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Nature will go on, with or without you.

It's time to reconnect.

By Merrie TuckerPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

Planet earth aye?

What a beyond incredible planet, a beautiful void of creation. How lucky are we to get the opportunity to experience life here, experiencing love, connection and choice! I don’t think many of us even realise how lucky we are to have been given this opportunity to experience life through such beautiful means and profound senses.

It’s funny because I often hear people say things like “we must come together and save the planet”. It's a nice idea but also just laughable, that we somehow think that this planet hasn’t existed for thousands and millions of years without us? You think it really needs us to sustain its own survival? Hah definitely not, this golden sphere will go on with or without us. What we really mean is "we need to save ourselves". The more we act unconsciously, polluting the earth, ruining landscapes and abusing animals, the more we are really hurting ourselves. We are battling with ourselves, with the idea of saving the planet. When really we first must look at ourselves.

The human ego aye, thinking life cannot possibly go on without it.

The earth doesn't need saving, we need saving, and that's only possible through our love and connection to both ourselves and the planet! We must learn to treat ourselves with care and consideration and as soon as that becomes a priority, we naturally begin to treat everything else around us with the same love. What’s really really important is that we are making the most of our time here on planet earth, it’s a short life really and time goes so fast it’s unreal. I was always told time would go faster as I got older and trust me I already feel it, it’s unnerving to think it could go any quicker. Making the most of our experience here is what counts, embracing our hearts desires, following our unique dreams and visions, loving ourselves/one another and connecting to the earth. I believe embracing all of these aspects make up a healthy and balanced life.

Grounding yourself; is the process of balancing your physical, emotional, mental and energy state and reconnecting them. Grounding to your surroundings, earthing your self to your chosen realities, these are the very things that will begin to enhance your connection to both yourself and everything that surrounds you. To ground yourself is to simply just be, being present away from distractions, away from technology, from people, from temptations, to truly ground yourself is to strip everything away from yourself and simply experience nature and your own energy with nothing else to influence the energy that you feel.

To embrace your own inner core, supported by the nature that embraces you, this is the best way to really feel your own inner feelings and emotions. “To be successful is to not let your emotions control your reactions, but to use your emotions to make better decisions and choices”, this statement has stuck with me throughout my life, (and recently re-enforced whilst listening to the audio book “ Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki”, a truly insightful book into the world of financial literacy.)

I guess the jist of my point is that unless you ground yourself to begin with, you actually have no idea which emotions are controlling your actions and decisions, you are completely unaware of the fact that you actually react to every feeling you experience, rather than asking yourself simple questions about the emotions that arise most of us tend to just react not realising that we didn’t even choose our own reactions, but that our emotions choose for us.

This is an incredibly dangerous way to live your life, never really making the decisions for yourself, but allowing the untamed parts of yourself to decide for you. True power and understanding comes from the observation of your emotions, before the reaction you stop, you feel the emotion, you feel what it's making you want to do, and you stop. You ask yourself what is this emotion telling me? What is this bringing up for me and how can I use it to react in the best way possible?

These simple questions transform the control to you, giving you the opportunity to use your emotions in a way that serves you best, in a way that allows you to paint your reality from a conscious and aware space.

It’s incredibly simple that most of us overlook it, we often struggle to see the things that are standing in front of our face. But really when we strip away all the social pressures, family pressures, life pressures, when we strip away the delusions of life, it’s scary how simple it all is. To face how much we continue to over complicate life and its many mysteries. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just accept the unknown, to accept the mysteries, for what would magic be without the unknowing?

I believe that the biggest issue we face as a human race is our lack of connection to all that surrounds us, the lack of connection to the earth, ourselves and one another. The more we have advanced as a global society the further and further we have gone and are going from ourselves and from what’s really important. The more we have grown in technology, in building, in finance, the more we have left behind the deeper connections to ourselves. If you look back over the generations that have come and gone, the societies that have come and gone, it’s scary to see how skeptical we have become. How doubtful we have become of our own power and divinity.

Life will simply go on with or with out you, so why waste your time? Instead why not embrace the world for all of its intensities, all of its beauty and pain, embrace it wholeheartedly and simply be grateful. Be grateful for this experience, I know it's some what easier said that done sometimes. But the reality is, one day you're here, and the next you're not. We haven't got any time to waste, we have a limited amount of time to truly create and to become. And this all starts with you. It starts with your ability to be aware of yourself, of your emotions and actions. It starts with you really embodying your most honest and raw version of self.

I see you, I see the beauty you are made of, so please first save yourselves. Because no ones coming to save you, only you can save yourself.


About the Creator

Merrie Tucker

Just a fairy indulging in the magic;Spilling the secrets of my heart.

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    Merrie TuckerWritten by Merrie Tucker

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