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the benefits of beetroot

the benefits of beetroot

By Abderrazak ZteouPublished about a year ago 12 min read

What about the benefits of beetroot: the plant that contains the most powerful antioxidants!

The most important benefits of beetroot is that it contains betalain, the most powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from disease. Do you want to know other benefits enjoyed by it?

What is beetroot?

Beetroot, with its golden or red color, has an earthy taste that is rich in nutrients, especially antioxidants. It is grown all over the Mediterranean all the way to Mount Vernon in Washington. You can add it to your dishes, and you will get a lively dish with its colors and nutrients of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.

What are the benefits and harms of beetroot?

Beetroot is rich in nutrients

That the food is low in calories, does not mean that it is devoid of minerals and vitamins. In fact, beets contain just a few of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, including fats, folic acid, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, manganese, copper and iron. In addition to potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and B.

Folic acid is an essential vitamin for growth and maintaining a healthy heart, and copper is involved in energy production and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters. And let's not forget manganese, which is essential for bone formation and improving brain function.

Beetroot increases stamina

If you exercise, your body will definitely need more energy. Athletes find the solution by getting the benefits of beetroot by eating it raw or drinking the juice because it contains nitrates. The latter is converted to nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to the muscles. Nitrates also improve the efficiency of mitochondria, which are responsible for energy production in cells. For this reason, you will enjoy better athletic performance.

In this context, a review found that beetroot juice increases the time it takes for your body to feel fatigued, enhances cardiorespiratory performance and improves the efficiency of athletes. In addition, scientists have found that juice increases oxygen utilization by up to 20%.

Aim to eat beetroot 2 hours before exercise because nitrates in the blood peak within 2 or 3 hours of eating beetroot.

Beetroot promotes weight loss

In a weight loss plan, you are looking for food that is low in calories and high in fiber and co-nutrients. One of the most important benefits of beetroot is that it contains fiber, which increases your feeling of fullness and prevents you from consuming too many calories. It is also necessary to maintain the health of the digestive system because it feeds the gut bacteria, and thus increases the amount of stool. The amounts in beetroot help treat constipation, diverticulitis and inflammation of the intestine.

Beetroot is also low in calories, containing potassium and magnesium, which are able to flush out toxins and excess water from the body. And the matter is not limited to that, as beets are easy to add to the diet through wide options, and provide a lot of water and protein, which helps in achieving and maintaining a moderate weight.

Beetroot protects against heart disease and stroke

The most prominent benefit of beetroot is that it contains folic acid or vitamin B (9). The latter is necessary for growth on the one hand and the functioning of the brain on the other hand. It also helps control blood vessel damage, which reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In addition, recent research has shown that beetroot reduces total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides in people with heart disease.

Beetroot fights infections

As we mentioned earlier, beets contain a powerful antioxidant called betalain, which helps fight inflammation associated with a number of chronic diseases such as heart, cancer, liver and type 2 diabetes. In fact, a small study found that beetroot juice was effective in decreasing certain inflammatory markers, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). This study was conducted on 24 people with high blood pressure who drank 250 ml of beetroot juice for two weeks.

Another study demonstrated that beetroot juice and its extracts were able to reduce kidney inflammation in rats. However, we need more human studies in this regard.

Beetroot improves blood health

The nitrate present in beetroot improves the dilation of blood vessels, thus increasing blood flow to the brain. Getting blood to the brain helps improve its cognitive functions, such as decision-making and working memory. This property was proven by a study conducted on people with type 2 diabetes, as cognitive functions were 4% faster in those who drank 250 beetroot juice compared to a control group.

The benefits of beetroot for blood can contribute to reducing dementia, as mental and cognitive functions decline sharply. However, we need more studies.

Beetroot helps lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is linked to the risk of heart disease and causes a number of serious health problems. Therefore, everyone tries to lower the elevated levels with medication and a healthy diet. Beetroot is one of the options to help reduce it temporarily, as potassium contains folic acid and nitrates, which relax and dilate blood vessels, and folic acid. Noting that studies have been mixed regarding the effectiveness of folic acid.

Beetroot juice helps lower both diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

In a recent study, blood pressure decreased by 5.2 mm of mercury in those who drank 70 ml of nitrate-rich beetroot juice after 30 minutes. This decrease was greater compared to those who drank a nitrate-depleted placebo. It is reported that the effect of beetroot juice subsided within 24 hours.

Beetroot fights cancer

Folic acid, rutin, kaempferol and caffeic acid are all anti-cancer ingredients. The good news is that they are all found in beets. Test tube studies have shown that beetroot extract can slow down the growth and division of cancer cells. Another showed the role of blood levels of betaine in reducing the risk of cancer.

It is noteworthy that studies that demonstrated the benefits of beetroot in the fight against cancer resorted to isolated compounds. Therefore, we need more studies based on beetroot.

Beetroot boosts the immune system

Eating a colorful diet means getting plenty of nutrients. The formula is simple: a healthy diet boosts our immune system. For example, beetroot contains fiber that keeps the digestive system healthy, thus boosting immunity. Also, one of the benefits of red beet is its richness in a special type of betalain, which is called "betacyanin".

Also read: How can you improve the immune system.. Are there ways to fight off diseases?

Beetroot damage

It is important to get the benefits of beetroot, and it is generally safe when taken orally. However, it may cause some side effects, including:

Harmless pink or red stools.

Decrease in calcium levels.

Stomach upsets in people with digestive problems or irritable bowel syndrome.

Kidney problems when over-eating it because it contains a high percentage of oxalates.

Benefits of beetroot for pregnant women

Beetroot is a great addition to your diet. Being low in calories, it helps you maintain a healthy weight and is rich in vitamins and minerals your body needs. This is not the only benefit, follow up with us until you know the other benefits of beetroot.

Beetroot is good for the digestive system

Hormones change during pregnancy, affecting the digestion process and making it slow, leading to constipation. Foods rich in fiber, such as beetroot, help combat constipation and keep bowel movements regular.

Also read: Constipation.. Why does it happen and how do we treat it at home?

Beetroot helps prevent neural tube defects

Doctors recommend getting 400 micrograms of folic acid during a normal pregnancy, according to the CDC source. Adequate stock of folic acid prevents developmental problems at birth such as anencephaly. You can get folic acid by eating beetroot. However, this he found is not enough, but must be accompanied by a vitamin that contains this acid.

In this context, gardeners at the University of Wisconsin-Madison confirmed that beets contain the highest percentage of folic acid.

Beetroot helps prevent anemia

Do you feel weak or tired during pregnancy? If your answer is yes, then you may suffer from iron deficiency anemia. In this case, you need to get enough iron, which you may find in some foods. One of the benefits of beetroot is that it contains iron and can be added to your diet. It is a plant source that provides you with some iron. But, of course, it is not equal to other sources that contain a high percentage of this metal.

Beetroot boosts immunity

Beetroot is known to contain powerful antioxidants that help boost the body's immunity in pregnant women. This immunity is required to combat infections and diseases that a pregnant woman may be exposed to.

Removing limescale from the teeth

Beetroot is a good source of silica, so what is its benefit? It is a substance that helps get rid of dental calcification, as it allows the body to use minerals such as magnesium and copper. In addition to the beetroot itself containing calcium and magnesium.

Beetroot prevents fetal growth restriction

Growth restriction refers to the abnormal growth of the fetus inside the womb. The benefits of beetroot help get rid of this problem because it often occurs due to placenta problems. Some researchers funded by the UK pregnancy and child charity TUMI noted that beetroot improves blood flow to the placenta through the role of nitrates. However, we still need more studies in this regard.

Beetroot contributes to lowering blood pressure

Preeclampsia leads to high blood pressure, so can beetroot help in this regard? The results were mixed, but the most recent one was positive. A 2020 study found that pregnant rats who received beetroot juice had lower blood pressure and improved vascular function compared to the control group. However, we need human studies that evaluate this benefit.

Beetroot risks for pregnant women

Despite the benefits of beetroot for pregnant women, it may cause some side effects that include:

Digestive problems

The betaine found in beetroot may lead to digestive issues, which include diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Kidney stones

You may be exposed to kidney stones due to the high amount of oxalate present in beetroot.

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Nitrates are an important nutrient in beets, but they can make you tired.

Change in color of urine or stool

The color of blood and stool may change to red after eating beetroot. This color may indicate iron deficiency or other medical conditions that require a doctor's examination. However, beetroot consumption in moderation usually does not cause this problem.

Benefits of beetroot juice

Beetroot juice contains a high concentration of betaine and is of higher nutritional value than boiled or cooked beetroot, as some of it is lost during boiling. Here are the most important benefits of beetroot juice:

1- Helps lower blood pressure

2- Its nutrients are easy to digest.

3- It increases people's stamina.

4- Fights infections

5- Contributes to the transport of oxygen because it is rich in iron, the main component of red cells.

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6- It contains an abundant amount of manganese, which helps in the work of a number of enzymes.

7- It protects the liver by containing antioxidants, vitamins A and B6 and iron. These elements help protect the liver from oxidative stress and detoxify the body.

8- The benefits of beetroot occupies the center of the best home remedies for itching that may affect you in the scalp. For this purpose, boil beetroot in water and then massage your scalp with the liquid. You can also mix beetroot juice with vinegar, ginger juice and apply it for 20 minutes on the scalp, then rinse it with water.

- You can get a red hair dye using juice. Mix beetroot juice with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, then apply it to your hair and cover it with plastic wrap for an hour. Then, remove the wrap and wash your hair with shampoo.

10- It is recommended to try beetroot juice on the lips daily before going to sleep in order to get pink lips.

What are the benefits of boiled beetroot?

Boiled beetroot treats constipation

You can eat boiled beetroot to treat constipation immediately because it contains betalain. Some claim that one of the benefits of beetroot is to improve the health of the digestive system. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which is useful in easing bowel movements.

Boiled beetroot is suitable for children

Cooking vegetables lose some of their nutrients, as they remain in boiling water. You can mitigate the high levels of concentrated nutrients in beets by blanching them, which makes them suitable for the sensitive stomachs of children.

Boiled beetroot fights aging

You might think that boiled beetroot is good for fighting the signs of premature aging. Of course, this belief is true because it contains carotenoids, vitamin A and a number of antioxidants that are effective in fighting free radicals.

Benefits of beetroot for the skin

Beetroot is rich in vitamin C.

Beetroot is rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties, which helps repair and prevent dry skin. In fact, we find this vitamin in the outer and inner layer of the skin, which highlights the benefits of beetroot on skin cells. Oregon State University has discovered that both topical and dietary vitamin C benefit skin cells.

Beetroot also fights acne thanks to vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is often used alongside other treatments such as antibiotics. This is according to a 2018 study.

Beetroot treats skin pigmentation

Some experts rely on beetroot to treat skin pigmentation because it contains vitamin C. A 2013 study confirmed that using the latter reduces melanin formation and treats hyperpigmentation.

How do you use beetroot on the skin?

Beetroot mask for oily skin

the components

Half a tablespoon of beetroot juice

A tablespoon of green clay

5 drops of peppermint oil

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How to prepare

Mix the ingredients together, then apply it to your face and neck. Avoid getting it on the eyes.

Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

the goal

This mask takes advantage of the benefits of beetroot to absorb excess sebum in oily skin. It is recommended to use it once a week.

Beetroot mask to moisturize dry skin

the components

A teaspoon of milk

2-3 drops of almond or coconut oil

2 teaspoons of beetroot juice

How to prepare

Mix all the ingredients and then put the mixture on your face with a gentle massage.

Leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, then wash it with water.

the goal

The benefits of beetroot in this mask are highlighted by its antioxidants that help increase blood circulation and prevent dry skin as a result.

Beetroot lotion to lighten the skin

the components

2 teaspoons of orange peel

A teaspoon of beetroot juice

setting method

Mix all the ingredients until you get a thick paste.

Put the mixture on your face, then wash it with cold water.

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the goal

This combination helps you to lighten your skin.

Beetroot to lighten dark circles

the components

A teaspoon of beetroot juice

A few drops of almond oil

setting method

Mix the ingredients together, then massage the area under the eyes with the mixture.

Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.

Beetroot enhances sexual desire

Decreased sexual desire may negatively affect your health, making you feel tired and tense. You may suffer from lack of sleep and vaginal dryness. In order to alleviate this problem, some advise consuming beetroot juice regularly because it contains high levels of boron, which promotes the production of sex hormones. The juice also helps improve estrogen utilization in women and increase testosterone in men.

Also, beetroot juice lowers blood pressure, which affects sexual desire, and reduces blood flow to the vagina.

Ways to take advantage of the benefits of beetroot

Beetroot is easy to incorporate into your diet, as you can eat it raw or add it to your dishes. Here are some of the options:

Beetroot juice preparation

Boil the beetroot

The beetroot is baked over high heat, where the natural sugars create a delicious caramel.

Sprinkle it and add it to your favorite salad or cheese plate.

Mix beetroot with greek yogurt and fresh garlic.

Which is better boiled or raw beetroot?

It is better to eat beetroot raw because boiled loses some of its nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of beetroot are numerous, from treating serious diseases to skin care. You can experience these benefits by eating it raw, boiled or as a delicious juice.


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Abderrazak Zteou

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    Abderrazak ZteouWritten by Abderrazak Zteou

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