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The Sacred Scroll

"The birds represent colour and light, and to some magic. "

By Dawn MichelePublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The Sacred Scroll
Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

Kayleb could start to feel his dark blonde hair start to go slick with oil and sweat. His brain was now foggy with the humidity in the amazon air, water drops clinging to the silvery moustache that had began to grow on his upper lip. The cave was dark, damp, had an earthy smell to it like iron. He had read about the caves in the amazon before, dreamed about coming here and exploring them since his childhood. There had been traces of a humans living in these caves long ago , enticing his mind with what had once been. He had studied them extensively , digging up every article he could on them. The animals of the rainforest drew him to the chase, especially the Scarlett Maccaw. He had revelled in it's beauty - and what it had symbolized , bringing healing through it's colour and light.

Twenty five years after finding the article the adventure had been looking for. Having a difficult and messy year - and when everything was said and done he took his savings to go to the place he had dreamed off for so long. He felt himself shed the story of the last year as he hiked along, nature healing him as it often did. Although he had hiked for hours and had been exhausted, he found determination in his every step. His legs had moved on their own, passion burning through his veins.

His best friend Weston had joined, they had known eachother since elementary school. He always been the prankster in school. Kayleb on the opposite hand been the quiet one , Weston drifting to him when he thought he needed a friend.

Kayleb now stopped at the top of a pathway, there had been a short staircase down. It appeared to be built by man yet the same rubble of the cave floor. He smiled wildly, clapping Weston on the back who now came up a few paces behind him.

"What is this ? I'm keeping up to ya, mate. " Weston panted, looking at the staircase. "Stairs ?? It gets wicked every step of the way. "

"This is what I was telling you about. Kayleb exclaimed. His eyes gleamed brightly. This is the legend. This is what I found all of those years ago. "

"Well, I believe ya. " Weston commented. "It's more than an urban legend, and now we're here. " He tied the dark hair black off of his face and adjusted his hat. "Always in for the adventure , bud. "

There had been talk of finding much iron in these caves, but there had been legend of a hidden entrance to an area in the rainforest where there would be a gathering of the Macaws. A certain place they had enjoyed being. The way there would be through the cave, within there would be a map that would point the way out. Only the ones who were brave enough to make it this far would find it , and only if they believed they could. Only if they really believed the place at the end was real. He now smiled at Weston, he'd felt blessed for his friendship and his loyalty. He had travelled with him all of this way , to help him complete the journey. To see if every story was actually true - and if they were the one of the few people who would get there.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, there was now a pile of sticks - likely used as torches on the ground. "The everlasting flame will guide your way through the rest of the tunnel. Follow it's light. " Weston read a script that was etched into the wall of the cave above. He took one off the top of the pile, the wood a dark brown colour. "One second, I have a light. " He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, despite the moisture in the rest of the cave it lit easily and burned strong. Now looking around there had been a sharp turn around a corner, he let out a wicked grin. "Adventure. I'm ready. "

There had been endless twists and turns in the rocky cave, the ceiling becoming more shallow as they went on. The walls had been a dark brown colour to match the torch, mottled with a rustic red stone. Kayleb slid one hand along the wall, holding the other out in front of him - palm outstretched. Weston walked behind him with the torch, holding it a foot in front of him. It lit up the rocks with amber. Hitting yet another turn, Kayleb stepped into the next pathway about a quarter step, feeling the inside of the cave. It had now become narrow like a hallway, the ceiling close enough to their heads that he could nearly touch it when he held his arm up.

"We don't have to do this. " Kayleb said. "It's getting more shallow. We've gone so far, it'll be easy to get lost. I hope you know that. We can turn back anytime. We can even turn back now, really. No hard feelings man. "

"Why?" Weston asked. His dark brow furrowed, he shook his head wildly. "We have been at this for hours. Why would you want to turn back now ? We're so close now, can't you feel it ?"

The doubt that was creeping into Kayleb's mind was like a poison. Quickly setting into his veins. clouding his mind with no other thought. The autopilot he had felt earlier quickly left him. Although he had envisioned this all of his life, perhaps now it was exhaustion that took over.

"You can't turn back now. " Weston said. "You came here to test your bravery. For courage, and the magic of these birds. We are here for the adventure of the lifetime. I'm telling you, I did not come all of this way to let you turn back now. "

Nodding quietly. he remembered the first day he had met Weston in school. It was so similar to the first words he had spoken to him "no" he had said. "No I'm not going to let you sit alone. I'm sitting here and if you don't like it tell me to bugger off. But that's how it'll be. "

"Fine. We continue. " Kayleb spoke in a soft voice. Nodding a couple times he glanced at the ground before looking into his friends eyes. "Thank you. " He had meant it from a deep place, the words not strong enough to express what he had felt.

"Welcome. " Weston grunted. "Now go before I change my mind. Claustrophobic a little, ya know. "

Together they walked down the hallway, this one had been long and straight , and had seemed to go on forever. Minutes passed before Kayleb felt a decline in the path. Slowing down he glanced over the edge, the way down was steep, ending in a clearing. There had been a stone basin in the middle, the amber light Weston now held out slightly over the edge shedding light upon it. Looking at eachother before they shuffled down the steep slope, the path had widening out to the clearing. The room had not been very large, circular in shape and dimly lit. Their feet hit the bottom with a loud echoing sound , jogging a few paces when they hit the floor with the momentum.

Walking to the center of the cave , Kayleb gasped when he saw a rolled piece of parchment in the basin. Walking forward he reached towards it , before turning back to Weston. The last hallway had been easy, and yet if he had not convinced him, he would not have come the last short stretch of the way.

"Do not hesitate. " Weston smiled. "It's yours to take my friend. For years you have spoken to me about this place. Now we are here. "

Kayleb picked up the scroll, it unrolled easily. There had been a paragprah of writing on the scroll, an intricate picture underneath.

"The way out is simple, follow the light. Perhaps you've seen some of them already, as you have been in this rainforest - their home for quite some time now to get here. The map did not need to be written out for you, as you have already found your way with your detemination." A picture with a door was drawn under it, the door having a curved top and rays of light coming through the cracks.

Kayleb looked straight ahead of him to see another staircase, this one lenghy. Weston nodded, he watched Kayleb closely as he read the note. "That way I'm guessing?"

"Yes. " Kayleb murmured. "That way. "

They now jogged up the stairs, the adrenaline pumping through them beating the exhaustion. The stairs were a long climb yet not daunting, they climbed them with ease. Reaching the landing at the top, a hook made out of stone jutted out of the wall. Looking beside him Weston put the torch on the hook, it had fit perfectly, lighting up the door. Kaylebgave it a slight push, opening it to the outdoors.

Bright sunlight hit them as they stepped out into the lush , green shrubbery. The plants strong and towering, strikingly beautiful. There was a continuous hum of the birds, the insects buzzing loudly. A waterfall tumbled down the cliff - the strong rhythm of it forming into a crystal coloured pool at the bottom.

The Macaw's were in the canopy layers of the rainforest, some in partners, some with their families. They were social creatures - enjoyed being together. Perhaps the place was magical, had a draw to it. The beauty of this spot they had found was mesmerizing. The birds flew peacefully, to enjoy the companionship and freedom of one another in their habitat. Kayleb watched them in fascination, their red coloured heads, yellow backs and blue wing tips and tails , pale yellow eyes striking against their white coloured face.

Kayleb looked at Weston, the grin splitting across his face wide. Their energy radiating off them, personality larger than life. Thoughts of the journey to arrive here flooded his mind, now more than ever he knew that it was just the beginning - such as the Macaw would forage fruits and nuts to maintain the vitality of the rainforest. To some they represent song and communication, the connection between birds and humans - their ability to pick up human speech remarkable. To Kayleb, magic.

short story

About the Creator

Dawn Michele

Hey everyone ! Welcome to my profile. I am an apiring fantasy/ sci fi author. I am a tattoo model from Canada, coaching new models on the side. Other than fantasy, my favorite genre to write is horror. Thanks for looking at my page, enjoy!

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    Dawn MicheleWritten by Dawn Michele

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