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By St.1Published 3 years ago 3 min read
...The ocean and sky...

An ocean has a voice...

I remember the childhood dreams I had of swimming in a lavender sea or flying in an emerald sky and letting go of all inhibitions and fears and the well that carried all of my tears has dried out and the past will forever be forgotten...forsaken souls now free to roam Elysium, fountains of youth spring ambrosial nectar and the air so pure when we breathe the taste of immortality enters our heart is broken watching those appointed as guardians to protect nature contaminate our most precious elements and endanger species once abundant roaming rampant now scarcely tread shallow waters....and the machines who now take the place of many men without thought, without feeling destroy and have no remorse for Sea's Creatures and all creation but only the mind of man can create such things and as we abuse our power and live as if there are no consequences for polluting our oceans and tampering with our atmosphere we are forgetting to give appraise! We are forgetting to show mercy the glory of life is to admire the view that your Higher Power allows your limited eyes to see...and be grateful that everything is aligned and in proper proportions with no mistakes we were created with love's image and my "ideal", me at my peak of potential is given a mission to serve nature first and then all creations and protect that which is sacred and subdue "hatred" to open the eyes of those blind to their actions...."THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO"... So when I see someone littering I approach them and let them know that "this is our castle"!!! The world we live in is our secret garden and what we plant will grow and what good is a plant contaminated with rotten seeds? ...The human mind can easily be swayed or shaken and in the comfort of a good friend you will never be steered out of your original path. And to those who don't know, a good friend will be as a teacher and show you rather then tell you the right way to live. So what I am doing to make this world a better and cleaner place and protect our oceans from any more harm is spread my wisdom and knowledge from one person to the next and as each one teaches one the more our consciousness will grow and the cleaner our world and our oceans will be...but to the powers that be which I have no control over... I use this "jewel" as my stronghold which is : ", Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"...We as a people must know our limits but at the same time shoot for the MOON! Cause even if we miss we will still be amongst the "stars" with that being said I will continue to show through my actions and not by mere words how appreciating nature and admiring the beauty of the miraculous mysterious mystical and enigmatic "ocean" and all of earth's wonderful creation in that matter allows others blessed to be in the presence of such praise and remarkable stature to be thankful. Thankful to be given life, given hope, given an opportunity to make our world a better place and keep our oceans safe and clean cause being that "life", our first living organism came from the ocean it deserves...I mean "she" deserves phenomenal realization and declaration because blood may be thicker then water, but you need water to live! And the praise our oceans deserve have been non-existent for centuries!!! And if you want to continue living in a "wonderful world" start taking CARE of her... And it starts with "YOU"



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