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By AnitaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Ursula Drake on Unsplash

As a young girl, Rachel had always been fascinated by the ocean. She would spend hours on the beach, watching the waves crash against the shore, wondering what lay beneath the surface. It was this curiosity that drove her to pursue a career in marine biology.

After years of study and hard work, Rachel finally landed her dream job – a research position on a deep-sea exploration mission. She couldn’t wait to see what secrets lay hidden in the depths of the ocean.

As Rachel descended into the murky depths, she felt a rush of excitement and fear. She had never been so far from the surface before. But as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she began to see a world unlike anything she had ever imagined.

The ocean floor was teeming with life – from colorful corals and sponges to schools of fish that swam by in a blur. Rachel felt as though she had entered a different planet altogether.

Over the next few weeks, Rachel and her team explored the ocean floor, collecting samples and documenting the various species they encountered. They encountered everything from tiny shrimp to enormous squid that dwarfed their submersible.

As the days turned into weeks, Rachel began to feel a deep connection to the ocean. She realized that this was where she belonged – under the sea, exploring the wonders of the deep.

Despite the challenges of living in a submersible for weeks on end, Rachel never lost her sense of wonder and amazement at the world around her. She made new discoveries and learned more about the ocean with each passing day.

But as the mission drew to a close, Rachel felt a sense of sadness. She didn’t want to leave this magical world behind. She knew that she would always carry a piece of the ocean with her, but she longed to return to the depths.


Rachel’s journey of discovery under the sea was a life-changing experience. She had seen things that few humans had ever laid eyes on, and had come to understand the beauty and complexity of the ocean in a way that she had never imagined.

For Rachel, the ocean was a place of infinite possibility and wonder – a place where she felt at home. And as she surfaced from the depths, she knew that she would never forget the incredible journey she had been on.

Tips for writing a story like this:

Develop a strong sense of setting – the ocean is a vast and varied place, and you’ll need to create a vivid picture in your reader’s mind of what it looks and feels like to be under the sea.

Use sensory details – the ocean is a place of sound, smell, and touch as much as it is of sight. Use descriptive language to capture the full sensory experience of being under the sea.

Create a compelling character – Rachel is a strong and relatable protagonist, and her passion for the ocean is what drives the story forward. Think about what motivates your character and what their goals and desires are.

Build tension and conflict – even in a story about exploration and discovery, there needs to be some element of tension or conflict to keep the reader engaged. Think about the obstacles your character might face and how they might overcome them.

Make use of research – while this is a work of fiction, it’s important to ground your story in scientific fact. Do some research on what life is really like under the sea and incorporate that knowledge into your writing.

short storyScienceNature

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Welcome to my creative writing space. I come here to share a bit about myself through my writing & also to do the challenges. I wanted to gain more confidence in writing & go more indepth & get what's in my head out into words.

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    AnitaWritten by Anita

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