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Are we the only ones in the universe?

How true is it?

By Winnie MusyokiPublished 11 months ago 9 min read
Are we the only ones in the universe?
Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

We've all pondered the question: "Are we the only ones in this vast universe?" Despite our constant technological advancements and expanding knowledge, we are yet to obtain a definitive answer. However, there are two widely recognized and compelling indications of potential extraterrestrial life: the famous "Wow!" signal and the enigmatic phenomenon known as the Black Knight. As I have discussed these in previous videos, let's explore five additional compelling pieces of evidence that some argue as proof or strong indications that humanity shares the cosmos with other intelligent beings.

The connection between ancient Egypt and extraterrestrial beings has been a topic of extensive discussion. We are all familiar with the speculation surrounding possible alien involvement in the design and construction of Egyptian pyramids. However, regardless of whether one subscribes to this theory or not, there is a particular aspect that people often point to as strong evidence of ancient extraterrestrial visitation: the Egyptian hieroglyphics. These are symbolic characters that form a form of writing, and among the intriguing hieroglyphics discovered, one stands out as having potential links to extraterrestrials—the so-called "Abidos helicopter." This hieroglyphic carving, believed to be two to three thousand years old, was found in an ancient temple constructed by Seti the First and his son Ramses II in Abidos, Egypt. Now, when you examine it closely, what is the first thing that catches your attention?

Undoubtedly, the resemblance to a helicopter, boat or yacht, and a futuristic ship or glider in the Abidos hieroglyphic carving is striking. However, it has been widely argued that this interpretation is merely a result of accidental illusion caused by overlapping hieroglyphics and the use of plaster to replace the underlying writing on the stone slab that supported the ceiling. After being studied, this explanation gained traction and the matter was largely set aside, ceasing further discussion.

Nevertheless, a few researchers believe that there is more to this particular hieroglyphic carving. They contend that if the ancient Egyptians intended to overlap existing writing, they would have simply replaced the limestone block altogether. According to their perspective, the hieroglyphics would have been engraved on the ground and then elevated into position. Therefore, if any changes were needed, the researchers argue that the Egyptians could have easily replaced the entire block without the need for replastering.

There are individuals who firmly reject the notion that the Abidos hieroglyphics have any connection to ancient technology. Their argument revolves around the absence of substantial evidence beyond a solitary inscription. They posit that if vehicles like the ones believed to be depicted truly existed, there would be a plethora of additional supporting evidence.

Now, let's shift our attention to astronauts. It is undeniably captivating when astronauts engage in discussions about the existence of aliens. After all, if anyone has a heightened chance of encountering extraterrestrial phenomena, it would be those brave souls who venture into space. Rumors suggest that astronauts are prohibited from disclosing UFO or extraterrestrial sightings to the media. However, such restrictions have not deterred them from sharing their encounters over the years, and numerous astronauts have come forward with stories of their experiences with beings from other worlds.

In June 1965, astronauts Ed White and James McDivitt claimed to have witnessed a peculiar metallic object with long arms protruding from it while passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft. McDivitt attempted to capture the object in photographs, but the glare and dirty window hindered an accurate depiction. There are rumors that he also recorded a video, although it has never been released. McDivitt has acknowledged that some UFO enthusiasts exaggerated the story, but skeptics also downplayed its significance.

Another sighting involving astronauts took place in December of the same year when Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman spotted an unidentified spacecraft at a distance from their capsule. The Gemini control center attributed the sighting to the final stage of their own booster rocket, but Borman confirmed that he could distinguish between the booster rocket and the unidentified object, emphasizing their dissimilarity. However, the nature of the unidentified object remains a mystery.

Now, regardless of whether you believe the moon landing by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong was a hoax or not, both astronauts apparently reported encountering alien presence on the moon and were allegedly instructed to leave and refrain from returning. According to unverified reports, both Neil and Buzz claimed to have witnessed UFOs shortly after landing on the moon on July 21, 1969.

According to Otto Binder, a former NASA employee, undisclosed amateur radio operators with their own VHF receiving equipment, bypassing NASA's official broadcasting outlets, intercepted and shared the following transmissions:

"What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know. What's there? These babies are huge, sir. Enormous! Oh my God, you wouldn't believe it. I'm telling you, there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge. They're on the moon, watching us."

According to Neil Armstrong, a former naval officer and Russian UFO researcher, he relayed a message to mission control stating that two large mysterious objects were observing them after their moon landing. However, the message was allegedly censored and never made public.

The notion of NASA concealing information from the public has led many to believe that the organization possesses knowledge about the existence of alien life. One notable case of a NASA cover-up involves Dr. Edgar Mitchell, who was part of the Apollo 14 space mission in 1971. During his two lunar missions, which totaled 33 hours on the moon, Dr. Mitchell claimed to be aware of multiple UFO visits that were subsequently suppressed. According to his accounts, NASA personnel described the aliens as small beings with an unusual appearance. Dr. Mitchell asserted that their technology far surpasses ours and speculated that if they were hostile, humanity would not have survived.

Furthermore, Dr. Mitchell alleged that the infamous Roswell UFO crash of 1947 was indeed real, and its cover-up was motivated by the United States' desire to withhold the craft's advanced technology from the Soviet Union. Additionally, the US government was uncertain about the intentions of the apparent extraterrestrial being involved in the incident.

Regarding these claims, NASA officials have responded by stating, "NASA does not track UFOs and is not involved in any sort of cover-up concerning alien life on Earth or anywhere else in the universe."

While Dr. Mitchell holds strong convictions regarding the reality of aliens and alien craft, it's important to note that we do not share his opinions on this matter. Despite his claims that we are currently being watched, we maintain a different stance on the issue.

In more recent times, people have drawn attention to instances where the HD live feed from the International Space Station (ISS) is allegedly cut when objects are spotted in space. In 2014, NASA purportedly interrupted the live feed from the Earth-viewing cameras mounted on the space station just as a mysterious UFO appeared to hover over the Earth. UFO enthusiasts argue that these cut-offs in the live feeds, coinciding with the sighting of UFOs, are a deliberate attempt to conceal what they believe are regular observations of alien spacecraft observing our planet. Some individuals attribute these sightings to the moon or lens flares, while others firmly believe they indicate the presence of extraterrestrial craft.

Furthermore, a UFO enthusiast named Toby Lund claimed to have spotted a UFO on the live stream outside the space station moments before the feed was interrupted for approximately 15 seconds. The fact that NASA repeatedly cuts the video during such occurrences is undoubtedly peculiar. It could be attributed to technical difficulties, but some speculate that NASA may possess undisclosed knowledge.

Moving on to the vastness of our universe, even those who remain skeptical of UFO or alien photos and videos often acknowledge the high likelihood of other life forms existing due to the sheer enormity of the cosmos. Understanding why people argue that alien life must exist requires grasping the immense scale of the universe. The observable universe is estimated to have a diameter of approximately 28 billion parsecs, which is roughly equivalent to 93 billion light-years. A single light-year measures nearly 6 trillion miles, an astronomical figure. When you multiply 6 trillion by 93 billion, you begin to appreciate the immensity we are dealing with. It's worth noting that this calculation pertains only to what we can currently observe, and it's not a limitation of our technology, but rather a matter of life from other celestial bodies not having had sufficient time to reach Earth since the expansion of the cosmos began.

In line with this, astronomers at the University of Auckland propose that there could be around 50 sextillion planets within the observable universe. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether you believe that out of those 50 sextillion planets, only one is capable of harboring any form of life.

Some individuals speculate that civilizations exist on Earth-like planets alongside us, while others entertain the idea that we might be the equivalent of bacteria to another life form. When combined with the concept of infinite or multi-dimensions, it takes our understanding to a whole new level. Whether one believes in these theories or not, there is no denying the incredible nature of the universe, which has left us with numerous unanswered questions.

Now, let's turn our attention to the Men in Black. While their existence is often associated with the notion of government cover-ups, they deserve a discussion of their own. The Men in Black are believed to be government agents who allegedly intimidate or threaten UFO and alien witnesses to ensure their silence about what they have observed. Over the years, numerous myths and speculations have circulated about them, and their actual existence remains a mystery. However, if they do exist, many argue that it suggests the presence of something beyond our knowledge, which the government is keen on keeping hidden.

While confirmation of their existence is elusive, there are countless reports from individuals who claim to have encountered Men in Black. One such account comes from Dr. Herbert Hopkins, a respected family physician from Old Orchard Beach, Maine. In September 1976, while studying a UFO case, he received a phone call from a man identifying himself as a representative of a UFO organization from New Jersey. The man requested a meeting at Dr. Hopkins' house to discuss the UFO case. Astonishingly, when Dr. Hopkins got up from his chair to turn on the lights after the call ended, he found the man already inside his house, ascending the stairs. Dr. Hopkins was taken aback by how the man had entered the house without knocking in such a short span of time. Even more unsettling was the man's peculiar appearance. Dr. Hopkins described him as wearing a neatly tailored black suit, black shoes, black socks, a white shirt with a black tie, and a black hat. He further mentioned that the man was completely bald, without eyebrows or eyelashes. Dr. Hopkins noted that he could tell the man was wearing lipstick, as there was a smear of red on his glove when he wiped his mouth. The man spoke in a passive, mechanical tone, and they proceeded to discuss the UFO case. Strangely, the man eventually ordered Dr. Hopkins to destroy all the evidence he had gathered regarding the case. Then, in a slow and deliberate manner, the man stated that his energy was running low, bid farewell, and descended the stairs, disappearing from sight. Dr. Hopkins was left terrified and bewildered, with no explanation for the events of that night.

It is important to note that accounts like Dr. Hopkins' remain in the realm of personal anecdotes, and the existence of the Men in Black has not been officially confirmed.

A particularly intriguing incident took place on October 14, 2009, when two witnesses claimed to have observed an unknown triangular aerial object outside a hotel. This sighting prompted the opening of a UFO case file. Several weeks later, two unidentified individuals fitting the description of Men in Black visited the same hotel in search of the witnesses. Unfortunately, the witnesses were not present at the time. As a result, the Men in Black allegedly harassed the hotel staff for approximately 30 minutes before eventually departing. According to accounts from those who interacted with these individuals, they were completely bald, lacking eyebrows or eyelashes. Additionally, they were said to have unusually large eyes that did not blink once throughout the conversation.

As is often the case with such incidents, there is no concrete evidence to confirm or debunk the video footage and reports. The authenticity of the event and the existence of the Men in Black remain uncertain, leaving room for speculation and debate.


About the Creator

Winnie Musyoki

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