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The Roswell Incident: The UFO Crash That Forever Altered the World of Extraterrestrial Phenomena

Unveiling the Roswell Enigma: Decades of Deception, Intrigue, and the Quest for Truth

By Dr. Fred DomezahPublished 12 months ago 16 min read

The Roswell incident is a pivotal event that has given rise to a multitude of stories, conspiracy theories, and alleged facts. To fully comprehend its historical significance and the subsequent enduring fascination surrounding it, we must delve into the background leading up to this bombshell event, which occurred just two years after the conclusion of World War II. This article aims to explore the unfolding events during this era of hysteria, the resulting fallout of conspiracy theories that persist to this day, and the question of whether we truly encountered an extraterrestrial entity 75 years ago. Join us as we seek to shed more light on the captivating story that captivated the world then and continues to do so now—the Roswell incident—in this edition of Destination Declassified.

Undoubtedly, the history of this incident, as well as the subsequent narratives, beliefs, and conspiracies, has been extensively covered by numerous newspapers, blogs, and books. However, it is often enlightening to revisit the origins of the story, tracing the events leading up to the crash, examining the direct involvement of key individuals, and exploring the immediate aftermath. Through this exploration, we aim to separate fact from fiction. So, where do we begin? It all traces back to the summer of 1947.

The dust had barely settled after the monumental defeat of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime, and people were eagerly anticipating a fresh start and a prosperous future. However, talks were already underway concerning a new war—the Cold War. Many maintain that the crash was initially attributed to the Soviet Union, following startling news received by the U.S. Army Air Forces about a recovered flying disc in the deserts of New Mexico. This event held certain connections to more recent news reports. Initially, it was suggested that the crash involved a balloon of some kind, possibly related to weather observations and carrying lightweight materials, including radar technologies.

Almost half a century later, in 1994, it was allegedly disclosed to the public that the balloon was part of a top-secret program known as Project Mogul. This project, meticulously organized by the U.S. military, aimed to detect Soviet nuclear bomb tests. We will delve into this aspect in greater detail later. However, how did we transition from a weather balloon to extraterrestrial involvement? Let's revisit the aftermath of World War II, as people were rebuilding their lives, surroundings, and infrastructure.

As World War II came to a close, individuals were gradually reconstructing their lives. However, a new, more extensive threat loomed—the United States and the Soviet Union had emerged as victorious global superpowers, but they became fierce competitors on the international stage. Their ideologies, restructuring efforts, and the development of militarized arsenals and defense systems greatly divided them. This bureaucratic back-and-forth spiral led to 45 years of paranoia, nuclear threats, and a substantial erosion of trust between what was once an intercontinental partnership—a unified force against the Third Reich. History informs us that the Soviet Union acquired over 22 million square kilometers of land across various countries, encompassing an area more than seven times the size of India and two and a half times that of the United States.

The United States, known as the land of opportunity, was overshadowed by an ever-expanding concern related to government exchanges, leaked reports of espionage, the race for space, and militarized sabotage on June 21, 1947. Navy seaman Harold Dahl and fighter pilot Fred Chrisman claimed that Dahl witnessed six unidentified flying objects near Mori Island in Washington State's Puget Sound during a conservation mission gathering logs. Dahl observed six circular sheet-like structures hovering in the skies about half a mile from his boat. After a period of confusion, one of the objects descended 1,500 feet towards the ground, shedding metallic debris that struck the boat, injuring Dahl's son and causing the family dog's unfortunate death. Dahl, astounded and horrified, captured photographs of the peculiar aerial objects and showed them to Chrisman, who initially dismissed the claims.

Chrisman changed his stance only after personally witnessing the aftermath at Puget Sound, convinced by Dahl to accompany him. This incident later became known as the Moray Island incident. The story's enduring appeal and extensive discussion among military officials and conspiracy theorists can be attributed to the strange turn of events the following morning. After the distressing loss of his dog and seeing his son harmed by metal fragments from an unidentified alien craft, Dahl was visited by an officer dressed in an indistinguishable black suit. In a book titled "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers" by American paranormal writer Gary Barker, it is claimed that the enigmatic officer invited Dahl to a local diner to discuss the previous day's events at Mori Island.

According to Barker's book, the man in black recounted the entire occurrence to Dahl, even the minutest details, leaving Dahl bewildered by this sinister recollection. Dahl attempted to reason with the unnamed officer, but the officer abruptly left the diner after whispering a warning. The warning implied that the officer possessed knowledge beyond Dahl's comprehension and instructed him never to disclose the incident to anyone, lest dire consequences follow. Just two days after this encounter, amateur pilot Kenneth Arnold became entangled in the mystery when he claimed to have sighted what he described as the original description of a flying saucer. Many consider the Roswell incident to correlate with the stories of Arnold and Dahl, which occurred on June 24, 1947, as Arnold soared over the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. Arnold reported seeing nine bow-shaped objects flying at an altitude of 10,000 feet in an uncontrollable and shaky manner, resembling a skipping stone on water. The most intriguing aspect was their speed, with the basin-like objects traveling at approximately 1,900 kilometers per hour, a feat deemed impossible during the 1940s.

The significant date associated with the events at Roswell is June 14th when W.W. Mack Brazel and his son Vernon were driving across their ranch about 80 miles northwest of Roswell. While attending to their business and exploring the nearby grounds, they stumbled upon a groundbreaking and conspiracy-fueled finding that would be etched in history. Initially appearing metallic in nature, with scattered shining shards, closer inspection revealed a large black area of bright wreckage composed of rubber strips, tin foil, tough paper, and sticks. Brazel, intrigued yet suspicious of the peculiar materials, couldn't comprehend the origin of this shattered anomaly. With heightened apprehension and suspicion, Brazel and his son returned to their car and headed home, unable to shake off the strange occurrence and the mysterious craft that crash-landed in the desert.

Despite attempting to dismiss the incident from his mind, Brazel's curiosity persisted. On July 4th, he revisited the scene to check if the remnants were still there, to his surprise, everything remained as he had initially found it. This observation reinforced his resolve to report the incident to the authorities and prompted him to conduct further investigations. Three days later, equipped with an empty truck, the rancher made another trip to the crash site, diligently collecting as much of the fragmented craft as he could. He piled the debris into the vehicle and immediately headed to the Sheriff's Office to meet with Sheriff George Wilcox.

Despite possessing extensive experience in handling various individuals, events, and peculiar occurrences, Sheriff Wilcox found himself unable to comprehend the cause of the crash or decipher the nature and mechanics of the materials collected by Brazel. After a brief discussion with the rancher, taking general notes and inspecting the craft, Sheriff Wilcox contacted the Roswell Army Airfield, specifically the AAF 509th Composite Group, the aerial unit of the United States Air Force stationed in Roswell. He reached out to his close friend Colonel William Hugh Blanchard, commonly known as Butch, a respected United States Air Force officer who held the rank of four-star general and served as the Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1965 to 1966.

Events escalated rapidly following the conversation between Sheriff Wilcox and Colonel Blanchard. The objects were promptly transported to the base, leaving both individuals bewildered as to the nature and purpose of the wreckage. The next course of action involved General Roger W. Ramey, the senior commander of the Eighth Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas. General Ramey was tasked with examining the debris and providing guidance on the subsequent steps to be taken. During this intensifying phase, Major Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer, was dispatched by Blanchard to accompany Sheriff Wilcox and Mr. Brazel back to the desert, specifically the location of the discovery, to meticulously retrieve the remaining fragments of the craft.

Once all the remaining pieces were gathered and transported back to the base, Major Marcel surprisingly issued a statement to the press. The Roswell Daily Record featured the headline, "Our AAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell," which instantly propelled the story into public consciousness and sparked widespread discussions. In an attempt to downplay the growing excitement and anxiety spreading across New Mexico and beyond, the military attributed the incident to a miscommunication and stated that the flying object was, in fact, a weather balloon equipped with radar target technology. The press ran the story, with the Roswell Morning Dispatch publishing "Army Debunks Roswell Flying Disc'' while the world simmered with excitement.

Roger D. Launius, a retired curator of space history at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., who has participated in various investigative panels, addressed the conflicting headlines by stating that admitting the presence of a flying saucer was easier than revealing Project Mogul. However, as rumors subsided and frustration grew due to contradictory reports and disclosures from government, military, and newspaper sources, the so-called Roswell crash gradually faded from public discourse. With the constant threat from the Soviet Union and the heightening tensions of the Cold War, the focus on a tin foil-wrapped flying saucer became less significant. Nevertheless, many still question the official narrative, and sightings of UFOs and aliens continue to increase.

In 1980, the Roswell incident returned to the spotlight with the publication of a book titled "The Roswell Incident" by American authors Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore. Their objective was to expose what they believed to be a misdirection and substitute story fed to the public. Their investigation primarily focused on the original debris, reigniting their assertion that it was an unidentified flying object of unknown origin. Both authors had prior experience delving into enigmatic subjects. Moore, for instance, co-authored the book "The Philadelphia Experiment" in 1979, which explored alleged naval experiments involving invisibility and bullets on the USS Eldridge in 1943. While the book discussed the mysterious teleportation of the destroyer escort ship from Philadelphia to Virginia, the official records from the Naval History Archives denied the occurrence of such an event. Similar to the Roswell incident, the general discussion and public interest surrounding the Philadelphia Experiment persisted, keeping the story alive.

In their subsequent book about the Roswell incident, Moore and Berlitz proposed that the wreckage was transported to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, for comprehensive analysis. They believed that the weather balloon theory was hastily concocted to deceive the public. Following the release of their previous book, both authors faced criticism and skepticism from disbelievers and academics. While the Roswell incident received widespread criticism, it also sparked a fresh wave of conspiracy theories and discussions regarding the true events and possible government cover-up.

The emergence of certain documents in 1984, classified memos allegedly related to top-secret militarized operations and the establishment of a new world order, fueled further concerns and debates about the actual story behind Roswell. These documents suggested the existence of a secretive group called The Majestic 12 or MJ-12, believed to have been assembled by President Harry S. Truman to orchestrate various operations, including the Roswell incident. Despite being deemed bogus by the FBI, these documents contributed to heightened paranoia and increased interest in UFOs and the search for answers. The internet's rise also played a significant role in promoting and discussing these subjects.

Area 51, a closed-off underground facility located within the Nevada test site, approximately 80 miles outside Las Vegas, became a focal point for truth seekers. Whistleblowers like Bob Lazar, a self-proclaimed physicist who claimed to have worked at the site in the late 1980s, spoke extensively about the concept of flying saucers and the Roswell incident. Others also claimed to have witnessed conclusive evidence of alien technologies and creatures, which were later revealed to be parachute test dummies in 1997. The government consistently brushed aside the subject of aliens, UFOs, and supernatural occurrences, and individuals who delved deeper into these matters reported threats and instances of scientists, witnesses, or informants going missing or being found dead.

It is important to note that the events at Roswell coincided with the intensifying tensions between the USSR and the US during the Cold War. As both nations raced to send astronauts to the moon, rebuild infrastructure, bolster populations and workforces, and stockpile nuclear weapons, constant vigilance became the norm. The US conducted tests in the South Pacific and the Nevada test sites. Project Mogul, previously mentioned, was a top-secret operation primarily focused on detecting Soviet nuclear bomb tests. It was conducted by the US government, with Washington, DC, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico playing significant roles. The project involved launching high-altitude balloons equipped with microphones into the ionosphere to monitor and study Soviet nuclear testing technologies covertly.

Some of the espionage balloons, measuring 657 feet in length, traversed the USSR while being equipped with various components to maintain their buoyancy and trajectory. However, Roger D. Launius expressed concerns that at least one of these balloons might have deviated from its intended path. It is evident that an incident occurred with this specific balloon, causing it to return to Earth and scatter debris across a wide area. Consequently, the weather balloon theory was formulated and presented to the public.

Throughout the years, skepticism persisted among many individuals regarding the government's account, prompting continuous questioning. In 1994, the United States Air Force exposed and clarified Project Mogul by releasing a report that acknowledged the falseness of the weather balloon narrative. The wreckage found was, in fact, remnants of technological espionage. As customary, the cover story served the purpose of national security, preventing mass panic, and ensuring the covert nature of militarized operations. This tactic, widely believed to be employed by politicians, celebrities, mainstream media, and collective governments, involves consistently misleading the public with false information, misdirection, and propaganda as a means to distract and divide the broader population and assert social control and dominance.

Since the Roswell incident, belief, trust, and support for world leaders and political parties have significantly waned. Consequently, it has become a topic of renewed interest for writers like Donald R. Schmidt, who is renowned for his extensive research on the UFO phenomenon. Schmidt, the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies and co-founder of the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, has dedicated over 30 years to investigating this anomaly. He has provided commentary on the cover story regarding the Mogul project. Two hours west of Roswell, the first atomic bomb was detonated, and ongoing atomic research was conducted at Los Alamos. Additionally, tests were conducted on captured German V2 rockets at White Sands, while Roswell served as the headquarters for the first atomic bomb squadron. Given these circumstances, it is unlikely that any intentional publicity was orchestrated as a distraction. If anything, they sought to minimize attention.

Over the past few decades, the Roswell incident has sparked countless theories, investigations, and reports. Some theories are relatively straightforward, while others are so perplexing that initial skepticism may subconsciously lead individuals to believe them. One intriguing proposal came in the form of a book titled "Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base" authored by American investigative journalist Annie Jacobson. Jacobson is well-known for her books on popular conspiracy theories, including Operation Paperclip, CIA assassins, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City. Her 2011 book on Area 51 garnered attention, as she claimed that the Roswell incident itself was a peculiarly orchestrated operation authorized by none other than Joseph Stalin. The purpose was to disrupt and confuse the radar systems of the United States using false flags. In the book, Jacobson recounts being approached by an anonymous individual who worked as an engineer for the contractor EG&G at Area 51.

An alternative version of the events emerged, suggesting a collaboration between Stalin and Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele in which children and teenagers with deformities from the Soviet States were recruited. These individuals were supposedly deployed to places like Roswell in specially designed aircraft. The grotesque plan involved the children climbing out of the aircraft and being mistaken for Martian visitors, causing panic and overwhelming America's radar system with UFO sightings. While this claim faced criticism and skepticism, some believe it contains a hint of possibility. Jesse Marcel Jr., son of intelligence officer Jesse Marcel Sr. mentioned earlier, discussed this theory in his book "The Roswell Legacy." Marcel Jr., who was 11 years old at the time of the crash, recalled his father bringing home some wreckage for him to examine. According to him, the debris contained unusual markings resembling geometric symbols rather than animal or mathematical figures. Although lacking credible evidence, it is worth noting that sometimes the most outlandish claims hold elements of truth.

Stanton T. Friedman, a prominent nuclear physicist and professional ufologist, played a significant role in the Roswell incident's investigation and subsequent cover-up. In 1978, Friedman had a conversation with Major Jesse Marcel Sr. about the crash, disputing the balloon theory. Marcel Sr., an intelligence officer involved in recovering the wreckage, claimed that everyone agreed the source was of extraterrestrial origin. Friedman embarked on a career discussing this theory, facing professional and personal criticisms and attacks. Since then, numerous researchers, investigative journalists, and writers have sought their own covert meetings with ex-military and scientific personnel, hoping to uncover new secrets about Roswell, Area 51, and other mysterious occurrences. Dr. Stephen Greer, a doctor and physicist, has opened doors to revealing the truth, with individuals still coming forward to share their knowledge.

The Roswell incident remains an enigma, with no signs of a definitive resolution. Despite the weather balloon theory being widely accepted as the official explanation, some remain divided on whether the balloon was a standard atmospheric one or contained advanced spy technologies as part of Project Mogul. This uncertainty would explain the immediate confusion and rapid escalation in the chain of command during the days and weeks that followed. A government investigation conducted 50 years after the events revealed that none of the original reports mentioned alien creatures or body parts, a claim denied by Jesse Marcel. The United States Air Force avoided discussing the issue, suggesting that people may have conflated the crash with the testing of anthropomorphic crash test dummies. However, Roswell itself has become a commercial enterprise, with museums, shops, events, and marketing materials capitalizing on the mystery. Thousands of people continue to visit the desert each year in search of clues and answers.

In more recent times, almost 65 years after the crash, in the summer of 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a preliminary assessment stating that the majority of UFO sightings remain unexplained. Spy balloons have once again become a topic of interest, with news reports mentioning them between January 28th and February 4th, 2023. A recent report revealed that a high-altitude balloon operated by China was detected and tracked in the North American airspace. The balloon was observed hovering over Alaska, certain regions of western Canada, and the border areas of multiple U.S. states. Acting upon President Joe Biden's orders, the United States Air Force eventually took down the balloon when it reached the skies over South Carolina. The wreckage was recovered and sent for analysis at the Federal Bureau of Investigation's laboratories in Virginia. Both American and Canadian military commanders confirmed that the balloon, previously suspected to be extraterrestrial, was actually being used by the Chinese government for covert surveillance and spy projects. Analysis records indicated that the balloon possessed advanced capabilities, including geolocating electronic communications and conducting high-tech surveillance.

While some have criticized the U.S. Air Force for allowing the balloon to travel such a distance, authorities stated that they had been tracking it for a significant period before shooting it down. The balloon originated from Hainan, an island province in southern China. The use of such technologies has further strained the already tense relationship between Western nations and China. Subsequent balloons have been observed over Alaska, Canada, and even Latin America, leading to speculations about a rewritten history in which a communist nation ignites global paranoia by employing advanced technologies disguised as weather balloons or UFOs. Only time will reveal the true implications of these events.

The Roswell incident serves as a reminder that things are not always as they seem. As we conclude this special episode of "Destination Declassified," we find ourselves living in a world teetering on the edge, facing numerous existential threats such as global warming, nuclear war, and AI technology. Our planet has become suspicious, divided, terrified, and broken on various universal issues. The Roswell incident is just one among many events that have fueled decades of deception, miscommunication, and intrigue. Our relentless pursuit of the truth often blinds us to what is right in front of us and what truly matters in life.

There is no doubt that discussions surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence will persist. In fact, we are closer to uncovering the truth than ever before. By leveraging our technological expertise and collective knowledge, both of our own planet and the cosmos, we can hope to address the burning questions that have perplexed humanity for centuries. It requires setting aside political, religious, and social differences and striving towards a better future for future generations. As we make progress in scientific fields, such as generating energy from the air and exploring neighboring planets, the secrets of Roswell may finally be revealed. Until that moment arrives, our task is to stay safe and continue our search for answers.

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About the Creator

Dr. Fred Domezah

Join me on a captivating journey to unravel mysteries, explore scientific breakthroughs, and delve into the complexities of our planet. Get ready to be intrigued as I take you on an exciting voyage of knowledge and discovery.

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