves you have left fallen down to earth.

Life is not linear, it's circular. It rarely goes according to plan and is even less controllable.

Nature outgrows itself. Over and over again. It does not reinvent itself, it simply goes about its the gentle flow of its being, which is stored in its cells. She doesn't have to understand this with her mind. She does not do anything to grow. Because she grows, out of herself.

And that is what we can learn from her.

Let a plant grow in a pot and in time it will burst it. It expands in all directions and follows its own signature. It never stays small by nature. However, its outer limits determine how far it may expand. And it is the same with us humans. We set limits for ourselves and touch them constantly.

What if we don't limit our possibilities to a flower pot, but set ourselves free and sow ourselves wildly in the earth? Do we then realise how unlimited we are? How much support and at the same time how much space we get? How much nourishment and fertiliser we experience from our communities and togetherness?

We have not forgotten, we just need to remember.


About the Creator

Ola Gaber

⋗ Coach, Herbalist, Traveler, Writer ◐

philosophy of life: lets face our biggest fears, oddest weaknesses & greatest visions to become who we really are.

Living wild & fully.


If you like my work, leave some love ♡

IG @raiz.up.stories

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