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Human fleet enters the battlefield (short sci Fi story)

Sci fic story

By Tayyaba MukhtarPublished 2 days ago 7 min read

Raxan remained on the scaffold gazing at the Strategic presentation it showed the worn out stays of the Confederate Armada dispersed and muddled after one more lamentable commitment another dozen Capital boats lost their pummeled bodies floating dead in space the number of more might they at some point bear to lose before the Rebel Armada overpowered their protections completely relatively few he thought their economy was stressed to the limit providing new ships and Teams transport yards were working nonstop yet it wasn't enough for each new vessel that joined the battle two appeared to be obliterated it was straightforward math and the numbers were not in support of themselves except if something endlessly changed fundamentally Alliance space would fall yet what their partners were not many and those that remained were in no situation to offer significant Guide no if they somehow managed to win this contention it would need help from a strong obscure help from he wondered whether or not to try and think it a hazardous obscure he entered the Comm suite and enacted the solid channel to the Confederate Capital the holographic showcases sprung to life showing the essences of the decision comforts what is happening becomes desperate Raxan started without Prelude our powers are extended As far as possible regardless the Maverick armadas Advance we should think about uncommon activity or acknowledge that rout appears to be unavoidable the control center mumbled G RM understanding express your genuine thoughts Chief of naval operations what strategy do you suggest in this Dull Hour Raxan calmly inhaled I propose we connect with mankind and solicitation their tactical guide quiet welcomed his proclamation the control center traded stressed looks reaching an outsider species however unstable and crude as Humankind might have been massively dubious their improvement of quicker than light travel was still in its outset and they had fearsome conflict machines in spite of their general disconnection how might Mankind answer open contact with an Interstellar People group all the more critically might their armadas at some point be confided in a conflict against another Influence are you sure this game-plan is shrewd Chief naval officer Representative Parnas said cautiously humankind is capricious and their way of life remains inadequately comprehended including them in our Undertakings could have unanticipated results I don't make the idea daintily Raxan answered yet we should confront realities our flow systems are fizzling and we'll see our subjects vanquished or killed in the event that the Rebels are not halted from what little knowledge we have Humankind Fields warships and weapons that far surpass even our most progressive plans with their guide and admittance to their specialized information we could switch our Fortunes in this contention and assuming that they would not help or More terrible decide to take advantage of our debilitated Express another control center asked forcefully Raxan met her look Duty then our decision is now made for us give up or battle to The Last Boat yet I say we should take the risk disagreeable however reaching Humankind might be he stopped then included activity will see our end no less certainly than an ominous contact I say the gamble is worth the effort for even the chance of Salvation the delegates presented quietly for a few minutes no question discussing the monstrous dangers and compensations of olving Mankind straightforwardly at long last Chamber Parnas talked by a greater part order we will approve first contact with Earth's tactical initiative and solicitation their guide you accept Humankind's conflict influence could switch things around yes Diplomat from all markers Mankind's battling ability surpasses even that of the Rebels with their support I accept we could not just end the Maverick at any point advance yet begin a mission to recover lost universes Parnas gestured seriously then you have our pass on to make your proposition straightforwardly we might dare to dream Humankind demonstrates open to collaboration the destiny of our kin currently rests in their outsider hands safe excursion Naval commander Raxan Alliance order out the channel fell letting Raxan be on the obscured Scaffold again he turned around to the Strategic presentation concentrating on the places of the foe armadas even currently driving ever more profound into confederate at space on the off chance that his bet fizzled on the off chance that Humankind rejected their proposition, all future lost yet he had played his last card and presently could stand by upon the turn of Destiny Chief of naval operations Harris scowled as he filtered the message one last time an outsider specialty unidentified in setup yet apparently tranquil in position had entered High circle over Earth 3 days prior it had taken no unfriendly actions except for kept a consistent perception circle and discontinuous sub space communicates on all standard e key correspondence frequencies at last in the wake of surveying interpretation examinations the outsider message had been somewhat decoded they mentioned an immediate gathering to examine matters of shared key revenue obviously that could matter from a proposal of Collusion to an interest for give up yet they found come as one and obviously needed to talk his senses sharpened by Many years of administration told him disregarding such a critical occasion conveyed incredible gamble he shut the dossier and stood fixing his uniform structure earthcom sat were answering the outsider art and have my van prepared for guaranteed flight objective the guest's Mothership it was time mankind ventured out into the Stars the bus penetrated circle an hour after the fact speeding up consistently on a capture course Harris watched the odd vessel fill in the viewport taking in everything about was tremendous almost a kilometer long tear molded with a complex grid of obscure Compounds shaping its Frame plainly crafted by a high level development one that had long excursion between the stars as they gravitated toward it matched course and speed masterfully to permit mooring Harris felt vibrations through the structure as attractive mooring clasps drew in followed by compression murmurs as the balancing force fields communicated his Marine Separation checked weapons and reinforcement one last time cap fixed the airtight chamber widened open men of honor history anticipates Lock and Burden stray development we should find out what our new companions need to say as the airtight chamber got done with compressing Chief naval officer Harris lifted a hand in sign to his Marines consistent young men how about we find out what's holding up the entryways opened with a murmur Naval commander Raxan remained solitary on the opposite side limbs collapsed in what people deciphered as a serene unarmed position invite Chief naval officer Harris of Earth I'm naval commander Raxan of the cosmic Alliance I value you consenting to meet without prior warning said flawlessly his English conveyed just an unpretentious complement from interpretation Harris gestured tersely Chief naval officer how about we get down to business until further notice and get serious you said you had a question of key revenue to talk about I'm tuning in the event that Raxan was disturbed by the human's lively way he offered no hint obviously the Alliance ends up in a desperate conflict against an expansionist influence known as the Rebel armadas we have lost over a portion of our part universes and our armadas are severely debilitated except if the tide changes soon we Face all out rout I am sorry for any apparent discourteousness Naval commander yet I neglect to perceive how a conflict among outsider Realms concerns Humankind Harris answered coolly in itself it doesn't anyway we have followed your species fast mechanical progression with extraordinary premium your coordinated energy weapons plasma drives and full scale abilities to design far out strip even our most developed plans with your help the our examiners accept the Mavericks could be halted in the Conflict I in return we would offer admittance to our own logical advances what like better FTL drives in gravity control collaboration between our kin could get Triumph and start another period of participation and thriving among mankind and the Stars Harris considered the outsiders words peacefully while he still had doubts the open door was too vital for even consider overlooking wild you propose a noteworthy organization Raxan one that could tie down Earth's guard for a long time into the future yet we will expect undeniably more data prior to carrying out valuable Armada resources from our lines show me your conflict room and let me know all that then we will choose how or then again assuming that Mankind will become associated with your Conflict Raxan bowed nimbly obviously Chief of naval operations if it's not too much trouble, follow me the post-op interview required hours as Raxan spread out the Essential circumstance exhaustively shows and Visualizations showed the region's Lost setback reports and the persistent Rebel Advance across three areas Harris listened eagerly sporadically posing testing inquiries when they dismissed to the war room wreck Lobby night had fallen over Earth Harris gazed into his proportion pack craving gone these Rebels battle without Leniency or restriction in view of your records they appear to be minimal better than murderous savages he commented dismally Raxan gestured precise evaluation Naval commander they spread Dread through Success Annihilating obstruction my kin have persevered through unspeakable monstrosities in this war we battle now only for endurance Harris considered his next words cautiously your predicament moves me Raxan yet Humankind committed to at absolutely no point in the future send its Children and Little girls to battle on Far off Shores for unfamiliar causes we should consider cautiously about the dangers I comprehend this is a huge choice one that could modify the destiny of Realms all I ask is you convey a little fight bunch as a spectator Power observer firsthand the could of the Mavericks in open clash then, at that point, choose if a coalition with us could switch things around Harris Rose choice made very well Chief naval officer I'll commit team Aurora three fight Cruisers and backing ships their central goal will be to accumulate knowledge on the foe and survey what is going on yet commit no error that they are not soldiers and this gets you just a chance to demonstrate your cases Raxan bowed profoundly in appreciation you have my significant says thanks to Chief of naval operations this little step could be the start of another period of collaboration between our people groups Aurora left FTL week after the fact showing up at Raxan's forward base among a demolished arrangement

short storyScienceHumanity

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    TMWritten by Tayyaba Mukhtar

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