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By KilembikaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read


Revelation has traditionally been regarded as the Bible's most divisive book.

Many see its obscure language as a timeline for unparalleled levels of destruction.

Some claim that the chronology will abruptly and violently end this century.

Our world is undergoing rapid and profound change, and it currently faces dangers that look ominous.

Overpopulation and global warming are concerns.

To view headlines that, in the opinion of some readers of Revelation, will be sure confirmation that the Biblical prophecies are finally coming true, one need just open the newspaper or switch on CNN.

Just consider the devastation caused by hurricanes over the past few years.

Devastating tornadoes have been witnessed.

We have experienced earthquakes with quite high Richter scale magnitudes.

The closer we go to the end of the world, the faster things are happening and the closer they are getting together. It almost seems like they will all happen at once.

According to Revelation's prophecy, the end of the world is drawing nearer as each of the Apocalypse's seven seals is opened.

Some biblical scholars assert that the seals have already started to open, preparing the world for the final apocalypse.

If this is accurate, what might occur and when?

Where exactly are we in relation to time?

As the end of the world draws near, humans surviving on Earth will experience horrible pain, warfare, illness, and a number of natural disasters and calamities.

And at the very end, the Earth where mortal humans reside will be completely destroyed.

But what forces will be responsible for this ultimate devastation?

How would we know that the seventh and most significant seal has been broken?

The book of Revelation claims that the peals of celestial trumpets will announce the final punishment for humanity's sin.

Seven angels are visible, each with a trumpet.

They then emerge, and the succession of trumpet judgments starts.

Some predict that these verdicts will cause natural calamities of never-before-seen proportions.

They speculate that the Revelation's mysterious content may refer to physical forces on or outside of Earth and turn to science for clarification.

Some New Testament scholars say that this and biblical

references to fire falling from the sky

could be interpreted as asteroids.

A collision between an asteroid and the Earth

may be the catastrophic event predicted in another verse

from Revelation.

 The third angel sounded his trumpet and a great star,

blazing like a torch, fell from the sky.

The name of the star is Wormwood.

 Some believe that Revelation's author, John,

is not specifying a star in this passage,

but a comet or asteroid.

It is generally acknowledged that ancient observers were unable to distinguish between different kinds of celestial bodies.

Even if there aren't any stars named Wormwood, there is compelling scientific proof that a massive asteroid impact could be a major factor in the end of life as we know it on Earth.

Astronomers currently think that interplanetary collisions, huge comets, and asteroids crashing into Earth were at least partially responsible for the extinction of all three dinosaur generations—Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.

Humanity wouldn't endure if something so significant occurred.

Today, a collision between Earth and an asteroid with a few miles in diameter may produce energy equivalent to 1,000 simultaneous nuclear explosions.

And the third of the son was struck, as well as the third of the moon and the third of the stars, causing the third of them to become darkened.

In the event of a huge asteroid or comet impacting Earth in our lifetimes, millions of tons of debris would be launched into our atmosphere for years.

This would effectively enclose us in a cloud of dust and cut us off from the sun.

Is this the scenario that Revelation describes?

In any event, its author predicts that there will be an even greater uprising and more trumpets will sound.


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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Armageddon is scary!

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