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Ten Easy Ways of Achieving Your Life Goals (Part 2)

By following some simple steps, you can get your dreams.

By Ha Le SaPublished 11 days ago 5 min read
Ten Easy Ways of Achieving Your Life Goals (Part 2)
Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

5. Be proactive

Life plans are the ones you dream of transpiring into reality 'not today, but 'one day. This approach needs to change if you have any desire to get things going. Act like a proactive person; it means pondering the future and focusing more on the things you can control, instead of all those you cannot control. The perspective of a visionary begins with understanding that you are not a result of your conditions but rather your choices. Pro-activeness is additionally related to assuming liability.

If you spend your whole day doing time-wasting activities such as scrolling social media, gossiping with friends, etc.; and also do dream about fulfilling your wishes of the ideal job, ideal house, or ideal lifestyle, then you are only deceiving yourself. To achieve your life goals you have to quit all the fruitless habits you are addicted to; in addition, you have to be proactive.

6. Discuss with others

The primary rule of purpose setting is to discuss goal setting. Many individuals find that discussing future plans conveys a feeling of delivery or serenity, as it might give you more command over the consideration you get after discussing with someone. Moreover, telling everyone your goals put healthy pressure on you to achieve them.

Consult with a person to whom you can talk freely, and have trust; a person about whom you have to believe that he'll listen to your plans. The more individuals you address, the better opportunity you'll have to find people you can team up with and beat your objectives. Also, acknowledge this, the best people will encourage you, but typical people will discourage you.

7. Embrace failure

Only in a rare case goal planning proceeds along expectations. Hindrances are a part of the path towards achieving the goal, but it does not mean that after a failure, you should lose hope. You must embrace the failure, learn from it and start moving on. All you need is the audacity to accept defeat with courage. It is essential to understand that different people define embracing failure in different manners: positive and negative. Some people are too weak, and they do not have the courage to accept their defeat because embracing failure certainly requires an act of pure trust. When you get around an obstruction, you can learn from it; being scared of failure only keeps a person away from understanding his maximum capacity.

Once you have embraced failure, you no longer fear it.

Embracing failure can work for you in different ways:

  • Accepting disappointment permits you to face more challenges.
  • You can gain mastery with a piece of your best abilities through failure.
  • Never permit a failure as a measure of your capabilities. If you think about your defeat in a positive way, it can be an extraordinary wellspring of inspiration. Disappointment motivates us.
  • Disappointment reveals the lowliness. You feel humble after losing, and failure makes you able to perceive,

To err is human.

8. Break it down

Laying out goals is difficult, so to accomplish them also. In many cases, goals are long haul and conceptual, make them more achievable by separating them into chunks. There are no ways of getting success in a single night and that is the thing that makes the experience and patience so demanding.

Before you begin to feel overwhelmed, break everything down: time, focus, and actions. Make a plan for every day. Make a “goal ladder” in which you must write your major goal at the top rung of the ladder. Follow your way through the rest of the ladder steps. Write down the smaller goals you need to reach in order to attain your main goal. Explicitly frame, what you need to accomplish first, when and by utilizing what means; it will make your objectives to feel substantially more achievable.

9. Visualize the end result

Perception is a psychological recreation and it's one of the main moves toward accomplishing objectives. Not focusing on the outcome of a process, is a wastage of time and effort. One of the most amazing ways of remaining focused is by visualizing the change you want to see because losing sight of the result may encourage you to veer off course. Make a clear image of your whole plan, so that when any odd setback happens, you will not be upset and will return more powerful than before. As there is a wise saying,

When you visualize, then you materialize.

Subsequent to hitting your objective, give a treat to yourself since you deserve it.

1 0. Ask for help

Asking for help is one of the hardest things for the vast majority of people to do; because it is sensed as a shortcoming in society most often. But my recommendation is never to attempt to battle alone because everyone needs help at some point in their lives, and there is no disgrace in asking for it. It is an act of boldness when you perceive your flaws and ask for help in your hour of need.

At certain times there is a need to listen to the ideas of others. Before taking an action, discuss your ideas with your close people and listen to their viewpoints. All people think differently, and by consulting with others, you may get a better concept after gathering fresh perspectives.

You may read also:

Ten Easy Ways of Achieving Your Life Goals (Part 1)


About the Creator

Ha Le Sa

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