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Dream or Prophecy?

By Sandra Doughty (.MS GYPSY)Published about a year ago 3 min read

I was standing in what could possibly be, the core of the earth. I was amazed at what I was seeing. A massive contrivance set into place, for unexplained reasons. It set upon a track lit up for as far as I could see, for reasons unexplained to me. I looked around this very well built laboratory but it was if the place was abandoned, how?- when this machine was running. The machine was moving so fast, it had to be at the speed of light. I was feeling intense vibrations throughout my body, that track had to be endless for it to go that fast. I felt the Earth shifting, fear swept in and I suddenly knew that this couldn't be good. What was constrained has been disrupted. This bullet looking machine came flying back again, still moving in one direction; "but moving even faster". I see no purpose at all, the earth started shaking furiously; "like it was very angry" I was then taken to the surface, and I fell to my knees in dismay. This monster interrupted the the cycle of the Earth's rotation. Why would these intelligent scientist chance destroying the Earth and the population of every living being?. Upsetting the balance of the Universe as a whole. Doing everything against what you were trying to convince the world what you were doing was safe for society. When in fact you really didn't know how it would turn out. You can hide but no one can run from this, not even the smartest can fix this. Creating an extreme change in our weather. I see famines, and unwavering violence. The Earth was knocked off course, putting the entire Universe into displacement, from a single missed stroke of the pendulum, angering all the mighty powers that were "sleeping peacefully.'' I was terrified seeing the turmoil bursting out; "like bombs exploding simultaneously. The entire world was erupting with fierce fires spreading with rolling Lava surrounding me, endless chaos is all that remained. the untouchable Devine Powers sustaining perfect balance; "since Creation" keeping humankind knowing" have been vibrated off course. Unable to reach our place in time; stopping the true knowledge that has kept our only purpose that being "watchmen of our planet and keeping all in time". My thoughts turned to the People worried about the environment as I looked at all the oil shooting up from where this all started, those same people with greed and selfish desires for power. Put our heavenly Body off course into outer space, the only direction was to be blown up to smithereens in the "now sooner" end. Never can turn the clock back; This thing has shifted our very equilibrium into the unknown, making us the target, from disturbing all that gets in our path. Hated; "like the black sheep of the family"; never welcome back. I fall to the ground and began to cry- but told to stop. ''Its to late for tears'. All this for a machine in our earth that at the speed of light,- travels in one direction; "Why"?-It's not clear. But i got my answer. They need to know that all particles vibrate alternately in opposite directions. I then was carried above the Earth by a force I could not see, suddenly i started plummeting back down, feeling like I was also traveling at the speed of light. Suddenly I was awaken; - in flight by a very loud explosion. It looked like massive letters and numbers. I was shocked! Now what is this?- I shouted! Please don't say... "This is the Final " Devine Message".


About the Creator

Sandra Doughty (.MS GYPSY)

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  • Candice Dumasabout a year ago

    I can’t wait until you post more!

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