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Turn Trash into Fuel

A Global Exploration of Energy Solutions from Food Waste

By Ally AllanyPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Turn Trash into Fuel
Photo by Jas Min on Unsplash

Every year, an astonishing 1.3 billion tons of food is discarded worldwide, contributing to the mounting trash problem and exacerbating environmental challenges. However, amid this wasteful reality, innovative entrepreneurs across the globe have been finding ingenious ways to transform this waste into valuable fuel sources. From Argentina to Sierra Leone, from Indonesia to India, communities are harnessing the power of food waste to generate energy, reduce landfill waste, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In this blog, we will delve into four captivating stories of individuals and communities who are not only finding solutions to the global waste crisis but also contributing to a more sustainable and greener future.

Turning Food Waste into Electricity

At the bustling Bowenpally Market in Hyderabad, India, an astounding 10 tons of unsold food is generated each day. Rather than letting this food go to waste in landfills, it is ingeniously converted into electricity through innovative biogas technology. The process begins with chopping up larger vegetables and loading them onto a conveyor belt. Spoiled or excess vegetables are discarded due to high transportation costs for farmers. The food is then shredded and further broken down into smaller particles before being pumped into digesters, where anaerobic bacteria consume the waste, producing methane and carbon dioxide. The biogas harvested from this process is used to power street lights, buildings, and even a kitchen that serves meals to 800 people daily. Additionally, the plant produces valuable fertilizer that is purchased back by farmers, improving soil health and crop yields.

Coconut Shells Transformed into Sustainable Briquettes

In Sierra Leone, entrepreneur Alhaji Saraj Ba is making a significant impact by turning coconut shells, a waste product, into eco-friendly briquettes. The squishy sludge from coconut shells is processed into a fine powder, which is mixed with a secret binding agent. The mixture is then extruded into rectangular logs that dry for several days. These briquettes burn longer than traditional wood-based charcoal and are sought after by consumers, particularly those who use them for shisha pipes. Alhaji's venture not only reduces waste but also helps combat deforestation and provides an alternative to wood-based charcoal, thus contributing to a more sustainable energy landscape.

Biofuel from Cider Mill Waste for Sustainable Barbecues

In Argentina's Altovalle region, cider mills generate approximately 75,000 metric tons of leftover fruit waste annually. Entrepreneur Jose Alberto Ardenberry saw an opportunity and founded Biolog to convert this waste into sustainable fuel called biologs. The process involves experimenting with the fruit waste to create solid logs that can be used as fuel for barbecues. Biologs provide a clean and efficient energy source, contributing to reduced deforestation in the region and setting an example for sustainable practices in the food and beverage industry.

Tofu Wastewater Transformed into Cooking Gas

In Indonesia's Sumedang region, tofu production results in a significant amount of smelly wastewater. This toxic runoff previously polluted waterways, causing environmental harm. However, communities in the area have embraced biogas technology to turn this waste into a valuable resource. The wastewater is directed to biogas plants, where anaerobic bacteria ferment the organic material, producing methane gas. This gas is then used for cooking in households, offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. By implementing such innovative solutions, communities in Indonesia are tackling environmental challenges and contributing to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.


The stories of innovative entrepreneurs and communities turning food waste into valuable fuel sources offer hope for a more sustainable future amidst the global waste crisis. From biogas plants in India to coconut briquettes in Sierra Leone, these initiatives demonstrate the power of local solutions to global environmental challenges. By embracing such practices and supporting clean energy alternatives, we can make a significant positive impact on the planet and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, ultimately contributing to a greener and more sustainable world. These remarkable endeavors inspire us to rethink waste as a valuable resource and highlight the potential for innovative solutions to shape a brighter future for generations to come.


About the Creator

Ally Allany

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