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The Kerala Story..

Story of Indian spices

By MJPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Kerala Story..
Photo by Nature Photographer on Unsplash

The Land of Coconuts, God's Own Country, and Cradle of Ayurveda, Kerala is the world's spice capital and has a length of more than 500 kilometres along the Malabar Coast. At this point, introducing Kerala is like introducing a professional wrestler....

Kerala , India .. Also known as Spice capital of the world...

It is believed that Kerala was a center for international trade in the third millennium BC as part of the spice route. The spice route is one of the greatest heritages that we seem to have forgotten. This maritime route connected India with Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and the Molokas all the way to the gateways of the Pacific, and the spices came when Vasco da Gama visited the Malabar Coast. He was actually looking for the land of spices to eliminate the need for Arab middlemen.

The Malabar Coast of Kerala witnessed the arrival of Arabs, Chinese, European powers like the Portuguese, French, and British when the fabled spice route first emerged. Missouri's ports became the busiest, drawing sailors, traders, and explorers in droves.

The taste and flavour of Indian spices are entirely different from those of any other nation; these are foods that are meant to increase immunity, such as the curcumin in turmeric, which supports you, and the pepper in black tea, which also supports you. Because of its warm, humid climate and perfect soil, India's quality products are also much more affordable in other countries.

Red chili powder, which is actually Portuguese, is said to have been introduced to Indians by the Portuguese. No wonder footballers like Ronaldo, the king of football, are the king of spices. Black Gold, which is said to have been worth its weight in gold, is said to have been brought back each year by a fleet of 120 ships sent to Kerala by the Roman Empire. Any guesses as to who is the queen of spices? It's cardamom.It is unbeatable in taste flavor and aroma

The first spices to catch tourists interest were cinnamon and cardamom, but it took a long time for pepper to overtake them as the Malabar Coast's main draw and earn the moniker "black gold." Soon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg made their way onto the list one spice at a time. Kerala is the perfect place for spices to grow because of its warm, humid environment, foggy hill stations, loamy soil rich in organic matter, and the consistent promise of enough rain.

If you take the spices out of Kerala food, you'll see how bland and flavourless it can be. Careless experimentation with its spices has endured the test of time. Regardless of ethnic, religious, and other variations, spices play a crucial role in giving Kerala's cuisine its distinctive flavour.

In fact, flavour extracts are still valued as a financial commodity today, and they are produced by extracting, resolving, and addressing the flavours' true embodiment. Spices have always been and always will be an important part of the state's cultural fabric; even today, the entire world is captivated by the aroma of Kerala's spices.

India is the world's largest exporter of spices and related products, and Kerala tourism and UNESCO are working to revive this 2,000-year-old ancient spice route by connecting and showcasing the cultural heritage of the 30 countries that it passes through. They're calling it the "Spice Silk Road." If you ever want to spice up your life, Kerala is the place to go. The Spice Root Project is a documentary that tells the story of Indian spices, and it is obviously still in the works.


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