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The House Sparrow

Our Family Bird

By Shan FarezPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The House Sparrow Bird

The house sparrow is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae, found in most parts of the world. It is a small bird that has a typical length of 16 cm and a mass of 24–39.5 g. Females and young birds are colored pale brown and grey, and males have brighter black, white, and brown markings.

If a bird species has changed the habitat where man lives into his habitat and connected his family with our family and lived as one in our house, then it is the sparrow.

You can learn about the importance of observing World Sparrow Day on March 20 every year. Out of the 1314 bird species in India, only 34 species are found in 2018, which includes the sparrow. It is a beauty to see sparrows flying here and there on the field paths in the villages with a humming sound. It is a sad thing that this sparrow can only be shown to future generations as a picture in a museum due to the extinction of this bird species.

This is the reason

  • Increasing technology construction facilities
  • Degradation of agricultural land Cell phone radiation can suppress many things. Researchers discovered this extinction of sparrows in the early 1990s.

Cell Phone Towers Harmful to the Birds

Reasons for this:-

  • As the houses were all refrigerated, they were free of nitrates in the mattress that were released from the gases.
  • Due to chemical waste, the air is polluted and the species of insects that support the sparrows are dying due to lack of food the sparrows living in the city started to die.
  • Insect species and worms die off due to the overuse of pesticides in home gardens and fields due to food shortages.
  • One of the important reasons is the radiation caused by the increase in cell phone usage and cell tower towers, which destroy the embryos of sparrow species, even if the eggs are laid, the embryos die before they develop.

Save Birds and Protect Them

There are many things that individuals and communities can do to protect birds. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Reduce or eliminate pesticide use: Pesticides can be toxic to birds and other wildlife. Choose organic or natural pest control methods when possible.
  • Keep cats indoors: Cats are natural predators and can have a significant impact on bird populations. Keeping cats indoors can help protect birds.
  • Install bird-friendly windows: Large windows can be deadly for birds, as they can’t see the glass and fly into it. Install bird-friendly windows or window decals to help birds avoid collisions.
  • Provide bird feeders and birdhouses: Providing food and shelter can help birds survive in areas where natural habitats have been destroyed or altered.

  • Support bird conservation organizations: many organizations that work to protect birds and their habitats. Consider supporting these organizations through donations or volunteering.
  • Participate in citizen science projects: Citizen science projects, such as bird counts, can help scientists monitor bird populations and identify areas where conservation efforts are needed.
  • Reduce light pollution: Bright lights can disorient migrating birds and interfere with their navigation. Consider using motion-sensor lights and turning off unnecessary outdoor lights.
  • Keeping plants around the house is welcome for the sparrows. Scattering seeds around the area will make them stay.
  • If you have a garden, place some pots in a few secluded places. The birds on finding a place suitable will nest in them. These small steps we take will make sure these birds stay with us. Forever. :)

By taking these steps, we can help protect birds and ensure that they continue to thrive in our communities.

So don't be indifferent to the destruction of sparrows. Today, the destruction of sparrows is the next threat to the destruction of humanity.

A little grain in a small bowl, a little water, a small box to stay at home, planting trees in the gardens, etc., can save this endangered species.


About the Creator

Shan Farez

Hi, I am Shan Farez from Sri Lanka, I am a graphic Designer with 20 years of experience in IT. I am interested in various fields such as the graphic design I am very interested in art literature and poetry essay and Music is my Passion.

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    Shan FarezWritten by Shan Farez

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