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If Walls Could Talk: Reflections on a Divided World

"Discovering the Hidden Tales of a Divided World: A Writer's Reflection on the Power of Walls"

By DONNIE JEAN NTIHPublished about a year ago 3 min read

I have seen the world in all its complexity, but it was not until I lived in a centuries-old home that I fully realized the stories that walls can hold. That is why I want to explore the perspective of walls, if they could talk, on the topic of division.

Imagine, if you will, walls that have seen everything. From wars and revolutions to the day-to-day lives of families and communities, these walls have been witnesses to it all. They have seen the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of cultures, the love and hate that has driven people to both great acts of kindness and unspeakable cruelty.

The walls of this old house have been silent observers to the history of our world, and if they could talk, what would they have to say about the divisions that continue to afflict us? The walls would likely tell a story of a world that is both rich in diversity and torn apart by prejudice and intolerance. They would recount a history in which people have sought to build walls between themselves, walls of stone and steel, walls of language and culture, walls of ideology and faith.

And yet, the walls would also tell a story of resilience and hope. For despite the divisions that have plagued our world, they would see how people have come together to overcome them. They would see how people of different cultures and backgrounds have formed bonds of friendship and understanding, and how communities have rallied to support one another in times of need. They would see how people have broken down the walls that once separated them, and have found a way to live together in peace and harmony.

The walls of this old house would also tell a story of change. They would see how people have struggled to overcome the limitations of the past and have sought to build a better future for themselves and their children. They would see how the world has changed, and how the divisions that once seemed insurmountable have been overcome.

And yet, the walls would still see the divisions that persist today. They would see how people continue to build walls of hate and fear, walls that keep us apart and limit our potential as a species. They would see how these walls continue to hold us back, and how they prevent us from reaching our full potential as a society.

As a writer, I feel it is my duty to share the stories that these walls would tell if they could talk. For their stories are the stories of our world, and they are the stories of the human spirit. They are the stories of our struggles and triumphs, of our failures and successes, of our hopes and fears.

In a world that is so often divided, I believe that it is more important than ever to listen to the stories of the walls, and to learn from the lessons that they have to teach us. For it is only by coming together, by breaking down the walls that divide us, and by working together to build a better world, that we can truly reach our full potential as a species.

In conclusion, if walls could talk, they would tell a story of a world that is both divided and united, a world that is both flawed and beautiful. They would tell a story of a world that is in need of our compassion and understanding, a world that is in need of our courage and vision. And it is up to us, as writers and as citizens of this world, to listen to these stories and to do our part to make this world a better place for all.

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About the Creator


Donnie Jean Ntih is a multi-talented writer and a super affiliate with a wide range of interests and expertise. He is a Prize-winning author with several notable titles that cover a range of topics including relationships and marriage..

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