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Getting to the PARADE

before "After the Parade"

By Lego senseiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Before I Start, I want to Thank you for coming in, settle down Nice coz I wanna take you on a journey through my EYES.




Life as a Ignorant was good, it was living easy as everything was like how it be should,

Little kid in school, middle class family, lives in big proud community,

Dad works, Mom cleans and that sibling rivalry,

Parents saying, one day You ll become everything we want, it’ll make us PROUD,

The kid would think, “Life is how it’s SUPPOSED to be.”.

A little getting bullied in school,

That scolding from teachers and parents,

Many would laugh saying how different you are,

Others would say your ART will get you really far,

Sometimes, INTUITION would say, “ Something’s WRONG! ”.

Sure, There were some Hard times,

But, I wouldn’t trade these memories for a few dimes.

Then, came a time,

When I fell in love for the first time,

Witnessed a Pure Act of KINDNESS for the first time,

A girl FORGAVE my Unforgivable SIN in no time,

When I used to think “mistake is punishable by yelling and hitting.” that time,

She got me CURIOUS,

Time apart from her,

My Heart would make a FUSS,

Her talking to others would make me JEALOUS,

Someone talking bad about her would make me FURIOUS.

I showed her I love her,

I loved her how I was SUPPOSED to love,

I yelled at her unreasonably when Mad like my DAD taught me,

I cried for her when she was Mad like my MOM taught me,

Make us PROUD, then You’ll get your LOVE,

But, she would say to EXPRESS this in words,

Surprised look on my face, I thought,

“You’re not SUPPOSED to Do that from what I’ve heard.”.

The Devil of EGO roared, “Pay no mind, you’re just supposed to yell at her more loudly, she’ll come to her senses. Do what you’re supposed to do.”

Goddess of INTUITION whispered, “But, don’t you HATE when these things are done to you?

why become the very thing you HATE?”

All Confused about what should I say…

“Protect ME. Feed her with all the lies she wanna hear. It’s just Foreplay,”,

“Protect YOURSESLF. You’re too young to change. Run away.”.

But, a EMPTY VOID was created by Running away,

I ran across many Freeway,

Away from Home and Love,

Living in the School Dorm,

I thought I could create my new Norm,

A safe space, where I can be whatever I feel like to be,

Unfortunately, Reality wasn’t what I had like it to be,

Felt like was back in School but Full-time,

I would often hear SOCIETY say,

“You’re a MAN, you’re always SUPPOSED to act like a MAN. Emotionless, Protecting and Dominative”,

“You’re a WOMAN, you’re always SUPPOSED to act like WOMAN. Understanding, Caring and Submissive.”.

I would try to fight back, saying,

“ I WANT to act Masculine when I am Protecting Someone, and I WANT to act Feminine when I wanna be Protected.”.

“I WANT to act Masculine when I want Respect, and I WANT to act Feminine when I give Respect.”.

“Because this FEELS Right to me.

“Most Importantly, I WANT to EXPRESS MYSELF like a MADMAN, and why won’t I?

I take PRIDE in myself for being like this.”

With a Disturbing Grin on it’s face, SOCIETY stated,

“Don’t forget the bullying you got in school for being so Unrelated,

Look around,

It’s the Same View for you, from Home, I’ve Created.”

I grit my Teeth and clenched my Fists,

“For Now, You won this round, I ll Give in,

But, someday, I ll find the space where I ll, without even trying, FIT in,

For Right now, I don’t know why I am like this,

I don’t know how to Explain this,

I am too insecure and inexperienced with this.


Even though, the SOCIETY’s Teachings were Injurious,

It did make me very Curious,

As it would say,

“ LIFE is a Race, You gotta stay ahead,

If you ain’t Fast, You’ ll get on-stepped,

Don’t TRUST nobody,

You never know that could be a tactic to make you shoddy,

Master the art of Deception,

To get something to want, you need Manipulation.

I took a Pause from Myself,

And went on to learn how Society Run,

This could come in Handy and looks Fun.

After becoming an Expert in that Crap,

Knowing when to lose my Self-Respect or when to sit in the EGO’s Lap,

Through tips and Tricks,

I ll become a LONE WOLF,

I shall fill the Empty VOID with the Kind of LOVE I couldn’t Grasp,

I ll put on this Toxic Masculinity Mask,

Deceive every Girl to Fall into my Love Trap,

As everyone will only LOVE me for some Selfish Reason,

So, I ll USE them before they can USE me,

When their turn to USE will come, I ll RUN the upcoming season.

LIFE will be too easy,

I ll be Happier than I was Sad,

No more Sorrow, the Future seemed Bright,

But, there was something that wasn’t Right,

The LOVE I ventured out to Find,

In a twisted way, made me Blind,

Finding something I never knew,

After every LOVE supply,

My HATE for humans only grew.

I realized, Not knowing LOVE, I had set the bar too High,

Who didn’t pass were mercilessly cut Down,

Back in the roster, pushed to the Side,

Just to mask my fear of getting hurt from the inside.

Then one day, I stumbled upon the “LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY” subReddit,

A total stranger, unknown to what is in it,

It was for a WRITING COMPETITION, for this very poem’s sake,

It’s my first time Writing on this,

I hope I don’t make any Sensible Mistake,

It’s just that the community shook me in my Wake,

And I just had to Partake,

I Pray this cause only The Positve Earthquake.

Speaking of which, my LIFE did get Shaked,

For maybe I was too Baked,

Coz That instant I felt:

This is what COLORS look like,

I didn’t know EMOTIONS have COLORS,

I was used to only see from the just 2 windows- Black and White,

Which was supposed to be, at least, Blue and Pink,

It was boring Sitting in front of one color,

But, The world through the Colored Glasses looked so factual,

I looked and turned out I am Gender-Fluid, Demi-Sexual,

It was like the Clouds of SHAME were Replace,

Why I act a certain Way in a certain Place,

I do things which makes me feel Alive,

And LIFE is not supposed to feel Deface.

As I kept on Reading and Learning,

I saw these Amazing people, who FOUGHT, BLED, CRIED but never stopped the FIGHT,

All these people who write about themselves in Reddit Everyday,

About the PERSON who came out Yesterday,

About the PERSON who will come out the Next Day,

How they faced the Harsh Normality,

But never abandoned their Reality,

I wished I could have been this STRONG,

My VOID Life wouldn’t have Prolong.

Though PREJUDICE they still take away,

For every NEWBIE, like me, they Gain everyday,

That DAY isn’t very Far Away.

And I DARE SAY, that Time is in quite proximity,

When WE’ ll all be Called the “EARTH COMMUNITY”.

-Till Next Time-

-Thank You all for Coming In-


About the Creator

Lego sensei

A on a Journey to become a NOVELIST, who got blessed with a lot of free time during covid-19 lockdown.

"a Sarcastic Jerk trying to become a Novelist? that's interesting"- my friend's comment on me.

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