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Snow white

Short story

By Javel samuelsPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Snow white
Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

According to time, Snow White was leading a not-so-fairytale life in a lovely little village. She had long since gotten tired of putting up with the seven irritable dwarfs. grouchy was, well, usually grouchy. Doc insisted on providing her medical advise despite the fact that he had no practical Ph.D.s. As implied by his name, Sneezy was a continual supply of pathogens. Sleepy was less concerned with her issues and more engaged in his pillow. The problem was that bashful was too shy to say much. Happy was never subdued enough for her morning disposition. And as for Dopey, let's not even go there.

Snow White had an excellent idea when she awoke one chilly morning. She thought, "I need a break from these little pests." She made the decision to travel to a local home tucked away in the woods for a winter getaway. After giving the dwarfs head kisses, she prepared her belongings and left.

She had no notion that the dwarfs had a different plan. They had become somewhat dependent on Snow White's delectable dinners and couldn't stand to be without them. They therefore made the covert decision to follow her. To give the impression that they couldn't function without her, they left the kitchen in a mess.

When Snow White got to her cabin, it was a cute small place completely covered in snow. She began to settle in and soon began to notice some odd things happening. Her mirror, which consistently proclaimed that she was the fairest of them all, appeared to be broken. It was randomly blurting forth insults rather than compliments. Snow White pondered whether it needed to be changed.

The dwarfs arrived at the cabin in the interim and were making every effort to blend in. Doc continued stumbling over his own feet while Grumpy became stranded in a snowbank. Unsurprisingly, Sneezy was sneezing loudly, letting Snow White know they were there.

The unusual events piqued Snow White's interest. She made the decision to look into it and followed the path of disasters, which brought her right to the dwarfs. Sleepy was sleeping in the snow, and they were entangled in a tangle of branches.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Snow White exclaimed.

"We missed your cooking," Doc confessed.

"And your cleaning," added Bashful, finally finding his voice.

Snow White couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I guess I do bring some magic to this place, after all."

The dwarfs looked sheepish, and Happy grinned from ear to ear.

"You know," Snow White said, "I could use some company during my vacation. But on one condition: you have to help me with all the chores."

The dwarfs eagerly agreed, relieved that they didn't have to go back to their messy, dwarf-only household.

They all had a blast as the days went by. They played in the snow, threw snowballs at each other, and enjoyed the warmth inside the cabin. To Snow White's astonishment, they were eager students as she even taught them how to cook. It turned out that Grumpy was a master at producing gruel. Doc produced some excellent apple pies. Snow might be cleared away with the aid of Sneezy's sneezes.

One evening, the dwarfs and Snow White gathered around the fireplace to enjoy hot cocoa while exchanging tales. Snow White came to the conclusion that perhaps, just perhaps, these dwarfs weren't all that evil after all.

The next morning, as they were preparing to leave the cabin and return to their little village, Snow White had an idea. She told the dwarfs about her malfunctioning mirror and how it had been spouting insults.

Doc, always the problem-solver, inspected the mirror and found a hidden microphone and speaker. Someone had been playing pranks on Snow White, using a remote control to trigger the insults.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a culprit," Doc said.

Snow White and the dwarfs decided to stake out the cabin that night. They waited in the shadows, and sure enough, they spotted a mischievous figure sneaking around.

It was Dopey.

Dopey had been feeling left out and wanted to be a part of the adventure. So, he had been playing pranks on Snow White to get her attention.

Snow White couldn't help but chuckle. "Dopey, you don't need to resort to such tricks to be a part of our group. You're one of us."

Dopey blushed and joined them by the fireplace, where they all shared a good laugh about the whole ordeal.

And so, Snow White and the seven dwarfs returned to their village, not as housemates but as friends who had shared a snowy adventure. From that day on, they never took each other for granted again, realizing that even the quirkiest of friendships could be the most magical of all.

short story

About the Creator

Javel samuels

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