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For humanity we die, for humanity we live. Infinity for humanity.....

By Olivia ElemancoPublished 2 years ago 17 min read

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. Yesterday, as we threw out the prisoners out of our ship, we could not hear a sound. But their terrified faces are like screaming cries that still echo in my head. As a Vega of this ship, my power held no value to prevent this brutality - all in the name of keeping the majority alive. What an irony it is that the more we try to save humanity from going extinct, it feels like we are losing humanity even more.

Five years ago, we’ve launched the Breyer Operations to escape the wrath of Earth as it was rapidly becoming uninhabitable. I’ve only seen Earth as green as it was through videos and pictures. But the Earth I’ve grown up in was a vast wasteland, almost incapable of supporting life due to very high heat temperatures and catastrophic natural calamities such as wildfires, tornados, tsunamis, and super typhoons.

It was in year 2053 when all 24 ships of the Breyer Operations had successfully launched and left the Earth. With 40,000 passengers in each ship, we Vegas were confident that humanity is saved, and it will continue to live on once we find a new planet to inhabit. However, after years of exploration and research, we haven’t found a planet capable of supporting human life. Our resources are depleting and can only support us for ten more years. Thus, we’ve become dignified barbarians who had agreed to commit the sinful act of killing our fellow humans.

“Now that we’re done with the prisoners, we should discuss the next group for the purgation” said Stepanov, who is currently the most influential Vega. He is on board the Alpha Lyrae, the mothership of the Breyer Operation.

“How can you say that in such a carefree tone Stepanov? We’ve just killed people! Our people! And now you’re thinking of who to kill next!”, exclaimed Arvinder, another Vega who is on board with me here at Beta Centaurus.

“I believe we should put the purgation into a halt and wait for some updates from our Epistis. They might have already found a planet or another scientific solution to this crisis” I explained.

“Alright Celestine. Then shall we cast a vote? Those who agree with Celestine’s suggestion of putting the purgation aside in the meantime, you may press the green button on your screens.” Stepanov said.

I saw some displeased faces on the screens but as the Vegas cast their votes, I felt relieved to see fourteen green lights flashing on the big screen of our control room. Thank goodness the purgation will stop – temporarily.

“It seems that majority of the Vegas agree with you Celestine. Well then, after a week, we shall hear what the Epistis have to say about their research. If they fail to present us with a solution, we shall resume the purgation and decide on who will be the next group to sacrifice. That concludes our meeting for today.

For humanity we die, for humanity we live,” said Stepanov.

And we all answered in chorus: “Infinity for humanity”.

For the five years that we’ve been travelling here in space, these words have kept us motivated. But now, they are almost like empty words to me. Is sacrificing our lives worth it for people like Stepanov? I better stop this purgation nonsense immediately. I hope Professor Larch and Professor Godfrey have found some answers.

It had been sometime since I went to visit Professor Godfrey’s lab despite being in the same ship. That unique scent of computers that had mixed with the smell of Professor Godfrey’s favorite cleaning spray. For a scientist, he is such a clean freak that he keeps every corner of his lab sanitized and cleaned everyday.

“It is nice to see you again Professor Godfrey. I just had a meeti….” Professor Godfrey cut me off.

“Yes, I heard what happened Celestine. I know you too well. It pains my heart that you only come here when it is an official matter. You used to spend all your time with me and your father at the lab back on Earth,” answered Godfrey.

“That is all in the past Professor. We must move on from it. What matters is the crisis we’re facing right now. Can you turn on your screen? I’ve also contacted Professor Larch from the Alpha Lyrae. Have you also heard an update from the Epistis in the other ships?” I asked as I tried to deviate from the subject about my father.

“Celestine, sometimes the answer to our future lies in looking backwards”, Professor answered with a mysterious smile on his face.

“Hello Godfrey. Hello Celestine”, greeted Professor Larch, who is the Episti of Epsilon Crater and a well-known colleague of Professor Godfrey during their work for the Breyer Operation. While Professor Godfrey chose to be in Beta Centaurus, Professor Larch chose Epsilon despite being offered to be the head Episti of the Alpha Lyrae.

“Well, I am glad you’re now here Larch. I was just about to tell Celestine of what I’ve recently discovered. So, as I’ve mentioned earlier, the answer to our crisis today lies in the past. We’ve already gave our shot at finding a new planet and years have gone to waste already. We’ve neglected that there is always our home to come back to – Earth. Our new planet will be Earth”, explained Godfrey.

“I am not able to follow..” I answered in confusion.

“Do not tell me you finally found a way??” asked Larch, who seemed to know what Godfrey is talking about.

“Yes. I finally found a way to do time travel. We should go back to Earth. The past of the Earth when it was still green and thriving with life. After all, Earth is the only planet that can certainly support human life and all other living beings. We can start over and avoid the doom that had befallen on us”, Godfrey explained further.

“How does it work? What year in the past are we going to go back to and what are we going to do with all the people living in that period? And how are we going to transport all the twenty-four ships with a million people in it? I know you mean well Godfrey but this time travel of yours presents a low probability of success and certainty. The Epistis from other ships have been working with me and we’ve already found an exoplanet which shows great potential in supporting human life. The planetary system where it belongs to is 130 light years, but if we find a wormhole, we can get to this planet in no time”, Larch explained.

“Do you not hear yourself Larch? How certain are you that we will find a wormhole or if it even exists in the first place? You’re saying that my solution has low probability, but yours is even worse. We will all be dead for millions of years by the time we reach that planet and until you have found a wormhole, your plan to save humanity remains impossible” argued Godfrey.

“I believe that Professor Godfrey’s solution seems more feasible. Sorry Professor Larch, but with the limited time and resources that we have now, we need a solution that can be done immediately. And since Professor Godfrey already has discovered how to do time travel, I think we should give it a try and hope for the best”, I answered.

“Very well, we are all fighting for the same cause here and I am willing to support this time travel project of Godfrey. Just tell us what you need,” replied Larch.

I am glad that their heated argument ended amicably. Since we’ve reached an agreement, I told Professor Godfrey that he will be presenting in front of the other Vegas next week. Before that, I promised the Professor that I will be looking for four Stratos who would volunteer to do the time travel testing. I’ve already put up an announcement in the Stratos database and even put up a reward so I should be getting some volunteers by now.

The next day while I was scanning and signing some documents in my office, the buzzer on my door suddenly rang.

“Who are you two?” I asked after checking my intercom to see who was outside my door.

“I’m Stratos R-4 Adam and this is Stratos R-10 Everleigh. We’re both from Omega Core Stratos division and we’ve personally flown here to volunteer for the time travel testing”, answered the man who is still wearing his Stratos uniform.

I pushed the button to let them into my office.

“We wanted to know if the search for volunteers is still open. The two of us would like to join the time travel operation.” Everleigh asked.

I ran a quick background search in the Stratos database to see more information about these two soldiers in front of me.

“You two just made it in time. Oddly, no one has volunteered yet despite the reward I put up. I do not want to waste any time waiting so I might as well give you the job. The details of this operation will be given to you by Professor Godfrey, the head Episti of Beta Centaurus. Since the meeting with the Vegas is within two days, I’d like you to just stay here in preparation for that.” I said with a tone of sternness.

It was the day of the meeting, and everything went smoothly with Professor Godfrey’s presentation until Stepanov once again interfered.

“I believe Godfrey said there should be four volunteers for the time travel testing. But so far, you’ve only presented R-4 Adam and R-10 Everleigh. How will you guarantee the success of this operation if you’re lacking the manpower, Celestine? I’m afraid you’re trying so hard to keep the Breyer reputation that your father had built over the years. But it seems never good enough” Stepanov asked me mockingly.

“The third volunteer would be me. So, I guess we’re only down to one? Anyone else wants to join me?” said an unfamiliar voice of a man from Epsilon’s screen.

After realizing who it was, I could see the shock from the Vegas’ eyes. It’s Sawandei, son of Professor Larch and former Stratos R-1 back in his Earth days. R-1 is the highest soldier position that anyone can achieve. Currently, he is also one of the youngest Vega, apart from me. But he rarely attends our meetings as he is known to have a rough attitude and he tends to do things on his own.

“How nice to see you at this crucial moment Sawandei. You seem to have great timing. Unfortunately, despite you volunteering, there’s still one spot to fill and no one else seems to be interested in it.” Stepanov once again interferes.

“I’ll do it. I was planning to volunteer from the very beginning anyway. Our future as a race depends on this operation so I can’t let it fail.” My answer has put all the other Vegas in silence.

Arvinder and Ivshka have expressed their discontent with both Sawandei and I volunteering for the time travel testing. As Vegas, we’re supposed to lead our ships and stay in contact with the Vegas from other ships. But the situation has left me with no other option. Apart from wanting to ensure the success of this mission, I couldn’t help but volunteer partly because of how Stepanov was pressuring and mocking me and my family’s reputation.

It was the day of our time travel. Larch came to Beta Centaurus to see off his son. Ivshka, who was the other Vega of Epsilon also came to see Sawandei off. Arvinder was also present. Before our departure, Professor Godfrey gave us one last orientation regarding our trip.

“This is the machine I’ve built for this travel. Time travel was never successful on Earth because of the conditions surrounding the environment. But here in outer space, I’ve discovered that the low density of particles, the plasma of hydrogen and helium, the electromagnetic radiation, and the lack of gravity make it possible to generate a huge amount of energy that will open a portal leading to another spacetime. You will land exactly on the same spot where you left, only to a different timeline. That means you will still be in outer space so you will have to enter Earth on your own. We’ve positioned Beta Centaurus near the Earth to make things easier for you. Once you cross the portal, we will lose contact with you. But I have configured your ship with the energy from the time travel machine. If you press the button, message will be delivered by the blinking of lights at a certain pattern much like how the Morse code works. Sawandei knows how it works. This operation will be the ultimate test for this time travel and your mission is to report which period you landed and the current conditions,” Professor Godfrey explained.

“Why do we have to report which timeline we are landing in? Can you not choose which timeline we will land?” asked Adam.

“Unfortunately, I have not discovered how to configure the machine to a particular timeline. The portal opens, and the energy circles around going back further and further into the past. It’s like rewinding those old movie tapes. You just press the button and hope that you’ve landed on the right part.” Godfrey answered.

“Now, if that’s it, then shall we proceed and get this over with?” Sawandei said as he stood up from his chair and started stretching his arms. Observing him is giving me a feeling that I will not like working with him as a team.

As we bid goodbyes to our friends and colleagues, we boarded the ship that we will use for the travel. Adam and Eve are seated on the front since they’re our pilots while Sawandei and I took the opposite seats on the far end corner. This ship we’re taking is quite huge with complete set of suits, food supplies, medicine, and has 4 smaller shuttles designed for one pilot to drive. Adam presses the red button which is the main switch and the other buttons had started lighting up one after the other, as if they were lights on a peaceful Christmas eve. In front of the glass window of our ship, I see that Professor Godfrey has already turned on the time machine as well. I do not see anything coming out of the machine, but I am starting to see a blue and white ball of light energy forming to where the machine is directed to. The light started much like the size of a basketball, but it was quickly starting to get larger and larger with particles of yellow light getting emitted at the center of the portal. As it grew larger, we could feel the energy getting stronger as well, to a point that our ship was getting sucked into it.

“We’re now moving forward towards the past. I don’t know how this will go but buckle up and hang tight.” Adam warned as he and Eve pushed the lever upward. Before diving to the portal, I tried to give one last glance at Beta Centaurus and the other ships. I saw a lot of people gathered on the viewing decks while waving a piece of cloth in each of their hands. Infinity for humanity, I thought.

“They’re bidding you good luck. I guess you truly are the most popular Vega that’s why Stepanov is very hostile towards you.” Sawandei said.

“Stepanov is the most influential Vega. My popularity means nothing.” I answered with contempt.

“Do you really.. Oh!” Sawandei shouted.

As we entered the portal, things started to get bumpy. There was so much pressure coming from the force and heat of the portal. My hands instinctively gripped tighter on the belt strapped on my chest as our ship was shook like a crumbling building because of a 7.5 magnitude earthquake. The inside of the ship looked like it was spinning around and when it all stopped, we were dripping with cold sweat and puke.

“Rough ride, huh?” Sawandei said jokingly. I cannot believe that he still has the energy to tell jokes despite that nerve-wracking ride that we had.

I was going to respond to Sawandei’s lame joke, but I got interrupted when Everleigh called our attention.

“Look. Isn’t it beautiful?!” Everleigh exclaimed while staring at the spectacle in front of us.

“You’re right. I’ve never expected Earth to be this beautiful. It’s very far from the Earth that we stare at back in the future.” Adam added.

Yes, it was indeed mesmerizing. The green land masses, floating white clouds, and the humongous body of water that makes Earth so blue somehow brought peace to my disturbed heart. I cannot wait for the others to see it as well.

“Well, we shouldn’t keep that beauty to ourselves. Let’s get back to work and bring humanity back to their home.” I said.

We all prepared ourselves for our trip down to Earth. Suit up, comms in. We each took one shuttle and went straight to Earth. I didn’t mind our re-entry to Earth. It was bumpy but nothing compared to our time travel trip. My heart was racing not out of fear, but of excitement. It felt almost like I was getting reunited with a long lost loved one. When we finally landed, we we’re all once again astonished.

“Trees!” Sawandei shouted.

It was our first time seeing such an abundance of trees and all other kinds of plants. That scent in the air of just nothing was also very refreshing. Back in the future Earth, we’ve gotten so used to the smell of smoke, the putrid odor of rotten eggs, and mixed scents of chemicals from abandoned factories that almost feels like it is burning your nostrils. These were the kind of smell we inhaled everyday that we don’t have any memory anymore of what fresh air smells like.

As we explore the area to gather more information, I couldn’t help but try to bury my shoes deep in the soft and moist soil and it was refreshing and ticklish to have the leaves touching my face. Everything around me felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

“Hey, there’s a lake here!” Adam called.

We followed his voice, and we were once again bewildered at the sight of the powder sky blue lake surrounded with mountain ranges in the background. I couldn’t believe that I am now seeing such a picturesque view with my own eyes.

“I don’t know about you, but I am taking a dip.” said Sawandei, who was already taking of his boots and pants.

“Hey, Sawandei. I know you like to do things on your own, but this isn’t the right time for a swim. We’re here on a mission.” I said while trying to grab his arm to stop him.

But Adam started taking off his boots and shirt as well and so was Everleigh. Now that it’s the three of them, I couldn’t really do anything but to let them take a quick dip. While they were enjoying the cold water of the lake, I found a log lying on the ground, so I decided to sit and just enjoy the view. The laughter of my comrades echoed through the mountains together with rustling of the branches of trees. Suddenly, this peaceful melody was interrupted with a noise that I couldn’t immediately identify.

“Do you hear that? Sssshh.” I told the others. It was a pounding sound similar to the shot of a canyon. The pounding became louder and louder, and we started hearing the cracking trunks of trees from behind me that were falling on the ground from behind me.

My voice was almost breaking as I try to utter the words: “It’s a dinosaur.”

Adam, Everleigh, and Sawandei were rushing to dress up. Without their boots on, we started running back to our shuttles. I looked back quickly to see if we’ve made a distance, but the dinosaur was in pursuit of us.

With his panting breath while running, I hear Sawandei shout from behind me.

“Well, mission accomplished. We now know what timeline we’ve landed in, but I don’t think we’re welcome here.”

We’re in the middle of running for our lives but here goes Sawandei again with his awful timing for jokes.

Once we got to our shuttles, we’ve hurriedly started our engines to get away from the dinosaur and fly back to space. That concluded our short trip to the era of dinosaurs. I must admit that Sawandei was right. We’ve indeed accomplished our mission. Unfortunately, the time when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth is not a good place to start our new lives, so we must report this to Professor Godfrey and to the other Vegas.

“We will send a message to Professor Godfrey to open the portal and we’ll discuss what we’ve seen here, and we will just discuss what to do next once we get back to Beta Centaurus. After all, our mission was to confirm the timeline and to test whether the machine the Professor had made truly works.” I explained.

“OK. I shall now deliver that message,” Sawandei said.

After Sawandei had sent the message, we waited for almost a day, but no portal appeared on us. We we’re all getting anxious and worried.

“Maybe the message didn’t reach them. Can you try sending another one Sawandei?” I asked.

“I don’t think there’s a need for that anymore Vega Celestine”. Adam answered as he pointed his finger to the window.

The portal was forming. We buckled up and prepared the ship for another hellish ride, but we our preparation was halted because of a rumbling sound coming from the portal. It felt like something huge was going to go through the portal.

“What’s going on? Is it the Alpha Lyrae that’s coming through the portal?” asked Everleigh.

“That’s not possible. I clearly told them that this is the era of the dinosaurs. It will be pointless for them to come to this timeline.” Sawandei explained.

The rumbling sound was getting louder and whatever was coming out of the portal was somehow pushing it to grow larger.

Once the tip finally emerged out of the portal, we we’re terrified of what was coming out. It was an asteroid of monstrous size. With the other half out of the portal, the asteroid came rushing in at great speed. The force was too strong that our ship was getting pushed away from the portal. But our ship wasn’t the big problem. The asteroid was heading directly to Earth. Like an angry ball of fire ready to wreak havoc, the asteroid made entry to Earth at an even faster speed.

We couldn’t do anything but watch as another disaster fell on Earth. The devastation was so strong that we could even see the impact of the explosion from outer space. It was like watching a volcano erupt, but a hundred times more destructive. I’ve seen Earth suffer for the many years we’ve lived there. However, watching Earth get hit by this enormous asteroid was painful knowing that there were millions of helpless species living in it.

My thoughts were running wild with all the questions in my head. My heart sank and a deep sigh left my chest as the truth dawned on me. A fragment of the Earth’s past that remained a puzzle to us had now become clear.

We were responsible for the asteroid that ended an entire species.

I was getting buried in these thoughts when Sawandei’s voice brought me back to reality. “Hurry Adam and Everleigh! The portal is closing!” he shouted.


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Olivia Elemanco

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    Olivia ElemancoWritten by Olivia Elemanco

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