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God Exists. BUT, he doesn't love us. Religion = Stockholm syndrome?

We all know it deep down. But religion is a necessary evil? Here is why

By HovelanderPublished 5 days ago 3 min read

Why God Is Real

The existence of God is a matter of faith for many people, but to be honest with you. Not believing their is a god is a strong indictor of a low IQ human being. While there is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove God's existence, there are a number of logical arguments that have been used to support the idea of a creator.

One common argument is that the complexity and order of the universe could not have arisen by chance. The universe is governed by laws of physics and chemistry that allow for the existence of life. It is difficult to imagine how these laws could have come into being without the intervention of a creator.

Another argument for the existence of God is the moral law. Humans have a sense of right and wrong that is innate. This moral law suggests that there is a moral lawgiver, or God.

Finally, some people believe that personal experiences with God are evidence of His existence. These experiences may include miracles, answered prayers, or a sense of God's presence.

God does exist, it does not mean that He loves us.

Meaning to our Suffering

There is a correlation between poverty and religiosity. Studies have shown that lower-income countries and households are more religious than higher-income countries and households.

There are a few possible explanations for this correlation. One possibility is that religion provides comfort and hope to people who are struggling financially. Religion can offer a sense of purpose and meaning, and it can provide a community of support.

A 2016 study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found that people in poorer countries are more likely to believe in God and to attend religious services.

A 2017 study published in the journal PLOS One found that people in poorer households in the United States are more likely to report that religion is important to them.

A 2018 study published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour found that people who are unemployed or underemployed are more likely to attend religious services than people who are employed full-time.

Hope + Desperation Makes us Vulnerable

Hope is a powerful emotion that can help people to overcome adversity and achieve their goals. It is the belief that things will get better, even when things are tough.

We all face adversity in life, some a lot worse than others. It is when you are in the darkest of moments, you look for some solace. Something to cling onto. That is when religion and God gain a following.

What religious people ignore

Every year, over 10 million children under the age of 5 die from preventable causes.

Over 700 million people live in extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $1.90 per day.

Over 20 million people are displaced from their homes due to war or conflict.

More than 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water.

Over 1 billion people lack access to electricity.

Every year, over 8 million people die from air pollution.

Every year, over 1 million people die from suicide.

These statistics are a sobering reminder of the amount of suffering in the world. It is difficult to reconcile this suffering with the idea of a loving God. But it's not all bad

The fear of Hell

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means "action" or "deed." It is a spiritual concept that refers to the universal law of cause and effect. Karma teaches that every action has a reaction, and that our thoughts, words, and deeds will eventually come back to us.

Making people scared consequences is a good way to keep things in check. If you are a human with a soul, you'll be born with a morale compass inside. Religion should not teach you right from wrong, those instincts should come at birth

At best, it seems that God is neutral towards us. He does not actively interfere in our lives, but He does not love us either.


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    HovelanderWritten by Hovelander

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