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Short Story

By Vayda Ingersoll Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 23 min read
Photo by Tim Stief on Unsplash

Her back to the door, Andromeda sat at the marble bar top picking at her cuticles. It was new to her, coming to a bar she did not recognize from her normal haunts. She had recently begun her trip through spiritual awakening however she still valued the mundane trips to the bar to indulge in drinking away the pain of the material world around her. Elixirs, her bar of choice for the evening, was a new establishment that had materialized within the past few months and found instant popularity. Elixir’s drinks were strong, their food tasty and the full bar was a show of comradery between patrons. Friends were found in all walks of life and Elixir’s was the place to make new acquaintances.

The new water glass in front of her was no different than the last she had just seen in its place, however this held new ice, as if the bartenders were conditioned to never let the ice melt, a tactic used by corporations to make their patrons feel important. Andromeda rolled her eyes but smiled and thanked the bartender.

Dressed identically behind the marble spacing between the two bartenders, who had introduced themselves as Susannah and Millie, chatted idly while occasionally glancing at the patrons. Andromeda sipped her aviation in front of her, her usual go to gin cocktail not many favored, and watched the patrons flow in around her. She had planned to go out for the evening and meet up with her friends but with every passing moment the idea of returning home to her comfortable clothing and the snuggles of her cat Luthien grew more enticing. She sighed and began the process of pulling out her debit card to pay when a voice beside her spoke.

“Is this seat taken?” Andromeda looked up to find a man next to her, impeccably dressed with the most striking silver eyes she had ever seen smiling at her.

“Uh, no. Please sit.” She glanced down and up casually under her lashes and smiled to herself. Apparently this night had other plans in store for her than the comforts of home.

“How’re you this evening?” the gentleman asked her.

“I am fine, just another day in paradise.”

“Ah, paradise. I didn’t think people still believed that exists in our three dimensional world.”

“Another spiritual quester. I guess we are like minded individuals.” Andromeda flashed the gentleman her most award winning smile.

“My name is Jakobe, and you are?”

“Andromeda. Pleasure to meet you.”

Jakobe ordered himself a drink, tequila old fashioned, and turned his chair slightly in her direction. Andromeda followed suit and angled herself toward him, crossing her legs and giving him a view of her curves as she sat. As she knew they would, his eyes followed the length of the lines she had deliberately created with her body ending at her eyes.

“Tell me how you ended up here in Elixir's this evening fellow mystic,” Andromeda jokingly said to Jakobe.

“ Even a numinous man is entitled to a drink now and again. Especially when meeting like minded women such as you. It’s a hard thing to come by these days.”

“Unfortunately you’re correct. I don’t really expect to ever meet people like us when I am out. More just men wanting to hit on me and take me home with them.”

“And who said that wasn’t still on my mind?” Jakobe’s eyes sparkled with amusement and she playfully pushed his shoulder, laughing.

“At least I now know where you stand,” she laughed. Andromeda could already feel the connection growing.

“The extramundane is not something I hear talked of often. What do you study?”

“Oh, um, I study metaphysics, manifestation and the progression of humanity to a higher dimension.” Andromeda sipped her drink nervously. She wasn’t used to being acknowledged for her spiritual prowess.

“We study many similar topics.” Jakobe smiled, “ I haven’t dove into metaphysics like you have, however I do practice manifestation and meditation as well as the progression of the human race. It’s amazing to me how the signs are so clear about humanity progressing to a higher dimension but people are so blindly unaware and attached to this realm.”

Jakobe was intriguing and thoughtful, Andromeda couldn’t help herself but be enticed. Through many drinks and a few appetizers of carpaccio and a modern take on burrata, Jakobe and Andromeda spoke, enlightening each other on their spiritual journeys and the trauma associated with the third dimension.

“You speak with such clarity. I like that about you.” Andromeda could feel herself being more and more attracted with every word that came from Jakobe’s mouth and her body was responding. Unbeknownst to her, she had angled herself toward him, her body language opening. Her body was responding to the sexual tension.

“The same could be said of you darling.” Jakobe winked as he placed his hand on her thigh. The gesture, though innocent enough, made both of their blood simmer with anticipation.

“Finding someone as beautiful as you but also as interested and well studied in the nonmaterial is a gift. I can’t help but think that the celestials have helped to bring us together tonight.” He smiled again at Andromeda and she blushed in response.

They spoke of their day to day lives and the mundane aspects that made up who they are in this realm until the lights slowly lit up in the bar. Unbeknownst to them, four hours had passed and it was now closing time in Elixir’s. Glancing up suddenly drawn from their conversation Andromeda spotted the bartenders Susannah and Millie, obviously annoyed, speaking under their breath. She knew that they were anxious to go home and though she felt bad about keeping them here still at their place of employment, Andromeda asked for the tab, slightly disheartened that her night with Jakobe had gone so quickly. Millie placed the tab in front of her and Andromeda quickly gave her her debit card.

“Obviously I should get your number so we can continue our chats about our awakenings,” Jakobe winked at her and Andromeda felt a flush rise in her cheeks despite herself. Before she could answer him Millie returned with her check and spoke.

“If you’re interested in learning the most you can about your spirituality you should talk to The Man in Black.”

“The Man in Black?” Andromeda questioned her, both her and Jakobe’s gaze and attention turning to Millie.

“Yes. You’ll know him when you see him. I think it's just some crocked up story but ya know some people really believe in that shit. They say he comes when you least expect him to, preaching about things to come or things that have passed. Someone probably just made up a story to explain things that cannot be explained. Who knows? People like to make parables about everything.”

“Well where exactly is this ‘Man in Black’?” Jakobe mocked. Andromeda gave him a quick smack on the leg, attention never leaving Millie.

“People say you won’t find him. He will find you. Ooo spooky.” Millie put her hands in the air in mocking form, “Have a good night.” Millie turned from them back to her closing duties. Andromeda tipped the girls heavily as she and Jakobe made their way out of Elixir.

“Would you like to take a walk with me?” she asked Jakobe.


They wandered together under the street lights, past the bars and their drunken patrons still engaging in revelry. Past the loud undertakings of a normal Friday evening they walked and spoke to each other. As they walked a slight drizzle began to fall, masking them in a mist of gray.

“ Come, I’ll walk you to your car.” Jakobe, still holding Andromeda’s hand, turned them back the way they came and escorted her back to her vehicle.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening, I was never expecting to meet another seeker like you this evening.” Jakobe mused as Andromeda watched him.

“Wanna come meet my cat?”

Jakobe broke out into a laugh, “I would love to meet your cat, whether an actual feline or the innuendo I hope you meant.”

Andromeda laughed, “Maybe he will make a sudden appearance.”


“The Man in Black.”

“Ah the mistaken parable”

“A parable, a story, who knows. Either way, I want to spend more time with you tonight.”

“Just tonight?” Jakobe asked.

“We shall see.” Andromeda responded, a twinkle in her eye.

1 year later

Jakobe stretched out on the couch, Andromeda’s head on his lap, slowly waking from an unplanned afternoon nap. Outside their shared apartment a storm waged war against the window panes, sprinkling the glass with raindrops and rouge leaves bitten from trees by the barking winds. Thunder voiced itself above them and Jakobe struggled not to sink back into the couch. Andromeda lifted her head giving him a smile and adjusted her waist length hair that had become trapped underneath her.

Over the past year Jakobe and Andromeda had bonded over their shared love of learning about the unknown and the quest for enlightenment and the ultimate spiritual advancement available in the third dimension. Their searching had led them traveling through the world seeking knowledge and light. As time had progressed so had their shared passion, growing into love and mutual respect.

“That nap was unexpected.” Andromeda yawned and stretched, dislodging Luthien who had been nuzzled in the crook of her legs.

“Unexpected but yet entirely pleasant.” Jakobe grinned. It was still early in the day and as he stood from the couch he pondered to Andromeda, “Do you want to go grab something to eat and maybe a cocktail? We could go to Elixir’s?”

“I hate the thought of having to put on actual pants but the allure of carpaccio has me sold. Give me a minute to get ready.”

An hour later, knowing full well it would take Andromeda time to get ready, Jakobe paced the apartment while drinking his tea hot with honey. When she finally emerged from the bathroom she nearly took his breath away. It was an understated outfit but in his mind she could pull off whatever outfit she wanted. High waisted jeans with a bulky turtleneck sweater that was tucked in just in the front showed off every asset of her curves without exposing skin and was complemented by her knee high boots, perfect for the stormy fall weather they were having that day. The weather lately had been getting darker and stormier as if the world were preparing for something no one could see. Andromeda and Jakobe loved the rumble of the storms and the freshness it brought to the world. With a quick goodbye to Luthien, Jakobe and Andromeda walked hand in hand down to the car, eager for their spontaneous night on the town.

The parking lot was jammed full with cars, the Saturday night crowd filling the bars and walking the surrounding area. White light illuminated the sign for Elixir. Jakobe and Andromeda opted for valet as no other option for them existed. Jakobe handed over the keys, taking the ticket presented to him and walked beside Andromeda through the spinning glass doors and up the three flights of stairs to the top of the bar where the drinks were served. The other two floors were reserved for dining guests. Below the street was filled with patrons moving to and fro in their night of revelry.

Susannah and Millie, the bartenders who they had initially met on their first fated night together, still paced behind the bar pouring drinks and talking to customers while joking between themselves. The usual seats that Andromeda and Jakobe preferred were open and they thankfully took them, Millie placing their normal go- to cocktails in front of them along with two glasses of water.

“Nice to see you guys agai…” Millie stopped mid sentence. The abruptness of her words made Andromeda and Jakobe glance at Millie with concern. Her face contorted and she looked as though she may vomit where she stood. Quickly Millie turned and fled from the bar. Susannah, observant to her surroundings as all bartenders must be, quickly noticed the misstep and came to take her place.

“Sorry guys, she has been out of sorts all week. I keep telling her she needs to take a test but she keeps insisting that she’s fine and can’t possibly be pregnant.” Susannah explained to the two. Jakobe laughed as he smiled.

“Well when she is feeling better and if she finds out tell her congratulations for us!” Andromeda exclaimed to Susannah, glee filling her face.

“I will! She will be a great mother once she gets past her denial.” Susannah laughed. “Can I get you two anything? An appetizer maybe?”

“We will take the carpaccio please.”

Millie slowly returned to the bar, her face ashen and slightly lifeless. She downed a glass of what looked to be orange juice and made her way back to the well completing the tickets that had piled up in her sudden absence.

“I was thinking about when we met here last year and Millie talked to us about The Man in Black. Do you think that was a coincidence or a planned thing?”

“I’m not sure,” Jakobe answered, “maybe he is a prophet and we just happened to be lucky enough to hear the story.”

“Possibly. But I don’t think I have ever heard a prophet, priest or shaman speak about transcendence before in a physical context. Most people, myself included, would think it’s a fantasy, something we hope for but may never achieve.”

“It’s a possibility. From us studying the incorporeal we obviously can’t pinpoint exactly what events that would lead up to it but at least we know to prepare ourselves for something big.”

“There’s a possibility you know that it’s something that will happen in the world, not just something numinous.” Andromeda mused. She had always liked to play devil’s advocate on any statements that were too vague to elicit a factual answer.

“What, like a natural disaster or a zombie apocalypse?” Jakobe playfully taunted her.

“Shut up, I’m being serious.” She joked back at him. Susannah placed the carpaccio in front of them and they began to dig into the cured meat with olive oil and capers.

“What about Samsara? Samsara is the cycle of life and death. Birth and rebirth. It sounds like it would be a good thing but if the ultimate goal in life is to achieve enlightenment then Samsara is a curse.” Andromeda finished before shoving the crostini layered thickly with cured meat into her mouth.

“Do you mean Samsara in a literal sense? People dying and being reborn?” Jakobe puzzled before also filling his mouth with the delicious appetizer.

“It could be. Maybe it’s only talking about our souls?”

A glass broke behind the bar. Both Andromeda and Jakobe turned in the direction of the noise, startled out of their conversation. A woman sitting on the opposite side of the bar from them leaned forward on the edge of her seat and gasped.

Millie was ashen, her face drained of all color as she stood staring at nothing, her eyes unfocused on the wall before her. She was staring out at nothing, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She was muttering under her breath, some language no one seemed to understand. As they watched, the tips of Millie’s hands began to turn an unnatural shade of gray and black, the veins in her exposed arms mimicking her now ashen fingers. Susannah turned and ran to her from the other side of the bar.

“Millie? Millie! What’s going on? Someone call 911!” She was frantically looking from person to person that had congregated to watch the scene. Jakobe quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed. Within the minutes that it took for the paramedics to arrive Millie had not moved no matter how much Susannah had tried to make her sit. She still stood stoically staring ahead, her eyes lolling in her head, murmuring under her breath the unintelligible language. One word seemed to be repeated, the only word they could make out. Samsara.

Desperately the managers tired to remove the chaos from the situation, offering to take care of bills and salvage the situation to counterbalance the horrific show. Millie was removed on a stretcher and carried out, obviously headed to a hospital for further treatment. Andromeda grabbed Jakobe’s hand sharply as Millie was wheeled past, her intake of breath sudden. Millie's eyes no longer had any whites but were red. Jakobe turned Andromeda from the scene back to the bar where Susannah, rocked by the fate of her friend ,was crying quietly behind the bar shaking the same martini for the past five minutes.

“Susannah I am so sorry but I think we will take our check and leave you. Hopefully these other folks will do the same and provide you the time to leave to check on your friend.”

Methodically Susannah grabbed their check and closed them out but Andromeda could not help but notice that while she helped them, Susannah stared ahead, looking but not seeing. Jakobe had grabbed Andromeda’s hand and was pulling her from Elixir toward the valet. At the last moment as they exited, she turned to look back at Susannah. She heard the crash before she saw it, as the shaker fell from Susannah’s hand, clattering to the floor. She was muttering as well, the symptoms they had just seen in Millie were being repeated on Susannah.

The valet was running frantically trying to get everyone’s vehicles back to them as they stood outside and waited their turn in the throng of people and first responders. Those who had not been inside Elixir wanted to know what had happened and those who had been inside were all too eager to share.

“Something is wrong.” Andromeda whispered to Jakobe while tightly squeezing his hand.

“Yeah it’s a real shame what happened to Millie. Hopefully she’s okay.”

“No, Jakobe, you’re not listening to me. Something is wrong. Right now when we were leaving I looked back and the same thing was happening to Susannah. Something isn’t right.”

“What, like a plague or something? It’s probably just something wrong with Millie..”

“STOP! I need you to hear me. The same thing was happening to Susannah as we were leaving. I know what I saw, and what I started to hear. She was muttering the same language…”

“It has started.” Andromeda and Jakobe whirled to the voice behind them. From their peripheral vision they could make out a man in a shadowed hood. When they turned to look at him there was nothing there.

“What is starting? What is this?!” Jakobe slightly rose his voice as he spoke, drawing the attention of the few closest to them. “Who are you?”

“You know who I am. You have heard and studied.” The voice whispered into their ears, their eyes yearning to see whom the voice came from.

“The Man in Black.” Andromeda whispered, tightly gripping Jakobe’s hand.

“It is starting. The cycle is starting.” The Man in Black responded. “Samsara is here. The ascension will come.”

Andromeda put a hand to her mouth as she gasped and Jakobe anxiously began rapid firing questions toward The Man in Black that they could not see.

“Samsara. It has come. Seek the mountain with the lake and enter. You will know. Samsara is here.” The Man in Black whispered to them.

Andromeda and Jakobe quickly glanced at each other as they processed the words the man had said. Their vision returned to normal and the figment disappeared. Quicker than she could have imagined Jakobe had grabbed her hand and was running through the crowds of people, pushing his way through to the station where the valet kept all the keys. Spotting theirs Jakobe grabbed them and took off in another run, dragging Andromeda behind him, her heeled boots clacking along the way. Once they reached their SUV, Jakobe threw it into drive and flew towards their apartment, ignoring traffic signals along the way. To their surprise no member of law enforcement stopped them. They were too busy driving in the opposite direction, back towards Elixir.

The apartment complex seemed empty as they hastily parked and ran to their unit, locking the door behind them. Luthien was pacing and yowling, as if she too could sense the shift happening within the world. Andromeda grabbed the remote and quickly turned on the news as she pushed her soaked hair out of her face. The television blared with news of an unprecedented disease overtaking not only the country but the entire world. Citizens were encouraged to stay in their houses, lock their doors and not open them for anyone. People flooded the streets in capital cities, trying their best to return to their homes while images of blood seeping from collapsed persons' mouths swam into view behind the throngs of the crowds. Chaos and confusion littered the broadcasts as the screen flashed to a newsroom, the reporter on the scene succumbing to the disease in front of their eyes. Andromeda’s hand covered her mouth as she turned to Jakobe, nearly in tears.

“What the hell is happening?!” She exclaimed to him.

“Didn’t you hear him? I know you did. It’s Samsara. The cycle of death and rebirth. The Man in Black is trying to warn us and while we did our best to find our enlightenment it came anyway. He said ``a mountain with a lake’..” Jakobe was speaking frantically and hurriedly, his hands flying rapidly over the bookshelf to the piles he had accumulated on the kitchen island near him.

“What are you saying? Someone planned this?”

“Planned isn’t the right word. I think he knew it was coming. A cleansing. A spiritual awakening. Here, look at this!” Jakobe hastily pointed at a book the two had purchased on one of their adventures, the long worn pages tarnished at the edges. Andromeda looked over his shoulder at the page he had selected. Roughly drawn on the page was the depiction of a map. It was old and worn, as if numerous people had held it in their lives. In the center near to a lake and small town was a mountain, Mount Bodhi. Jakobe pulled out a large map of the area on a state issued map. No such mountain existed.

“Why isn’t it on the other map?” Andromeda questioned.

“Maybe only the enlightened can find it.” Jakobe looked at Andromeda and sighed. “Do you want to do this?”

“Do what?”

“Go find Mount Bodhi. That’s what the Man in Black was talking about. He knew about Samsara before it happened. This could be the end of civilization as we know it. We either go out with this disease or whatever the fuck this is, or fight like hell to get to this mountain.”

“I’ll start packing.”

Andromeda and Jakobe flew around the apartment throwing only the essentials into duffle bags, including their books about spirituality and all the necessities that Luthien would need for the journey as well. Within an hour they left the apartment, Luthien tucked into Andromeda’s arms. They both paused at the door, turning around to take one last glimpse of the home they had created together, the home Andromeda had had by herself for years before Jakobe and their love existed.

“It’s only the material world and the memories you will miss here. The actual physical things this apartment represents we no longer need.” Andromeda shook her head in agreement as she closed the door and locked it for the final time.

The streets were pandemonium. Cars riddled the streets with passengers climbing atop them, disease overtaking most and small fires from crashes everywhere you looked. The apocalyptic scene was overwhelming as Jakobe drove their SUV over curbs, around cars and towards the open backroads no one had thought to use yet. Andromeda held tightly to the meowing Luthien as they sped forward, giving directions whenever she could, both the old book and the current map in front of her. For hours they drove until the early morning sun was rising above them, an eerie red cast to her glow. Jakobe signaled that he needed to stop for a moment if only to rest but the minute he did cars could be seen coming over the ridge behind them. Thinking on a whim he drove abruptly into the forest that surrounded them with reckless abandon, eager to put as much space between himself and Andromeda and the possibly diseased behind them.

Moments or hours later, the time blurred together in their sleepless night delirium, Jakobe parked the car in the middle of the forest.

“I don’t know where we are but I have to stop. I need sleep and we need to assess where we are and how long it will take us to get to the mountain.”

“I just want to sleep.”

Andromeda, Jakobe and Luthien all lie down on the backseats they had collapsed in the SUV, using their bags as pillows to rest their weary heads. Their dreams were filled with the faces of the diseased and the hazmat suits they had seen on the street as the government attempted to gain control of the situation.

The days began to blend together as they drove trying to make it to the mountain. The emergency broadcast repeated over and over for people to stay in their houses. Initially cars had littered the streets making their journey tedious but as time had progressed the roads had become barren with only the occasional traveler on their path.

They had become disheveled in their weeks of travel. Showers had become a thing of the past, whatever food they had was piled in the rear of the SUV next to a makeshift bed out of whatever they pulled from their old apartment. They were tired and worn down, their fear building as the days had progressed. An air of anticipation and anxiety weighed on them. The longer they drove, the higher the task they were on seemed to weigh.

After another long day of traveling Andromeda and Jakobe had lost their way and found themselves deep within a forest, the road a winding, sprawling abyss. Trees sprawled in every direction, the light of their headlights falling on scurrying creatures and the eyes of those they could not see hidden under the deluge of the forest. Knowing they had to stop for the night, Jakobe edged his way around an alcove of trees piled thickly together and stopped. Under a large willow, the night sky illuminated with stars and a tinge of red, they exited, relieving themselves before climbing into the back of their car that had become their makeshift home and tried fitfully to sleep.

Andromeda was going in and out of sleep when she woke suddenly in a cold sweat. Her body told her someone was watching them, likely some beast of the land eyeing its next meal. They had slept through most of the day and the beginning of a sunset formed outside. She gently woke Jakobe next to her, Luthien meowing her protests at the sudden movement from their cuddled position. Slowly and with care, Andromeda opened the large trunk door and peered at their surroundings. Suddenly and without warning Luthien jumped from the car and ran to a nearby tree, disappearing behind it and the brush that covered the floor.

Andromeda threw herself from the car and ran after her, calling to her to return, with Jakobe close on her heels. She stopped abruptly as she rounded the corner and sucked in a breath. For before her The Man in Black, whom she and Jakobe had only a vague sense of his physical traits before, was squatting down to pet the loving Luthien who encircled his legs. It was unmistakable that this was the same figure that had spoken to them months before, providing warning. Jakobe rested a hand on Andromeda’s back as he too let out a relieved breath.

“Your wee beastie knows the truth and always has. I welcome you ascension seekers.” The Man in Black smiled at them. For the first time they could see him plainly, he withdrew his hood to reveal his features. Before Jakobe and Andromeda stood a being of light and goodness. Their breaths were taken aback by the sheer brilliance of him.

“I gave you what you needed to see, to open your eyes to the world around you. The third dimensional world has come to an end. Those who seek the enlightenment are the true members of the world and are welcome.”

Luthien let out a happy purr meow at his words which made Jakobe and Andromeda laugh.

“Welcome to Mount Bodhi.” The Man in Black gestured behind him. Unbeknownst to them, they had parked and slept right next to the lake that resided at the base of Mount Bodhi. The overall scene was breathtaking and they could feel the transformative energy, so light and clean unlike anywhere they had experienced in the waking world. A feeling of peace passed over them, a feeling of knowing flitted through them as they took in the breathtaking scenery around them. The mountain stood tall and serene, the lake below ominous and foreboding. Yet the peace they felt was innumerable and invaluable. They glanced at each other, tears and laughter forming in their eyes.

“Samsara is a cycle. What is born dies and is again reborn until spiritual enlightenment is achieved. That is what our beloved Mountain stands for. It is the final enlightenment which puts an end to the transmigration and leads to Nirvana and spiritual release. I invite you now divine seekers Andromeda and Jakobe to partake in the cleansing and reach your higher self.”

Jakobe and Andromeda glanced at each other, knowing they had not given him their names. Before them, The Man in Black, who was now rather The Man of Light, presented them with bowls filled with a clear liquid that sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

“Drink this and leave your physical self behind. Transform to your spirit and be at peace. For your love transcends and your beings will be at eternal peace as I am.”

“I can’t leave behind Luthien,” Andromeda countered as she looked between The Man of Light, Jakobe and her beloved feline. “I can’t leave her.”

“Be not afraid child, for the feline will follow you. The true spirit has always lived within our feline friends. We placed them on this third dimension to guide you, a portal to the true realm without your knowledge. Luthien and I have been friends for many lifetimes. You shall continue that friendship in the fifth dimension. You are only now learning but you will see.” The Man of Light smiled at them while he stroked Luthien’s head.

“I don’t know if we should trust this..” Andromeda questioned Jakobe.

“What choice do we have? We have tried to study and learn as much as we could over the past year and this is what it has led to. We either continue to live in this world and dimension and possibly make it out alive or we succumb to Samsara. All I know Andromeda is that I love you and our love will transcend.”

“If you have doubts children of the spirit, then you are not ready for the metamorphosis. You must be sure. You must be clear in your decision.” The Man of Light glanced between the two, his eyes lingering on Andromeda.

“ I want to be with you and we know that this world is in need of a change in wavelengths. It is in need of growth. To hell with it. I know what we need to do.” Andromeda swallowed and pet Luthien beneath her feet while looking up into Jakobe’s eyes. He smiled at her and held her hand.

“Children of Light, be at peace. You shall know the light and love that the realm has to offer. Be at peace.” The Man of Light smiled at the two, his eyes full of watchful knowingness, his arms outstretched before him, a pillar at the base of the mountain.

Jakobe and Andromeda kissed each other lighty as they took in the beauty transcending around them, the pureness of energy enveloping them as they pressed the bowls to their mouths and drank. The world faded for them and within a blink they looked at each other in their true spirit forms. Behind them, their third dimensional bodies lingered. With an open hand The Man of Light outstretched toward the mountain scene beyond them. Lush flowers bloomed in vibrant colors where there had been none a moment ago. Hundreds of light beings floated around them with welcoming arms as Jakobe and Andromeda linked hands and walked unabashed into the spiritual forever that awaited them, Luthien trotting lightly at their side.

“Welcome, children of ascension and tranquility, to Bodhi.” The Man of Light greeted them with a smile as they took their first steps into the unknown.


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    VIWritten by Vayda Ingersoll

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