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By Darius Cherry

By Darius CherryPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
"If you burn a bridge you better know how to fly"

Coast To Coast

By, Darius Cherry

1. Denver,CO

This will be a first for me to turn away from something not all car related. I will start off by saying this story was inspired by a great person I know. They will teach you a thing about life but they taught me how to move on appropriately. Something people need to learn nowadays. I understand you should focus on you and the right energy will come but, that's why we live on this big round thing called earth and you can travel it. There is still some car related material in here, but this article is mostly about traveling from the east coast to the west coast of the USA. We will start with Denver, Colorado, the first state I moved to emotionally. I say emotionally because this was a move not by choice, I am from the Northern Part of Virginia or as people in my generation from that area call it NOVA. In my years from 20-23 I had my first car and had a very rebellious attitude, I was misunderstood but it led to poor choices. Which led to lawyers clearing my record so I can have another life and that life was started with someone who I thought was my soulmate with a lifestyle in a state with the prettiest weather you have ever seen. I was driven out of the state of Virginia due to the disagreements I kept having with my family and other trouble. I do want to chase my dreams but people were trying to parent me when they weren’t happy with their own life. That wasn’t family either, it was ex-friends to just people who claim to know it all. If it hasn’t occurred to you I do not like authority or you thinking you have a PHD and everything. It led me to reconnecting with this girl who now is no longer even talking with me but it's okay she's alive. We decided to drive to Colorado where she was already residing but we ended up getting an apartment together. I learned though just because you know someone since kindergarten doesn’t mean they care about you.... Denver taught me a lot though when I was out there, I lost my first car out there. I learned that being at a high altitude in the morning is a funny feeling. One thing I love to do when I travel or go anywhere new is to eat and try different foods. Denver has beautiful foods. Overall if I did not rush my emotions I would have stayed in Colorado it's okay everything happens for a reason, I know there are no cars in this part that is what Washington State is for.

2. Washington State

The explanation to Washington State is in my last article “Breaking Point.” That was not how I got there though I got there without a car but actually already with a job. I transferred from a kitchen in Virginia when I had moved back from Colorado, it was a great company but toxic values. I guess that is any job nowadays. I learned what great food was though I guess it is because I was cooking, oh well go figure. I met great people and not so great people, mostly not so great people. I had a lot of fun though, so much fun it led to what I remembered about what I enjoyed in life. I didn’t say a specific city in Washington because I ended up buying a car in Washington and drove from city to city on a car culture journey, I lived with roommates. I can tell you right now people live by themselves or married with a family because living with other people will make you crazy. Everyone I lived with was crazy, unstable and destructive, basically me in the mirror but without a purpose in life or had a purpose and didn’t care about the others' purpose. I did meet a few people that I didn't live with that looked out for me. One Person I did meet and lived with I still stay in contact with, I honestly do not know why. They are the one supposed to be editing this article but this person leaves me hollow from time to time in a good way though. They led me to Phoenix, Arizona which is next, which is also how I learned to move on appropriately. I told you in the beginning this person is great and nope not my soulmate from Denver but the woman from Phoenix had major potential but I was taught to move on appropriately so I did and let her do her thing.

3.Phoenix, Arizona

I see a happy ending here actually, people say it's too hot but I believe they have no drive in life. The food here is beyond amazing, I can go anywhere and not be disappointed. The car culture here is overwhelming like it's everywhere so I have what I need here to keep me sane. The people are great but I guess that is because I live by myself now but I still meet irritating people. It's okay this state is so huge I can settle somewhere where it can take a few hours to come see me. The scenery is nice here. I can say that there is not one day I can not wake up and I won’t see a mountain or go on a hike and watch the most beautiful sunrise. The person who suggested it was right about this place. That person is a Gift from God though, I say that because that person taught me traveling can be inspiring. I recommend it as you can see it taught me life lessons and gave me a place to call home. I understand not everyone can do it but atleast try. I know it seems I do things alone but I do wish in the next travel adventure I have someone to call mine but that might be the next life lesson.


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Darius Cherry

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Track and Car enthusiast

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    Darius CherryWritten by Darius Cherry

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