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Do you keep up with the daily reduction of plastic production when you go back to work?

Protect the environment from plastic

By testPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

When office workers start to get busy

Order takeout.

Buy refreshing coffee.

Even used several extra stacks of folders.

Take-out lunch boxes, bottled water, disposable tableware and other rubbish

It also began to soar at an astonishing speed visible to the naked eye.

It is necessary to resume production and resume work.

Is plastic garbage inevitable?

Absolutely Not!!!

Today, the pendulum will bring you daily anti-plastic tips for the second shot.

Daily commuter!

Let everyone learn how to commute to and from work.

How to be in the office

Can also successfully reduce plastic!

Daily commuter

01. Bring your own takeout lunch box

Disposable plastic lunch boxes are the hardest hit areas of plastic waste products.

Its convenience makes it difficult for busy office workers to leave.

But it doesn't hurt as much as it does.

Bring your own takeout lunch box downstairs to pack or bring your own bento.

After eating, simply wash and recycle yourself.

This small process greatly reduces the pressure on the degradation of garbage by the environment.

02. Don't drink plastic bottled drinks.

Office workers inevitably like to take a lunch break or go to work in the morning.

Pass by the convenience store and buy yourself a drink.

Pass by Starbucks and buy yourself a cup of iced American coffee.

A small act of refreshing or rewarding yourself.

It will actually bring more plastic waste to the earth.

Bring your own thermos or other recyclable cups to buy drinks

The problem can be solved perfectly.

03. Use stainless steel lunch box or cloth bag when you bring your own lunch box.

Now that we have chosen to bring our own lunch box.

Be careful when packing a box lunch.

If you use plastic bags to pack

If all previous efforts are wasted, a lot of plastic waste will still be produced.

Use a net bag or cloth bag, which is also sturdy and more environmentally friendly.

04. Use baking soda as a detergent

The problem with bringing your own lunch box is that you need to wash your own lunch box.

Many people prepare a small bottle of detergent.

But many people forget that many detergents are in plastic bottles.

Go to work every day, daily consumption, resulting in the amount of plastic waste is not to be underestimated.

Baking soda is a magical substitute.

Pack a small can of baking soda and put it in the office.

Simply don't be too convenient for environmental protection.

05. Stereotyped products using metal or glass products

Be sure to pack yourself up before you go to work every day!

Whether it's a girl or a boy.

Tidying up has become an essential step before going out every day.

And many of our commonly used hair styling products are packaged with plastic products.

It's really bald.

Why not replace it with a metal or glass shell?

Although you have to take it lightly, it is worth it to protect the environment.

06. Choose environmentally friendly packaged food

It is inevitable to work overtime, and it is inevitable to work overtime and eat overtime.

Under such circumstances

The sandwiches most commonly used to satisfy hunger are convenience store sandwiches.

When choosing sandwiches and rice balls

Put down the plastic package and buy the paper package or the part sold over the counter

It would be a better and greener decision.

07. Avoid buying plastic clothes

Now many companies do not have a fixed dress code.

Many office workers who pursue individuality have become popular to buy plastic laser clothes.

I feel resistant to wind and rain and personality.

Forgot to update their clothes.

Laser clothing will bring immeasurable degradation pressure to the environment.

Do not buy plastic clothes!

Don't let fashion bring problems to environmental protection!

08. Avoid buying plastic office supplies

Office supplies such as covers, folders, clips, etc.

Many of them are made of plastic.

Discarding and updating of office supplies

Plastic rubbish is being made anytime and anywhere.

Looking at the increasing rate of return to work.

The pendulum still can't help suggesting that everyone

Let's use metal products and paper products.

09. Things are broken, try to repair them first.

This little piece of advice doesn't sound like it has much to do with War Plastics.

Actually, it's full of connections.

Now too many necessities contain plastic products.

From the edge of the desk to the pen lid of the signature pen.

If it breaks a little bit, change it immediately.

I don't know how much plastic waste will be made.

Repair first, do not give up, can be used for a long time, rest assured.


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