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My Brass Heart Shaped Locket on Angels Wings

By Julia Hampton; Steampunk jewelry artist currently unknown

By Julia HamptonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Retrofuturistic Symbolism

The face of my brass heart shaped locket was encased in a clear glass and through it, I saw depth within the geometry, particularity and entanglement of the designs inside. There were three gunmetal pins set into the shape of a Z that met the edges of the brass to form the shape of two acute triangles inside of an upside down parallelogram for the midsection of the heart, thus dividing the brass edged heart shape into three main sections. The section below the Z formed an upside down triangle and the top section was formed into two opened half circle shapes that met to form the top of the heart. I noticed a specificity of the triangle on my left view of the Z and the triangle below the Z; in both triangle sections there was a small silver gear placed just below each end of the Z and a larger golden half circular gear mounted along the adjacent side of each of those triangles. However, the two remaining parts of the heart, the top section and the triangle to my right view of the Z, were filled with disarray of countless tiny brass and gunmetal gears. (The year 2015) As I observed these features my gaze into the heart shaped locket became so mesmerized with thought and imagination of infinite possibilities for the future of humanity and all life as we know it. I examined the configuration of the design as well as the disarray of the metal gears inside and began to imagine each piece of the design as a specific significance for something more that I needed to understand. It was like my mind was somehow being transported into an alternate universe. I could see the pieces coming together as the inside of the workings of something powerful, yet mysterious and deeply complex.

My thoughts grew deeper as I also observed the symbolism of the chain which was attached to the heart by two life-like wings that appeared authentic and plated in brass. As I took in the whole perspective of my emblematic observations, I felt a sudden gasp for air. A sense came over me that an angelic life force had intentionally placed this particular locket in my possession, to summon me to unlock a deep understanding of what to expect of the imminent future. In that instant, my first thought was to remember the day I found that locket at an art festival years before. I felt so drawn to it, my fascination with the detail and timeless beauty of it expressed that it was exactly what I was looking for and didn’t realize. In fact, that necklace was the only piece of art I was compelled enough to purchase that day, among millions of other creations. At that reminiscence, I was so enthralled by the whole experience with this one of a kind necklace and my connection with it. I had to take a moment to breathe and take it all in for further examination.

The next time I looked into the intricacy of my brass locket, I was filled with so much complexity of emotion and curiosity, it was overwhelming. Within the unruliness of the tiny gears formulated into specific sections, I started to see into the deep rooted chaos of society and the world as a whole; I saw so many things I couldn’t bear to take it all in at once. I started to see the consequences of human actions to the environment and to life in general as humans are the elite and responsible species of civilization, but mankind has abused our authority for selfish gain. I was able to see into the secret workings of powerful people and corporations, who have fooled the masses with their schemes for centuries. My soul ached, it made me sick to my stomach with fury and frustration, so I attempted to rip the wings from the heart. No matter how hard I yanked, the wings would not come off. Enraged, I threw it at a brick wall in my backyard and finally the heart was separated from the wings, but the locket remained unbroken. I took a hammer and tried to smash it, but the glass proved to be impervious. Seeing all the anarchy was too difficult for my mind to accept. Then I gazed into the distance of the vast blue sky and realized that I was chosen to see this for a reason, though I couldn’t bear it at that particular point in time, I would later understand. I would be on a mission to unlock the mysteries of the message of the winged heart locket. So I decided to hide the locket away and hold onto the wings wherever I went. As I pondered for weeks, I still saw visions of an unraveling of pandemonium, but eventually I began to see a glimpse of hope for recovery from what was to come. I received inclinations that it would involve an intense amount of perseverance and enthusiasm to set forth. Once I came to see promise, the fear and sadness subsided and determination took over, but I knew my anticipation would involve patience for clarity and opportunity.

As time went on things I had seen in my chaotic visions began to take place. The world was becoming a darker and more grotesque place. Controversies hit and divided the minds of people to turn against each other and demand for what they thought was right. The rich were set in their greed and desire for money and power regardless of cost, and rapidly society started to crumble. Diseases were spreading rampantly as innumerable pathogens were being passed between humans and animals due to toxic chemicals being leached into the soils and spread into the food chain medicine. These toxins were the very thing preventing biological processes from being able to take place, but the root of the evil was driven by centuries of narcissistic ideologies and efforts that had paved the way for corruption to rule over the Earth as a driving force for complete dominion of darkness. Large communities were living in fear and many were facing desolation, but before the final fall of mankind there were people who understood what they were up against and they attempted intensive efforts to prepare and warn others of what to prepare for. There were groups working diligently to speak out and offer services and innovations to prevent the progression of decline. However, many of their scientific explanations, evidence, and efforts were wrongly disregarded and their voices were suppressed. Yet there were also people who sold ideas of false solutions because they were secretly working behind ulterior motives for worse destruction. Confusion ensued as pioneers hoped to see the greater good prevail.

The earth began to experience the burning rage of fires and wars of airplanes and missiles filled the sky. The air was so thick with blackness and smoke that people throughout habitation were seeking refuge in places underground, many of which were ridden with heavier toxins causing death more chronically. People who had been prepared were trying to help struggling families, but they had to be cautious of who to help because there were teams of people looking to overthrow valuable homesteads.

As carnage burst forth throughout the cities, land owners and farms were raided for everything they had. People lost hope and resources grew more and more scarce. Dead bodies were being hauled into yards full of caskets, and when caskets ran out, bodies were piled into mass graves where land was desolate. At that point, money no longer had any value because it was not something anyone could see of any use for livelihood and the richest people who held the most power became fierce with rage and began to seize all food that had had been stockpiled by those who were on guard because they would use it to retain their power and gain the trust of the hopeless and desperate people. Seeds and roots were able to be bartered at first, but then it became too risky. People with food storage absolutely did not use it for trade, but they had other means of trade and would share the food with trusted members of their secret society because they did not want the authorities to find out they had more food rations than what they were to be allocated. Instead people used knowledge, skills, and creativity as currency in the form of books, and handmade items from old things. Skills trading was the most common form of trade because it was something that could not be taken away and thus held the most value. Eventually if people were caught trading, they were fined and/or locked away to rot in cells with nothing to live off of.

Meanwhile, the sun began to grow dim and the Earth started to darken, but the atmosphere did not cool because it was still warm from the toxic emissions that were never properly addressed. As the sun grew darker and darker, the people in power grew weak and sick because they were unknowingly the most heavily exposed to the toxins for long periods of time and they didn’t understand the principles of respecting the biosphere and conservation of energy and mass. Humbled by desperation, the selfish leaders became beggars crying for help while the people who had been prepared and maintained sustenance, became the governors and commanders of the planet. Pioneers who had lived by proper ecosystem principals still had enough healthy energy and strength in their bodies to carry on. Those who were adapted had learned how to survive beforehand and to use only truly renewable sources for food production, energy conversions and water filtration, they had kept storage of photosynthetic energy and fuel production energy in the form of soils and organic waste products that the evil could not recognize as useful for recovering from destruction. Plant medicines, natural sources of light generation and water filtration as well as nutrient sources, in their bodies and land, helped them to sustain just enough strength to carry on and begin to start repairing the Earth again.

As the catalyst of these events became clear in 2020, that was when I knew that the revelation of my heart shaped locket was unfolding and that the wings were a source of protection and guidance from the will of God. The locket was not to be physically opened, but the knowledge to be unlocked by looking through the glass and obtaining an understanding of the curses of history as well as the laws of physics, and the biblical principles that go hand in hand with the importance of water and energy conversions of organic chemistry. The symbol of the Z shape was intended as the sword of truth to be unlocked by the revelation I saw. The Acute triangle shapes represent the ability to be perceptive and discerning to unlock an acute understanding of fine details of the struggles the world is facing in these end times. It became clear to me that not only was the locket understood to unlock and reveal truths with a keen sense, but to help express my insight of cellular repair and encourage humanity to trust that we do not have to see this unfolding take place because the damage done to the Earth can in fact be reversed as she is still alive. Earth is one large multicellular organism full of organ systems perfectly designed by God and predictable by science and history. The bible talks about a mystery in 1st Corinthians 15 and I saw this revelation in my vision long before I ever read the verse only three weeks ago. I believe that if we see things from a circular perspective, we can come together to start a movement of true renewal through symbiosis principles of life. We can work in faith to renew our Mother Earth and see the will of our Father God.


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    Julia HamptonWritten by Julia Hampton

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